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Trinity western v. bc college of teachers Videos

What Can Catholics Learn from Evangelicals? Dr. Robert Stackpole, February 4, 2016

A public lecture with Dr Robert Stackpole, director of the John Paul II Institute of Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, Massachusetts. This lecture is presented by the ...

NIC Women's Basketball vs Trinity Western

It's always a team game, but enjoy the career-high 35 point night of Kara Staggs.

Protest of Trinity Western University's possible law school accreditation

Lawyers and queer activists demonstrated in front of The Upper Canada Law Society to protest the possible accreditation of a Trinity Western University law ...

User Comments

What will happen when graduates of this Liberty University North get into positions of power? It's all sweetness & light right now but in the not too distant future the Christian Reconstructionist agenda of this fanatical institution will become readily apparent. Check out their core values document: //www.twu.ca/about/values/obey-scripture.html
No they're not brainwashed. And it's a free country bud. Get over it and stop whining :D
These people have been brainwashed & have no free will to begin with. Furthermore they want to bring their brand theocratic nonsense to a government near you. No thanks!
So it shouldn't be a credited school because you don't want people with the free will to think and create opinions because they might get into power? And if they do get into power. ITS BECAUSE PEOPLE VOTED FOR THEM! It's called democracy and freedom.
My understanding is that the Supreme Court actually sided with TWU on this exact basis back in 2001. The BC government was refusing to accept TWU graduate Teachers on the grounds that this covenant discriminated against LGBT. 
I guess shopping centers are discriminating against thieves too when they say shoplifting will not be tolerated. Where DOES one draw the line? God says love and accept the sinner but NOT the sin. Now the world is attempting to say accept the sin TOO or else...
The day has come in Canada that a Bible believing Christian cannot simply view homosexuality as a sin and that Christ has offered us all an opportunity to be forgiven for sins. No Christian minister that I know of as ever called for the death of gays, the beating of gays, etc etc....But yet just some months ago, a muslim imam in Ontario called for the death of gays and that they should be stoned to death. Where were the gays, lawyers and left wingers on that one?
+Stiritup  I gave you an earlier example of Christ changing the punishment of sin....Christ prayed with and forgave an adultress woman. He did not have her stoned to death Old Testament punishment for such a sin says so. Would you prefer that He did go along with the crowd and had her stoned? Would you prefer that He taught His followers to continue harsh punishments?Christ never wrote off the old laws. Sins are still sins, it's simply the punishment of sin changed. Christ offered humanity a new way, a new covenant and a chance before judgement day to anyone who truly seeks of it.I'm no Bible scholar, but I'm quite sure you're wrong and way off the mark.
+LongDrivesAtNightBut Christianity's foundation is based on the old testament being the direct word of God. How can you dismiss it's teachings for an edited version written by mortal men? Sounds a little convenient to just write off the laws of your old testament because it's easier than opening your eyes and seeing the flaws of your man made cult.
+Stiritup  Old testament law does say that. But that is not commanding Christians to do so. Christ changed the punishment of sin by offering grace, mercy, forgiveness and salvation. Christ was God's new covenant for humanity. One example...adultery was also punishable by death in the Old Testament. When an adultress woman was brought before Christ, he prayed with her and forgave her.Probably best you learn some Christian theology before making remarks like that again.
+LongDrivesAtNight "No Christian minister that I know of as ever called for the death of gays, the beating of gays, etc etc...." No, but your bible does.

TWU on Trial - Full Episode: 1416

No sooner were plans announced for a Christian Law School in B.C.- then the debate began: in courts of law, and of public opinion. Gone are the days when ...

User Comments

......wow, some HEAVY DUTY debate going on here,, good to see, very good....ihave followed this TWU story for a few months now, thanks to my membership w// CHP...chp.ca....ok here we go, my 2cents worth here, we now have a lot of ISSUES facing people now adays....as from our FARMING methods..organic vs GMOseeds, restoring NATURE w// FIRE, PUBLICschool vs homeshools etc../// vaccines or chemo etc vs naturel cures./ cancer truth net.....etc etc...ther r many concerns that people have today, an they should SPEAK UP more about important issues....

Aristotle's Influence - Classical Wisdom Weekly

How did Aristotle influence the western world? How does his way of thinking effect us today? Classical Wisdom Weekly talks to Ancient Greek Expert, Eric Salem ...

Trinity Law School - Marvin Olasky: Christian Thinkers

Recently Marvin Olasky, editor in chief of WORLD Magazine, visited Trinity Law School for a question and answer period. In this clip Dr. Olasky discusses the ...

PERA College Vancouver 2012

PERA College is a high quality school of language and fine arts in the beautiful city of Vancouver, British Columbia. PERA College provides a unique learning ...

Attacca Quartet plays Haydn Op. 1 no. 3 -- Second Movement

Live recording at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, New York City, October 6, 2011. First Prize winners of the 7th Osaka International Chamber Music Competition in ...

Teacher in Vancouver making some sort of magic

Teacher in Vancouver making some sort of magic. LSC's International Business English advanced level. July, 2006.
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