These armed men in costumes are not here to "protect" you. They are here to protect the State, the State's wars, the State's riches, and the State's consolidation ...
What most don' t know is "government" are actually contractors. Through the
fraud of "democracy", the franchise, when you vote you agree to the
contractor's attornment to "government".
Lizzy (the Queen) is head of state. As such the Law of the Land comes from
the Pentateuch. Pope, as Queen of Vatican, is the front man and responsible
to ensure the proper laws/Laws are in place when Vatican plays the "Game of
Thrones" switching the pagan rulers (King John for example) for Judahite
(Elizabeth/James VI/I) rulers to sit on the papal throne of thorns.
During the stay of the pagan rulers, on the Throne of Thorns, the Unum
Sanctum (2 pages) of 1302 is a valid Cana'anite decree. The unum sanctum
provides pope owns the pagan rulers, their armies (police) and human
creatures (person/individual/natural person/sovereign/freeman/etc but
excludes; men, women, children)
When pope put Judah George VI on the Throne of Thorns it forgot to tell its
contractors to change the law. As a result, confusion rains supreme!
In the pagan system the police are hired guns. Employed NOT because they
know the Law or are willing to learn the Law, rather, they are employed
because they will follow orders.
The police, absent knowledge of law, are dangerous to society! However,
that sa'yed, we do need law and order. So, my proposal is to have those
possessing the lowest of the low I. Q. of society, the police, removed from
their occupation forthwith. While the police are being eliminated for every
2 cops removed from causing damage one liar with 5 years experience in
criminal law and one liar with 5 years experience in civil law should
replace the Waffen S. S.
The neo Waffen S. S. aka Toronto Police Service are being utilized
primarily to increase "debt" and to destroy the family unit, which, under
the Queen's Laws, is nothing more and nothing less than High Treason v. the
God of Elizabeth and the God of the cop via oath of office!
+Kani SohalUnum Sanctum 1302; Pope claims ownership over government, police<=>military and hue mans (creatures similar to man but a different shade/colourable)The Queen has no authority as she is a fraud/front for Vatican.If you know anything about the bybull/bible you would quickly recognize Vatican as Cana'anite through their "code of canon law". Canon and Cana'an are pronounced similarly.This is Indian Land therefore under Indian Law! Care to join?
+Pat Rick nobody wants to read that much.. next time try to say the main points in 4 or less sentences. This is a youtube comments section, not your college short essay.
I fully support all the cop's actions here. I just don't get why hippies
protest because 20 leaders gather together in one place. I remember
watching this in news 5 years ago or 4 years ago and I was laughing my ass
of when you hippies said "Police Brutaility" or some nonsense shit.
the cops give many warning for them to get back. The cops are just stopping
the violence. You just want the legalization of drugs and crimes. you sir
are messed up
+Kani Sohal I have never drunk any coffee of any sort before and will continue not to do so. Furthermore I do not believe that I have been brainwashed so please stop your appallingly bad criticism.
The police were simply taking out the people attempting to make shit worse.
It's not like they're killing anyone either, just removing them from the
rioting hoards. They're basically attempting to put of the fuse. Obviously
the police aren't the ones to blame for anything unless you're a fucking
+Levar Allen Also, the cops were not targeting anyone specific, they were arresting random people who couldn't run fast enough. Therefore, they weren't only arresting people who were 'making shit worse'. By the way, I saw very few of those people who were not police.
Did you even watch the video? 40 seconds in: Peaceful protesters singing O Canada! (The national anthem) and the cops running and arresting them for no apparent reason. No one was committing a crime. From there they just continue to arrest people who are not doing anything other than talking and chanting peacefully.
My comment holds all of it's original purpose and meaning. It's not stupid, it makes sense and is politically correct. If you look at the situation proposed in the video,It's fortunate that the police were in the spotlight for brutality and not the Rioters. Because i assure you, the other way around would have been much worse.
Put out the fuse? They attacked people for no reason! Not to mention the people in the prisons were denied their rights to adequate amounts of food and water despite the billions of dollars spent on security for the G20 summit. You need to know what actually happened before making stupid comments you fucking wanker.
POLICE BRUTALITY - Toronto Cops Brutally Beat A Sixty Year Old Disabled Man
And the judge gave them a slap on the wrist. Naturally. I guess the old
boy's club is alive and well. This is why people are so alienated from the
cops, because everybody knows the police beat the hell out of people every
day--and are allowed to get away with it.
International Day against Police Brutality March 15 2011, Toronto
Protest edited out to reduce police harassment. Police outnumbered protesters 20 to 1 and paraded their new unmarked Dodge minivans behind the protesters ...
support the family of Michael MacIsaac an innocent man killed by police in
Ajax. contact Chis Alexander the MP of Ajax and demand justice!
[email protected]
Happy to see that there are people actually doing something against these
bastards! Its sick to watch defenseless people get asaulted by the same
people who swore to serve and protect... I live in South Carolina and have
been a victim and a witness to this cruelty...