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Norman oklahoma births Videos

A midwife with 5000 births did not lose a single baby


I've often thought that buried deep within the human genome there is a gene that compels us to quantify and categorize our experiences. To the degree that it ...

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Reminds me of "Pas de deux" by Norman McLaren.
Very freakin' cool, John.
really cool

Copenhagen Zoo 12/ - Asian Elephants 1/ - Indoors

As seen through the lens of my old Canon Cam Copenhagen Zoo 12/ - Asian Elephants - Indoors Outdoors videos, for later! These elephants have large and ...

User Comments

Que bonitos querido Mo! pero da un poco de pena verlos en tan poco espacio, no? parece como si estuviesen muy aburridos los pobres :( quizás es efecto del video, y por algún lado pueden ir a un espacio más grande? muchas gracias y diviertete en tu viaje besitos Amalia
+MoLahBel4 Vale wapo! ya me dejas más tranquila ;)besitoooooosAmalia
+Jane Burden Morris Como he dicho a nuestra Consuelo, entiendo bien vuestra reacción. Pero me parece un poco sentimentale creer que se aburren, mi Wapa wapisisisisisisima. Son creaturas que pasan 20 horas de las 24 comiento, masticando hojas, ramas de arboles, heno eccc...Este espacio es más largo que paraece. Es que utiliso el zoom, y hay distorciones opticas que dan esta vision de tan poco espacio. Este precinto es 4 a 5 veces mas largo que lo que les fue consagrado hay 10 años. Y, como digo en la intro, han un gran espacio, fuera, donde pasan su tiempo comiendo, nadando, jugando, caminando kilometros cada dia, haciendo igual que en el estado salvage! Veras en otro video, en pocas semanas! Paciencia, mi Wapa. Mientras tanto, gracias, y besisisisisisisisisisimos y abrazamononononos!Cheers!Mo
That was amazing thumbs up!
+Zee Dot Thanks, Zee, for your visit and comment. I agree with you, elephants are amazing!Cheers!Mo
De belles prises de vue Mo . je trouvais que l'espace qui était consacré à ces éléphants d'Asie était restreint mais tu précises qu'ils peuvent s'ébattre à l'extérieur . Merci pour tes nombreuses informations . Passe un bon week-end . Toute mon amitié Claire
+clairelille Merci, ma chère Claire, de ta visite et de ton commentaire. L'intérieur que tu vois ici est plutôt plus large et plus long. Un peu de distortion optique à cause de la vidéo. En plus, cet intérieur est 4 ou 5 fois plus grand que celui qui leur était consacré, jusqu'à il y a une dizaine d'années. Vers 1:15 on distinque un peu le toit pyramidal de l'ancien bâtiment à travers les vitres de ce toit-ci. On le garde, protégé par la loi, comme vestige historique, du style néo-classique.Faut pas non-plus oublier que ces créatures, à l'état sauvage, passent une vingtaine d'heures par jour à fourrager, et constamment en mouvement. C'est aussi, un peu, ce qu'ils font ici, ainsi qu'à l'extérieur. Bises et re.Cheers!Mo
Beautiful music and video! I subbed again because youtube un-subbed :-)
+MoLahBel4 (✿◠‿◠) 
+Danai Moraiti Thank you, my beautiful friend. I forgive you!!!!! Now you can relax and be happy!!!!!. Just keep on smiling!!!! I like that! NO; Dear Danai, things happen with YT/G+, and we can only wish that our friends do no get offended, as this is not the space to be. Let's enjoy the music and the videos that we like! Don't worry! Be happy!Cheers!Mo
Aww, I find them so bored and dismissive. What is that that hangs from chains? is it food?.. I like the elephant that filmed them, though. Big hug, Mo and a great weekend, cheers!
+Consuelo Larralde Mi onlisisisisisisisima Consuelo! Beautifulisisisisisima así que sentimentalisisisisisima! Olvides obviamente que nuestro amigos, en su tierra, à l'estado salvage, no hacen otro que comer y comer 20 horas de las 24. No se dejen aburrir como lo crees, mi wonderfulisisisisima! And be patient, a few weeks, and I'll show you their outdoor facilities where they do the same, foraging, foraging on grass, tree branches, hay, etc...20/24.Hugs and more to you too!Cheers!Mo

Minnesota Bound Bald Eagle Family - 237 pm - Sweet Lett is moving trying to free itself

This sweet baby chick is very sick its right side of its body appears weakened or perhaps stuck in the floor of the nest. The chick moves frequently trying to free ...

