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Sword of Gideon (Action 1986) Steven Bauer

Chronicles a Mossad team hand picked to hunt down the terrorists involved in the 1972 Munich Olympic massacre of Israeli athletes. Cast: Steven Bauer, Rod ...

User Comments

Thank God for this young man and his family. Yes! without families , there will be no country. We need young and old men that will still stand up in every country and be men. Do your own thinking. A man that can't do his own thinking is NOTHING but another man's guinea pig. The word of God says " owe no man anything ,but to love one another ". These young men proved their love for country and family. May God bless and keep Israel.-------Ernest E. Johnson
anyone that believes the usa was in any way shape or form responsible in the 911 is retarded.
+Michael Norfleet Elvis? I heard it was Miley Cyrus.
+Scrabble Ray, Didn't you hear that Elvis was involved in the 9/11 plot?
This classic 1986 Made-for-cable movie is way more better than "Munich". Sword of Gideon, Stars Steven Bauer from "Scarface" as The leader of the Moussad team hand picked to hunt down and kill the surviving terrorists of the 1972 Olympic Massacre. Great movie with a awesome story.
Steven Bauer is indeed brilliant. Underestimated actor
Very hard to tell that we're watching a movie about a country where people speak HEBREW!
+C A Campbell I must have watched this movie a dozen times. And these days I kind of wonder who exactly put it on film. Since by the end, Mossad and by inference the Israeli government seem cast as being as much of a villain as the terrorists who attacked murdered innocent people and would have kept right on doing that more if they had not been stopped. Throughout the movie, we are told don't trust Mossad, they'll stab you in the back and betray you. More time is spent on this than was spent on establishing that the terrorists were the bad guys.Have you ever heard the phrase, "Damning with faint praise?" I'm come to think that may be what the real goal of this movie was in regards to the govt. of Israel and Mossad's efforts to defend their country and seek justice for their dead.
That thing about a 50% charge on a .22LR seems nonsensical. And shouldn't they switch recoil springs?
+Philip Sim It's just pretend.
An eye for an eye !
Tut tut Mr Norfleet.  You are obviously a superior human being. I don't trust humans much.
+Tony LastWill anything intelligent ever come forth from the mind of Tony Last or his keyboard? Doubtful but the world still hopes. After all musicians are not widely known for their intelligence.
You have no idea what you are talking about. You are the hypocrite,  A sad man.
The hypocrite speaks. Not once have you made an intelligent comment. I guess your one of those that cannot make a valid point and say anything to make themselves appears more intelligent than they really are. The sad thing about that is the only one you are fooling is yourself. 
But I do, you are a twat
+Tony LastTake your own advice.
You're an idiot.  Go back to school before commenting
+Tony LastSo Tony, Did you and Von there get a round trip ticket on the ufo? Do they give frequent flier miles and discounts? Seems you believe what ever anyone tells you too.
+Michael Norfleet You should go back to school.  You might learn something about science, although given the low level of your intellect, it's highly unlikely.
So when is your next alien abduction?
+Michael Norfleet I actually do know the difference between sarcasm and ridicule and between obfuscation and legitimate debate.  You drone on about weakening and softening of metals due to temperature, something I know more about, having been a rocket scientist for 30 years, than 99.999% of the population.  I can show how mathematically improbable it is for a mountain of a steel-girder building, designed with ample factors of safety to withstand fires, impact, earthquakes and hurricanes, to weaken and collapse due to fires (it's never happened in the history of civilization), but it's not relevant. You can weaken steel in a building fire, but you can't melt it, and it did melt.  In a diffuse fire in air, you can't even make jet fuel burn hotter than about 1300 F. Even the government's shills acknowledge that the fire could not have burned hot enough to even approach the melting point of steel (see MIT Professor Thomas Eager's paper). Those are facts.  Evidence?  Eye witness accounts by the dozens. Photos and chemical analysis of debris and dust.  Videos showing the explosions. There is more hard evidence to prove the crime than the law requires, but it doesn't become evidence in the legal sense until it's allowed into a legal proceeding, and they have refused to allow that to happen (more crimes). There is a mountain of circumstantial evidence all consistent with 9/11 being a CIA/government operation and NOT ONE piece of evidence inconsistent with that conclusion.  Repetition of the same lies and disinformation doesn't make error into truth. 
+Von Staufenberg, If someone who claims to be college educated does not know the difference between ridicule and sarcasm then they wasted money buy going to college in the first place. But I'm willing to bet that you got some form of aid or loans to go to college from the very government you are talking about. Do I believe everything any government tells me? NO. Do I trust any government 100%? NO. But neither do I believe the conspiracy theorist that never have any proof to back up their claims. Anyone who does believe either of those groups is a moron. So let's take your claim the fire not hot enough to melt steel and that it did not. If you are the structural engineer that you claim then you know that the steel, cement and other items in WTC is going to absorb heat there by raising the temperature. That elevated heat will affect the structural strength of the steel resulting in bending, warping and so forth. Then with the weight of the higher level floors bearing down on the steel weakened by the heat the law of gravity will prevail. I do assume they told you about gravity in college. If you do some research you will find that jet fuel in the situation you described has been know to burn at 3,000C, more than enough to melt steel. But we both know the steel only has to be weakened. See, here's the thing, you never put up any evidence to support your claim. Now if as you put it "a mountain of unassailable evidence" was put before HUNDREDS in government then that right there would be very hard to suppress. You say your use to getting attacked by both sides, I wonder why. But what to expect when you spend all your time on conspiracy websites, books and radio shows like Art Bell? They have a name for that, it's called paranoia. I'm just waiting for the claim that FDR met with Tojo, Yamamato and paid them to attack Pearl Harbor.
