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Funny cryptic riddles Videos

Horror Riddle

THE CORRECT ANSWER: //riddlenow.com/d/horror.htm SECOND CHANNEL: //www.youtube.com/CoolRiddles2 FACEBOOK: ...

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The guy at 0:10 looks like the Rock xDD
+Cat with a C, not a K The shadow at 0:17 :3
Yes, this can be true. We have technology today that can actually observe and record dreams.
+Joshua Azarcon said:"There is technology today that CAN record the content of dreams, even if partially"I repeat myself:"There is no technology that can examine a corpse and determine what the person was dreaming of before they died.The story is IMPOSSIBLE!"Nowhere in the video does it say or imply that the man was strapped to an EEG, or MRI.
+Sockpuppet2012There is technology today that CAN record the content of dreams, even if partially.There is currently research being done with Electroencephalography (EEG) readings being worked with Functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI) that CAN record the dreams and thought processes of a human brain as they occur. This is done by having the devices record the brain patterns and decoding it by relating it to objects that the brain patterns would usually correlate to (For instance, the brain releases specific patterns of waves when it thinks of an apple. If an apple is thought of in a dream, the same brain waves can be translated to let the observer know that an apple was in a dream).Through this decoding process, the man's nightmare in the story is possible to be observed by the brother who was right next to him by decoding the cupboard and the "crazy man from the movie". His increased heart rate can provide even more observation to the brother by indicating that his dream is a nightmare where his adrenaline increases and can give him way to interpret the nightmare with the man hiding in the cupboard from the crazy man.  Note: THIS PROCESS AS OF NOW CANNOT BE DONE ON A DECADENT BRAIN TO DETECT BRAIN WAVES OF THE PAST.Other note: THAT WASN'T MY ARGUMENT.That would be "stupid and impossible", which is probably why you tried to misrepresent my argument.Your argument is that the dream would need to be recorded after the man's death. Because dreams cannot be observed on a decadent brain due to being unable to detect past brain waves, this story is impossible.My argument is that the brother was recording the man's dreams as they were happening. The readings were able to detect and decode the brain waves DURING his dream as the brother observed them. Because the readings have a high accuracy in decoding brain waves and because the brother could have observed the dream WHILE the man was ALIVE, this story is POSSIBLE.//emedicine.medscape.com/article/1139332-overview//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electroencephalography//www.newscientist.com/article/dn16267-mindreading-software-could-record-your-dreams.html#.VM0Q-vldXnU//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Functional_magnetic_resonance_imaging//fmri.ucsd.edu/Research/whatisfmri.htmlThis story IS POSSIBLE if the brother was recording the man's nightmares with the readings that decode brain waves to common existences during his death, not after it....Seriously though, your comment was rather brash.Your argument basically is:Premise 1: There is no technology that exists to record dreamsAnd you provide no substantial evidence or support with it. It's just an empty claim for the nonexistence of something that exists.Premise 2: No technology can read the thoughts of a dead brain.You misconstrue my argument. I never said in my original comment that the technology would record the man's dreams after their end or after his death. All I said is "Yes, this can be true. We have technology today that can actually observe and record dreams." This technology was implied in my comment to be put to use while the man was living of course since I said it can observe and record dreams in Present Tense, not Past Tense like "dreamt dreams" or "after death" silly.Conclusion: Therefore this story is impossible.Your empty nonexistence premise and your misconstruing premise lack impact for your final mighty claim.  And last but not least, your arrogant oh so mighty ad hominem made to hurt people's feelings to make it look like you're oh so smart and superior than me by dressing yourself as an authoritative figure for society... which was probably made by you for kicks so that you can feel oh so good about yourself (The dopamine feels good, doesn't it? Not to mention, I also see that you +1 your own comment... Ha! Pathetic narcissism I tell you!)... All of which being completely unnecessary.I shall return the favor with what I consider a much truer statement.You're close-minded, and a perfect example of the SOCK PUPPETS of society that truly dumb it down by not opening itself to possibilities, immediately labeling anything that hasn't yet been observed as impossible!
There is no technology that can detect the CONTENT of dreams.There is no technology that can examine a corpse and determine what the person was dreaming of before they died.The story is IMPOSSIBLE!You're delusional, and a perfect example of the dumbing-down of society!
00:11 Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson? o.O
why the fuck was there a lil girl lmao xD
That was "Little miss Muffet" who "sat on her tuffet".....".....and along came a spider....."
Yes because if he was having thats dream and in his dream his heart was beating so it caused him to get scared and begin to think it was real so his hearts was beating in real life so thats my guess now im gonna go check the real answer..
Checked the answer -.- wow just.....
I think the answer was a bit stupid, cos often the narrator knows everything that's going on
I know! Exactly! It is pretty dumb. So the real answer would be yes, it did happen.
not if its a real story~~
How could you doze off during a horror movie that scares you to death (almost literally)?
+SickRedApple Also, Spoiler Alert!
+ASTCify The question was 'Did this really happen'. In real life, no one is omniscient. In order for us to have known that this actually happened, the man needed to have told someone what the dream was about.
This would have been a better answer to the riddle than the official one. The riddle never specified that the sleeping person communicated his dream to anyone. The narrator is an omniscient third party, so the official doesn't make sense at all.

Riddles! #2 Feat. Joker, Prized and Bobby

User Comments

Hey! Awesome video but i think that could be cool if you make a full uhc video without any vuts doesnt matter if you die or win but its still fun right? I think its not boring :D Keep up the good work :)
i mean without any cuts *

GTA 5 Next Gen - HUGE New Murder Mystery Riddles Found! (GTA 5 Easter Eggs)

"GTA 5 Murder Mystery Easter Egg" GTA 5 New Murder Mystery" "GTA 5 Next Gen Murder Mystery Huge Easter Egg" -- This video will show you the location of 2 ...

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4 messages have been found and a dead body
Yah dead body vid tomorrow
a dead body has been found in the shaft that you could not enter in ps3 and xbox 360 but the killer is unknown
idk but look it up there are vids about it i saw it on Domislive
location on the map?

Rowling's Riddles: New Harry Potter?

LIKE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE VIDEOGAME MAGIC! youtube.com/ZeppelinG1993 Twitter: @ZeppelinG1993 Do Rowling's cryptic tweets mean ...

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There's no h so how can there be hours?
+XtremeEnigma14 Neither did I at first :P
+CODX360 Oh sorry didn't see that
I believe there is a h in 'this'

Riddles of the month

Let's see who can solve them fast. Music: //www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music Song name: "little idea"

User Comments

1. Whichever one realizes that bananas are quite hard to find in coconut trees. My bet's on the monkey. 2. An alternate reality. No idea on that one. 3. Parachuting accident gone wrong? Terrorist execution? Time traveler who forgot to pack water? Too vague 4. The poison was in the ice and the man finished his drink before the ice melted and dispersed the poison. 5. He's inside the building or on one of those outside elevator type thingies. Best guess. 6. I'd give everyone 1 apple and keep the extra for myself. 7. When it's done at school. Or away from home period.
+Rognvaldi You're right, bananas are pretty damn hard to find and at the 2nd one is really easy but managed to trick you here.



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Last part ws awesome...
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