Chronic Heartburn Could Be Sign Of GERD

If you're taking heartburn medication more than twice a week, it could be symptomatic of a more serious condition. Eyewitness News 5's Maggie Carlo has the ...

Cannot Be a Transgender Christian

Being transgender and Christian is possible, but it is not possible to continue living that way if we know Jesus. It is impossible to inherit the kingdom of God if we ...

User Comments

just pray for them man. you dont know what happened to them in the past to cause them to want to make the bold decision. I cant stand it when ignorant christians call homosexual faggots and other words. Yes, we know its not genetic, and they will argue with us to the end. But God doesnt care what color your hair is, what tats you have on your body, or even something as destructive as what they do. But he will ALWAYS accept you, we need to help them find LORD. Kill them with kindness, not hate. There are so many ex gay testimonies out there! so SO many. God is waking people up. This is our time. praise Jesus!!!
Yes, God loves us right where we are and extends His hand to us wherever that may be. I do not understand your comment in admonishing me to stop hating and using a judgmental condemning attitude in addressing this issue. I do not hate anybody and have not communicated bigotry on any level. I am a man who has struggled deeply with this same issue and I am continuing to find healing in Christ.
I'm transgender and Christian. I've faced a lot of hate from people like you, threats and physical violence, and it's because of things like this. You think that you can "fix" us when it's really just an intent to rid the world of something you don't understand.
+Stevie Martin I am also a saris/eunuch, I have a very intimate relationship with God. "Transgender" peoples are actually intersoul children of creation, among the eunuchs. 1 Corinthians 15:44, my natural body is male, my spiritual body is female. God spoke to me in a dream and said, "Child, listen, you are male and female, though you were born in a male flesh, your soul is female, so when you die you shall rise female. You are beautiful just the way you are..." I have been persecuted like this by many because of my creation. The world is carnal and man judges by outward appearance but they see not the soul and the spiritual essence of our beings as God sees us, that is why "trans" is so hard to understand. One is not changing over to something, they are becoming more in harmony with their internal and eternal beings, but many "trans" are not aware of these things. We are saris. These are things God has taught me personally to share.
+Stevie Martin I feel the exact same way as you do Stevie! I always go to the verse that says "For I am fearfully and wonderfully made" :)
+GraceByWhichIStand I believe he puts us on certain paths for a reason and it is our job to follow his plan for us. God doesn't make mistakes. He made me transgender for a reason and I'm going to follow that plan.
I understand that God created me a man, and most of my life I've been compelled to assume a female identity. I understand that those desires are not of God, but I'm not alone in needing His help to walk away from things that have consumed me. We all need His help to be who He created us to be.
I believe you have not really thought this through.Transition not difficult? It can lead to suicidal tendencies,I notice you don`t spend time commenting upon the trans haters.Its not about deeds of the flesh,its about being born hormonally genetically female in a male body or vice-versa and trying to cope with that. Also,Jesus Himself said "anyone who decides to become an eunuch,or is made that way by men,or is born that way, is welcome in My Kingdom." See MATTHEW 19 v. 12. It also says anyone who can accept it(like me) should.Implying there are people like you who can`t. And he was talking to Christians here or anyone else. An eunuch,like the modern male-female trans person,underwent castration and lived in a female environment.If you have ears to hear,then hear.
+GraceByWhichIStand He isn`t talking about marriage,as he said "some are born that way", but no one is born always inclined to marry,we are born with a choice.Also,it says,"some are made eunuchs by men",again, no one is compelled by others to marry,it`s a free choice. So you must be wrong.
Regarding eunuch-hood. Jesus is teaching about marriage in that passage. The verses immediately preceding His teaching regarding becoming a eunuch for the Kingdom’s sake says are about marriage and just how difficult it is: “His disciples said to Him, "If such is the case of the man with his wife, it is better not to marry." (Mark 19:10) But He said to them, "All cannot accept this saying, but only those to whom it has been given.Please compare Jesus’ teaching with Paul’s:For I wish that all men were even as I myself. But each one has his own gift from God, one in this manner and another in that. But I say to the unmarried and to the widows: It is good for them if they remain even as I am; but if they cannot exercise self-control, let them marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion. (1 Corinthians 7:7-9) But I want you to be without care. He who is unmarried cares for the things of the Lord—how he may please the Lord. But he who is married cares about the things of the world—how he may please his wife. (1 Corinthians 7:32-33) Are you bound to a wife? Do not seek to be loosed. Are you loosed from a wife? Do not seek a wife. But even if you do marry, you have not sinned; and if a virgin marries, she has not sinned. Nevertheless such will have trouble