SBS-Zertifikat installieren [Windows Small Business Server 2011 Standard und Essentials]
// Dieses Video ist ein Auszug aus Thomas Joos' neuem Video-Training „Windows Small Business Server 2011 ...
I spent today working on our server which has Small Business Server (SBS) 2011. I've had problems with the Exchange Server Management Consolde (EMC) ...
Hi Chad, It's not actually that much of a disaster as it might look. There
are few boxes and few cables, contrary to how it looks, and I know which
cable is going where as well as what each box does. So, It actually isn't
that hard. However, the problem I had initially was the new telco equipment
the telco company brought in because they installed those boxes and service
those boxes. So, I had to troubleshoot around those. That was the most
difficult part. Good news though, I got it working!
What I found the problem to be was a Microsoft service patch that I had
installed about a year ago that was causing the current server problem!
Once I was able to identify the problem was from that, I was able to
uninstall that particular update and then re-ran the connection wizard, and
voila, it was working! But, in the meantime, I missed out on Easter with my
family. It was bittersweet to say the least.
Yeah my dads known people who have sent the form in but the police took so
long they were overdue by a month! All the police said when they rang was
'don't worry about it' easy for them to say! On a sidenote i have my
shotgun registered in my dads cabinet, if i got my own cabinet and wanted
to register it there but have several years before the certificate runs out
do you think it would be a big hassle to sort out?
For that gun you will need a firearms certificate .. the application is
much the same as for a shotgun certificate .. you must have a good reason
as to wanting to own a firearm .. if you are going to use it just for
target shooting then you must be a full member of a target shooting club ..
also you will need two countersignatures
Sorry to go slightly off topic. I'm looking at getting an FAC rated Air
Arms air rifle. Do you know if it's any more complex or more difficult to
obtain a licence for one of these given that it's classed as a firearm?
Would really appreciate your advice. Cheers! Excellent videos by the way! :)
Thanks for the reply, that's very helpful! :) I live just up the road from
you in Henllan. Would be good to meet up for a chat about hunting etc if
you're free sometime. You can P.M. me if you like. Cheers and keep the
videos coming they're very entertaining and informative.
I renewed my SGC last year. Send the form off and got the new cert back in
less than a week. They didn't even want to check my cabinet or anything.
Mind you it was checked earlier for the FAC renewal so maybe that speeded
things up. Sandy
If you want to get a cabinet before your SC expires give your local police
firearms dept a ring to inform them of the different storage arrangements
so they can arrange a check
You mean i should wait until my license needs to be renewed before
registering my new cabinet? Or they would trust me to use my own unchecked
cabinet until my license renewal?
that was fast, guy i know sent his renewal off 3 months before his licence
expired and did't get his renewed licence until his old one was well past
the expirey date.