Directed by: Todd Rohal In a desperate search to create a follow-up to Joe Swanberg's 2011 film Uncle Kent, Kent Osborne travels to a comic book convention ...
Roger Alan Wade - If you're gonna be dumb... by Bram
Yes, Mr Depp IS doing a great job playing RYTHM-guitar on this video.
However, i saw comments on a report covered by someone at "Taste Of
Country" stating that Johnny actually plays the lead-part on this video,
wich is just wrong! Im a Willie Nelson-fan & guitarist myself & as a lover
of Willie`s skills in creating chanty melody to his playing, im very
familiar to his style! Blow up the video to full-screen ppl, you`ll see
that its Willie who plays this solo himself!
Johnny Depp!!!!!!!!!! amazing, cool, great, brilliant, ......sempre lindo,
maravilhoso belo, perfeito, homem super talentoso, eu amo d+++++!! I love
you Depp!!!!!!!!!!!