+Michael Norfleet I might not know the difference between sarcasm and ridicule, but I know the burning temperature of jet fuel in a diffuse fire in air and it's less than half melting temperature of steel. The presence of oxidizers, even if there actually was enough jet fuel and oxidizer to affect a 110 story building, wouldn't raise the temperature nearly enough.  Moreover, where was jet fuel in WTC-7? I know the steel melted from diverse and verified sources, including chemical analysis of dust and debris.  That fact alone refutes the preposterous government explanation that on one day, THREE skyscrapers collapsed at near free-fall speed, leaving not one column standing when, in the history of the world, not one had ever collapsed in that manner due to fire beforehand.  Why are you so reluctant to believe that the people who had the most motive and opportunity to commit the crime, and who have a history of covert, false-flag operations, actually did it? I also know the difference between legitimate debate over facts and obfuscation attempting to explain away explosives residue.  How does that obfuscation explain away videos in which the explosions can be seen and heard and those showing a NYFD fire chief literally counting down the demolition of WTC-7 to the second after telling his crew to get away from the building because "it's coming down"?I don't what your purpose in defending government terrorists might be, and I don't particularly care whether you're just a brainwashed idiot or a shill.  Those of us who understand the situation are used to being attacked by both.  When one has no answer to the message, one attacks the messengers.  The bottom line is the same.  3000 innocent civilians went to work one morning and were murdered in cold blood by psychopathic criminals who had sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States.  Over 14 years later, and with a mountain of unassailable evidence that proves exactly what did happen put before hundreds in government, the perpetrators remain at large. Some of us think that's a crisis in government.  Others prefer to remain in denial or defend these actions as executive privilege. 
+Von Staufenberg So where is your evidence regarding an inside job on 9/11? You claim to be a structural engineer yet do not know the difference between sarcasm and ridicule, so much for getting the moneys worth from college huh? Please inform us as to what explosive residue was at the site. Was it RDX,,Comp B, Comp A? Now as everyone knows jet fuel burns a lot hotter than regular gasoline then if you add the the planes might have had LOX onboard that would make the fire burn hotter. Guess it could also be said that when one has no evidence they resort to pathetic insults. But what to expect from someone who most likely spends most of their time on conspiracy theory sites than in real life. Please send us a post card the next time you are abducted by little men from outer space but please no pics of the anal probes. Very good chance the aliens no matter how advanced could not tell which end is your anus as fecal matter spews from both.
+Michael Norfleet When one has no answer to evidence, one resorts to pathetic attempts at ridicule.  I will say this.  There is a better chance that Elvis is still alive than burning jet fuel or building materials in a diffuse fire in air at a temperature higher than 1200 to 1300 degrees F, which is less than half the melting point of steel.  There is absolutely no chance the steel didn't melt.  There is no chance whatsoever that three WTC skyscrapers collapsed, producing molten steel, explosions and explosives residue in the context of anything except a false-flag operation.  If you would get Dick Cheney's dick out of your mouth long enough to review the evidence, you might learn something. OTOH, I suspect you live to suck Cheney's dick.
+Von Staufenberg, I never trust what any government tells me even before 9/11. But you must be right about 9/11 being an inside job. I found a reliable source online that proves Elvis, John Wayne were involved. Why Elvis was seen at the airport in the lounge before take off eating a peanut butter and banana sandwich. He then shot the tv and boarded the plane.
+ameagher2 I don't have an opinion other than to know better now than to trust what we are told.  On this question, I don't "lean" either way.  I do KNOW, based upon my own informed analysis, as a former structural engineer who worked on rockets for 30 years, that 9/11 was an inside job.  That fact and the subsequent cover-up tells me not to trust governments and media.  In cases like this one, it requires inside information to know what happened, and I doubt we will ever know.  In the case of 9/11, there is molten steel, there were explosions and explosives residue.  I KNOW what that proves and disproves. Still, one false flag operation doesn't prove another.  It just opens ones eyes to that possibility. 
+Von Staufenberg You and I will never know the truth but p'haps you're leaning a little to the allegations of "the some." One's bigotry is dependent on one's country of birth ... wouldn't you agree old boy?
+philipzhao zhao ...for an eye, for an eye, for an eye. It's not as though this started in Munich. There are even some now who allege that the attack in Munich was manipulated and funded by the MOSSAD or Israel.

