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How to write nmake Videos

Building SFML 2.0 with NMake

In this video, I take you through the process of obtaining CMake and getting the latest version of the SFML 2.0 source, before showing you howto create a ...

User Comments

@SecondCocacola That really depends. If you want to develop cross platform (you can compile your program for Windows, Linux, Mac, etc), XNA is off the table. Also, what if you'd prefer to use C++ rather than C#? Lot's of people would. The fact is, XNA and SFML are different. And C# and C++ are different. They are good for different things. XNA and C# may be more "hand holding" and thus easier to use, but C++ in some ways affords us a greater degree of control, while SFML is still easy to use.
its all good until it comes to the cmd coding i just want to know how to use sfml with visual c++ 2010 i don't know if i even have nmake. please cool down on the speedy talking and explain to us as if we are beginners like we are not too familiar with sfml as a whole.It was very frustrating to sort out and i almost wanted to continue with 1.6 what should I do ?.I am planning to get into game programming in c++ as a hobby what is your advice sfml, allegro,sdl etc i know 2 months worth of c++
@mewantscheesecake I think I said something like "it's a boolean variable so we can set it to true or false" ;) besides, the videos are mainly targeted at people who already know C++ basics =P unfortunately, I have to speak this fast due to YouTube's time limit restrictions, though I suppose I could split videos into separate halves. I am aware that I tend to be quite fast though. thanks for your feedback - if there are other terms you think I didn't explain well then please let me know! :)
@majky358 so you added the CMake binary directory to the environment path variable and you still get told "`cmake` is not a recognised program or batch file"? Make sure you added the correct path in the Path environment variable, with a semicolon between this and the previous entry. If you still find you are unable to make it work, reinstall CMake and this time, select the option on the installer which adds CMake to Path for you.
the first command you typed was c:\sfml\sfml2\ when you should type cd c:\sfml\sfml2 the first error is because it thinks you are asking it to execute the command "c:\sfml\sfml" (it can't, since no such command exists). subsequent errors are because you are not in the SFML directory (you would be if you had successfully executed the cd command) hope this helps.
I think it's perfectly fine. You've done a brilliant job at explaining everything. The only thing I'd change, is the CMake section of this tutorial. You can choose an option to have CMake put itself in the path environment variable. So that'll save alot of issues and confusion with typos ect. :) But again, great tutorial, works perfectly!
Freaking awesome video. I spent close to an hour trying to figure this out because I wanted to use SFML 2.0 RC-133. Their documentation is a bit lacking for visual studio and when resulting to google for the answer i found next to nothing. I was about 5 minutes away from going back to codeblocks on my laptop running fedora. Thanks again
@00000r00000 capitalisation is really important. it's "NMake Makefiles" not "NMake MakeFiles" (i.e. no capital F) and to install SFML, run "nmake install" after each "make" command, though you might need to start command prompt with admin privileges for this purpose. this should install SFML to c:\program files (x86)\sfml
Kind of useful, but there's no need to talk like you know everything as it won't help people learn, it's best to simplify things as much as possible (ie, no need to say things like boolean as it may confuse some people, and there's no rush either - you talk quite fast) awesome video though it helped
You could try reinstalling 7-Zip and checking for an option in the setup wizard to add the 7-Zip context menu entries. Otherwise just open up 7-Zip from the start menu and then open and extract the archive from within the 7-Zip GUI (which is basically a file manager).
cant you just upload compiled 2.0 libs? its retarded how SFML works, people (beginners) have billions troubles getting the SDK, linking stuff, downloading shit Cmakes its annoying!
in cd c:sfml/sfml2 i have sfml folder in my local c drive in program files. but when i use cd c:sfml/sfml2 it tells me that the specified folder is not there or somthing
@devilazpl i can and I have. see my blog for details. that said, it's very informative to do it yourself. you should give it a go.
i'm having a problem with 7-z i downloaded it successfully but there is no option when i left click the .tar.gz file
i have done exactly the same as you but do not get any .lib files in my sfml project. What could be the problem?

Compiling a User Defined Function in Fluent tutorial

Illustrator Perspective Tools

Put text and images into perspective Tutorial for Adobe Illustrator CC CS6 CS5.

User Comments

why do i need to take a graphic designe course when i have such lovely and usefull videos like this on youtube?? LIKE!
+Alon Bar Exactly!


Hazmat Modine - Bahamut LIVE

It is a clip recorded in Wuppertal/Germany on 30th of October 2007. This concert was great and they nmake wonderful music, it seems that they are from outer ...

User Comments

I can't wait to see these people live. Great CD.

|| How to code Mods for CEX ||

Mods Code: byte[] ON = new byte[] { 0x(byte) }://Its only a example PS3.SetMemory(Offsets, ON); public static bool istmapi = true; private PS3API PS3 = new ...
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