in the flesh, but I would spare you. (1 Corinthians 7:27-28).Paul teaches us, “Be without care, serve the Lord and not this world; Nevertheless, to those who marry, such will have trouble in the flesh.”Paul is one who could accept the saying you reference. I believe Paul was one of those called to a life of singleness and celibacy—a eunuch unto the Lord:Do not deprive one another except with consent for a time, that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again so that Satan does not tempt you because of your lack of self-control. But I say this as a concession, not as a commandment. For I wish that all men were even as I myself. But each one has his own gift from God, one in this manner and another in that. (I Cor. 7:5-7).We are not all gifted as Paul was; I am not one who can receive Jesus’ teaching regarding being a eunuch unto the Lord.I am a man that takes the Bible quite literally, but in coming to understand what the Lord is saying, we must consider marriage as central to Him mentioning this cryptic saying on eunuchs. Marriage was the thing that He sought to illuminate, and it aligns with the full counsel of His Word. I understand the transgender issue as one who has wrestled with it for the past 18 years. I hope to better teach on just how out of step the transgender deception is with the Bible in the future.A final thought. Consider Mark 9:43-47. Should I then also chop of my hand, foot, or pluck out my eye? Jesus again uses hyperbole to accomplishes a very similar purpose in communicating an absolute principle and truth of the Kingdom.
It is NOT a choice to be transgender. Really...it's not. 
+GraceByWhichIStand Google Dr.Diamond and the John\Joan case. Yes, a person's gender identity and their sexual orientation as well are both hard wired in the womb during pregnancy. It's also a fact that a person's gender identity and sexual orientation can not be changed by the environment and they can't be changed by the person themselves either. They can fight against what's natural for them, but that will be a fight for them every day for the rest of their lives. Straight people and cisgender people don't have to fight core parts of themselves, that are part of their brains hard wiring. Once a trans person starts transitioning and they accept that they are transgender\transsexual and that there are millions, yes millions of other trans people in the world who feel like they do the internal fighting stops. I used to fight with my gender dysphoria on a daily all the time basis, and it was horrible and disruptive to me living a happy fulfilling life. Finally accepting that I was transgender took so much of that off of me. The rest stopped when I came out to my family and friends, and I started living as a female. Starting hormone therapy was the best. It had such a positive affect on my mental psyche, and I was very comfortable with the mental and physical changes. Essentially, I'm going through a second puberty because when I was growing up transgender\transsexual people weren't very well understood and the internet didn't come around until I was like 14 or so. It was around before then but being able to afford a computer and dial-up was some time before that was doable at home. So I came out after my male puberty, luckily and yes I thank God for this all the time it didn't have much of an impact on me. I was aware that I was really a girl since 5. I only played with other girls and my pre-school teacher told my Mom that she had to make me stop only playing with girls and to get me to understand that I'm a boy. By 6 years old I was praying to God every night to some how make me a girl. Some times I would pray to be a normal boy, but I felt like if that happened I would be a different person. That who I was would be erased if I felt male as well as having male genitalia. Honestly, I felt like God had answered my prayers when I finally got the courage to come out to my Mom, family, and friends. I have a fraternal twin brother and we couldn't be more different. He's like 5'11" to 6' tall 230 lbs, and I've been 5'9" 130 lbs since 10th grade. For me transition has been great because women's clothes fit me so much better, and it is true that what a person wears does affect how they feel about themselves. For me it was great to have clothes that actually fit me. By 24 I couldn't stand it anymore and that's when I told everyone and I started my transition soon there after. In the end it didn't matter how much I was afraid of losing my friends and family, it didn't matter how much I fought with myself to be what I felt the world and my family expected me to be, in the end a person can only fight it for so long. Some fight with it longer than others like in Caitlyn Jenner's case, but in the end it always eventually wins out, and the person either gives into it, or lives a vary depressed miserable life with a very very high probability for suicide. Education about trans and gay\bi people is the only way to dramatically cut down on the suffering and the suicide rate of the LGBT community. Much of the depression comes from the way they are treated by society, hence why education is needed, so that people will learn not to fear trans or gay\bi people.