Six Days in June - Israel's 1967 Victory

This is a very well done 2007 documentary with some great archival footage. For it not only documents the war itself, but more importantly events leading up to is ...

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I want to punch the idiot that added all the fake sound effects and tried to make us think the 2007 footage was from 1967.
+Noah LeFoot Where's your profile picture from? I feel like I seen it somewhere before.
Jerusalem meant NOTHING to Muslims or Islam (or even Mohamed) until the Jews returned there in the 20th century. Even the mosque there was neglected!! Then, all of a sudden, Jerusalem is "a holy place" to Muslims??? That's pure BS! It's nothing but jealousy: "We don't give a damn about Jerusalem...we just don't want YOU to have it, because you LOVE it." As the Bible says, "Jealousy is cruel as the grave."
+Murray Donovan The idiot European liberal is learning how much the dirty muu hates them too!
+Havilahki So true! This is another David and Goliath story just like Yom Kippur.
I've never read such a lot of bigoted anti-Islamic crap in all my life before. The comments here are hideous. I was born in Jordan, a beautiful, peace-loving country. YES. THAT is a major part of why Israel hasn't been overrun. Because Arabs don't like war either. Why are so many wars fought in the Middle East? I don't have the answer to that, and neither does anyone else. Peace to Israel. Peace to everyone.
+Gabriel Cox Photography a "beautiful, peace loving country"??? To whom?   It was nice having Jordan control Jerusalem. They turned it into a filthy toilet. Under King Hussein's orders Jewish grave stones from the mount of olives were used as road pavers and as flooring in toilet rooms. Israel was subject to constant border attacks from there. Why? They didn't have the "occupied territories". Sandniggers always lie.
+Gabriel Cox Photography Peace be on you brother.... from Israel
Always good to see the filthy, corrupt Ahabs getting their asses handed to them, over and over and over!
+ThePennyPincher You wouldn't know anything about them.
When Rich Little roasted Don Rickles, his routine was SPOT ON!! King Faisal of Saudi Arabia has to be the UGLIEST KING I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE! If [ his] face was a building, it would be CONDEMNED! LMFAO
Faisal: How was it, honey?Goat: Pretty BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD...
+Michael E It looks like that one night his father was so horny that he walked out the tent and raped the first goat he met in the desert which resulted in the birth of Faisal.
13:45 name of song?
Darude sandstorm.
Is that phot of Dr. Rajendra Prasad at 8:07?
+Abhishek Parekh yeah it is...
+Abhishek Parekh Looks like it. Had to pause a bit there to believe it !!
Arabs got their ass whooped by the Jews. LOL
+Texas Ray Peaceful Arab states? that were forming alliances, sharing their soldiers, massing an army, intimidating Israel but the funny thing is if they were really peaceful, the Arab radio broadcasts should be about Israeli's transgression and anti Israel propaganda NOT about covering things up and claiming great progress.
+Texas Ray   peaceful sandniggers???LOL
+Texas Ray Peaceful Arab states.... the whole world is still looking for one single Arab state...... But it is a good joke though..
+Ronn Dino Rosales Israel's Pearl Harbor style attack against the peaceful Arab states.

Steve Vai - Jemini Distortion Pedal Demo (High Quality)

You're stomping all over my brilliant idea, but that's OK, you're supposed to. The goal was to create a schizophrenic type distortion pedal that allows you to have ...

