Do you believe that addiction is a desease or not? I do not believe it
because of neuroplasticty, you can control weather you take a drink or do
line or whatever. You can stop or good if you choose in a week, like I did.
Addiction is a choice. Who agrees with me or not?
I've had a major A.B.I. from a really bad car accident, and what helps the
best is Lumosisy, Learning Guitar, N.E.T. (Neuro Emotional Technique) &
N.I.S. (Neurological Integration System) for emotions, oh and brush your
teeth with your opposite hand :)
This is a 3 minute exercise and stretching routine that is great for addressing the posture issues that can be caused by Parkinson's Disease. It was inspired by ...
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Ejercicios de Respiración: Relieve Anxiety and Depression with Simple Breathing Exercises
Técnicas sencillas para liberar el estrés. La respiración de universalidad y la respiración de la fuerza interior puede aliviar la ansiedad. Deben sentirse más ...