+GraceByWhichIStand What about Christians that wear mixed fabrics every day? I mean it's pretty hard to find clothing these days that's made from a single kind of material, and to say well out of convenience we are going to over look that sin. Why aren't Christians protesting football they use pig skinned leather for the ball? Why aren't Christians boycotting seafood places that serve shellfish? Why aren't Christians actively protesting divorce in the modern world? Why aren't Christians worried about inter-racial marriage? I mean thou shall not marry outside the tribe right? I mean if as a Christian you are going to worry about gays, and transgender\transsexual people, then at least be consistent with it, and follow all the rules in the Bible. When women are on their period they should not be allowed into the home. I know that's terribly inconvenient for wives, and daughters, but hey it's the word of God and if they don't live outside the home during their menstruation, then they are sinning and it would be living in sin if they never practice it. What about men who get hair cuts and shave their faces? That's also an abomination unto the Lord. The sad fact is that Christians who think that being transgender, gay, or bisexual is a choice when research lots of research over long periods of time has found otherwise. A person's gender identity is decided in the womb during pregnancy otherwise known as nature. Because genitalia develops first and the brain second this can lead to a person being born with a brain that is opposite from their genitalia, and it can also result in a person being born with a brain that is pretty evenly split between male and female. That's not an opinion it's a fact born out by a lot of research. In particular was the John\Joan case of the mid 1970's. That experiment was thought to be a success until Dr.Diamond showed that it was not. Basically, it was an experiment done to first help a family who didn't know what to do after their son's penis was burnt off because of a malfunctioning circumcision machine, and secondly this would help Dr.John Money prove his theory of gender neutrality. He believed that all babies are gender neutral for their first 2 years, and it is nurture\environment that makes them identify as a boy or a girl. In simple terms if you raise a baby boy for example in a pink room it will grow up to feel, think, and behave like every other heterosexual woman, and if he were raised in a blue room he would grow up to feel, think, and behave like any other heterosexual man. The other reason this was perfect for Dr.Money is because John\Joan had an identical twin brother that could be used as a control. So they castrated the infant boy, and told the parents to raise him as a girl and to never let him know or have doubts that he isn't just a regular girl. When Brenda that was John\Joan's name at the time was 7 years old Dr.Money published the findings of his 7 year long research and said it was a success and that gender neutrality is true. This had profoundly negative consequences because this research was being applied to intersex infants, that is new borns who have ambiguous genitalia. Another part of Dr.Money's theory is that if a boy doesn't have a proper penis this will cause significant social and personal problems down the line, and that it will cause confusion in the child as well. It's also much easier to make a vagina even today in 2015 than it is a penis, so when doctors thought that is was just a matter of how the child was raised then it was a no brainer to make the ambiguous genitalia into a vagina and raise the child as female. Well luckily their was a doctor who didn't think this was true because of experiments that they had done on pregnant rats. They injected testosterone into the pregnant rat after the genitalia had formed, and when the rats got to adulthood they behaved like male rats, male rats with vaginas. So he felt that nature had everything to do with determining a person's gender identity, which whether people realize it or not is a very important core part of how we see ourselves, and how we interact with the world. That doctor was Dr.Diamond and in 1997 he finally tracked down and got to talk with and interview John\Joan which is the name that he gave the case because Dr.Money never named it. When he met Brenda she was no longer living as a female and hadn't been living as a female since 13 to 14. She was now a he again and was going by the name David. David's story of what he went through growing us is actual very similar to what transgender\transsexual people experience as well. When Brenda got to be 13 she was super depressed and suicidal, and that's when her parents told her and her twin brother the truth. Even though Dr.Money's theory was proven wrong, it was still ground breaking. It affirmed the theory that a person's gender identity is decided by nature and is out of a person's control. That a person's gender identity is an innate part of themselves, that it's formed in the womb, that society and a person's environment can not over ride it, and that eventually a person's true gender identity will surface eventually, and that it will surface a lot sooner in a loving supportive home. In David's case he had no memories of ever being a boy, and the whole world including his parents were telling him that he was a girl, and to accept that. To accept that he would never be a man, only a woman. That one day he would get married to a strong husband, and adopt kids and be a mom. Meanwhile, on the inside David didn't feel right being a girl, and he hated it. He knew he would be happier being a boy, but he thought he was crazy and alone as do transgender\transsexual people before they find out that there are millions of people all over the world that feel the same as you do. Sadly, both twin boys committed suicide with in 1 year of each other, but their medical case did give us much knowledge on how and when gender identity is developed in a person. Transgender\transsexual