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Steve vai, you are an inspiration to me and I would love to buy this distortion pedal but i can't find it anywhere. I live in the Netherlands. could you, or anybody else please help me?
it's been discontinued so you can only get them used now
this video literally made me change my opinion of him, he's a funny guy!
+Alan Peach 4:45 "You're a wanker, Vai" "So they say" hahahahaha
Hey can anyone tell me what song is he playing from 5:53 tom 6:16? and if it's just improvisation can anyone write the tabs for it and share them?
the crying machine
Its a DS-1 with a Tube Screamer, a 100 bucks pedal with a 3000 bucks amp! Do you think you will sound like Steve? ( and a 2500 bucks guitar to) :P
+Orlando Herrera What song is he playing at 5:15?!?!?!?!?!
I wonder who would win in a funny facial expression contest, steve vai, david gilmour, alex lifeson, or bb king?
+klistarf that's funny man, another player I thought made funny faces was Jimmy Page.
Joe Walsh has some pretty amusing facial expressions as well.
+4251268 all the greats do, it's the secret.
+David Johnsen angus young is always doing funny faces too
+Anthony Godwin I was gonna mention Gary (RIP), before i saw your comment. You beat me to it, but you've clearly seen the expressions that Gary made, as have i. Lol! Nice one! Ace Frehley can do some funny ones, too. Although, i have to say that his are very similar to David Gilmour when in full flight. All fantastic players, though... \m/ (:o)
I'm pretty sure Gary Moore would beat them all in that contest his faces are so strange that they're mesmerizing
+sjtg Hey bro do you know what song is he playing at 2:50?
John Mayer has some pretty good ones too haha
+SharkTooth57 The Crying Machine from the Fire Garden album.
+David Johnsen What song is he playing at 5:15?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
What song does he play at 5:15?????? I love the sound.
the crying machine
Seven string improvised song. Nothing I've heard in any of his songs.
+SharkTooth57 I don't know what song it is, it could be just one of his licks, he is freaking great. I don't know what it is but I love it too.
excuse my english i'm french
it's a modified drop a tunning

A Third Intifada?

A month of violence between Israelis and Palestinians have some wondering if we could be seeing the start of a third intifada. The Agenda explores the context ...

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fuck jews!
+Holla Black... well, well, aren't YOU the paragon of tolerance and inclusivity!
+Holla Black Gee, how truly enlightened you are.
too bad Steve has taken a stance on the issue. bye bye unbiased reporting hello brainwashing
+Linda Styles Ya ur right its not apatheid in the occupied territories. Jew only Settlements.. Jew only roads.. Jew only areas.. Check points enforcing segregation between jews and Palestinians.. And the best part of all Palestinians in the occupied territories are NOT allowed to VOTE. These are all just lies told by the UN, goldstone report, and human rights watch.. But like u said "typical lefties" they cant be trusted, correct?. It doesn't matter what those Palestinians did. No one deserves to be dehumanized like that. But please tell me what existed in apartheid era that is not being applied to the Palestinians? Tell me what i am missing, because what I mentioned is happening today.
+Eric Javier It's hardly apartheid. You obviously fail to understand what apartheid really is. Typical leftie.
+Eric Javier Because it is a struggle in your view, does that automatically vindicate the goals and strategies employed by the Palestinian regimes? 
+Kivi i Steve pushes the montra that this whole thing is a "conflict" not a struggle. A conflict conjures a sense of parity, of two equal parties who disagree. Like when the US and Russia were in a cold conflict. This is as much a "conflict" as Nazism was a conflict between Jewish and Aryan Germans. Lets call a spade a spade and call it what it really is APARTHEID. Its the way Steve and majority of media portray whole thing that bothers me.
+Eric Javier What is his stance on this issue?
``Knife Attacks`` LMAO.....muslims are savages...sorry but its true
+JEWS ARE BEAUTIFUL ahh... open bigorty. When it was said about your people, that was a problem. Good way to exploit the death of 6 million people.
Imagine if all the muslims Where Jews...........Would this be a nicer World....................Remember its a Religion of Peace....
+52percent its a thought experiment you ididot
Agree with the other two comments, but not with this one unfortunately. Not a nice thing to say :(

Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archive [Kenya Israel Rural social Workers Training School]

Name: [Kenya Israel Rural social Workers Training School] Year: 196- Duration: 24:13 Abstract: Footage of Ethiopiam Emperor Haile Selassie and shots from an ...

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True innocent Kenya. Land of peace

National Summit 2014 “1. How Does the Israel Lobby Influence Congress?”

National Summit to Reassess the U.S. – Israel Special Relationship National Press Club, Washington, DC, March 7, 2014 1. How does the Israel lobby influence ...

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