people suffer from a medical condition known as gender dysphoria in today's modern medicine. The best and only was to treat it is to help the patient to transition socially to the opposite sex. It's up to the patient whether or not they want medical help in transitioning like cross sex hormone therapy, which is very commonly used to gender confirmation surgery, which is not used too often, and then also top surgery for trans men is really common. I can understand why if I were a trans man I wouldn't want breasts and possibly large nipples showing when I want to go shirtless like other guys. Many trans people though are coming out before puberty and that's great because they can use puberty delaying drugs to get a little older and have had time to live socially as a boy or girl for awhile and to feel comfortable with making the decision to continue living as a boy or girl and start HRT to start growing into men and women. The hormone therapy is super effective, and this has lead researchers to really believe that transgender\transsexual people do have brains of the opposite sex. They believe this because if their brains weren't made for say estrogen in male to females, then it would actually have negative effects on the person instead of positive ones. I know from my own experience as a trans woman on estrogen and testosterone suppressants that my mind went from feeling crappy, cloudy, anxious, and not very clear, to feeling very calm, clear headed, definitely was grateful for the reduction in sex drive because it was way too intrusive before, and I just felt happy from deep down inside myself where I had never felt that happiness before. I finally felt right, and it didn't feel weird or take any adjusting when society started to treat me as female, it just felt natural like that's how it had always been. I would rather belong to a church that accepts transgender, and gay people as they are, and a church that is focused on preaching love and understanding over condemnation and intolerance. Some churches go so far as to preach that they are enemies. The reason that is so wrong and unethical is what if parents believe that over their kids, and it causes a rift in the family. It's just so sad and tragic that the same Jesus and Christianity that I believe in is responsible directly for breaking up entire families who have transgender, gay, or bisexual people in them. It's sad because it doesn't have to be that way. All churches can preach love and understanding. From what I've read of Jesus, which is only from the Bible sadly is that he was a very understanding man, he loved and accepted everyone. As a trans woman I don't feel I am living a life of sin. I feel like if I hadn't transitioned that I would have been living a life of sin because I wouldn't have been able to fully live life as God commands. As far we know we only get 1 life and God doesn't want us suppressing perfectly natural facets of the human condition such as being gay or transgender. God cares if we are good to one another, and help each other make this 1 life better for everyone because we don't have control over how, where, and to whom we are born too. There are still places on this planet where Christianity hasn't touched and those people don't know about Jesus or the 1 God, and I don't think God or Jesus is going to hold that against them. I think they will be judged by how they lived their lives and whether or not they had the courage to do what is right. It takes a lot of courage to live your life as a trans person, or a gay\bi person. Nature loves variety and humans are still a part of nature, so again, it's only natural to have gay, bi, and transgender\transsexual people. The problem is society hates variety and will do anything to squash it and or keep it quiet.
+Jasper It is...and it isn't. It depends on the situation in question. We have people reversing their lifestyles and some wish they could reverse some surgeries.
Some of us are hemmed into that way of thinking from birth. I believe we make a choice to embrace what seems inevitably true about who we are and where we will find peace. It is not a genetic issue, however, but a spiritual one. We are not biologically wired that way, rather we are spiritually compelled. There are demonic spirits that seek to confuse and press people into the transgendered identity from a very young age. Doors into our lives (so to speak) may have been opened into our lives by no fault of our own (perhaps by others who hurt us or generationally those spirits have been able to influence family lines). The choice for us now is: how will we respond, what direction will we go? My desire is to share with those that want out of the identity crisis that Jesus will lead us out. We can choose to embrace the transgender identity, but it is a dead end road that does not deliver on its promises. Jesus sets us free as we walk with Him through the pain and confront those things which seek to bully us into taking on a female identity. It is not easy, and I am still receiving healing as I take the next step out this morning.

Bring It On-Line: Baby out of Wedlock

My son and his girlfriend are having a baby. They are not married and my wife and I are beside ourselves. I am struggling with my career choice. I am a teacher ...

User Comments

baby out of werlock can also bring a compition etween the brothers or sisters. Most likely the first born strives to keep Nr. 1 or one of the sisters/brothers will take that plce but all of them are not in their right position and struggle with the spirit of rejection
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