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Cordoba argentina debt Videos

Argentina debt default, life as a PT, James Turk of Goldmoney

//www.nomadcapitalist.com/ The Nomad Capitalist Report - August 2, 2014 Andrew discusses life as a perpetual traveler and asks whether PTs can have a ...

User Comments

Wonderful info Andrew. I agree with entirely. I just checked out Kuala Lumpur on the internet and it looks like a gorgeous city. My wife and I are slowly internationalizing our small assets and are trying to become PT's. Keep up the great work. Cheers from Canada
Well sir, you can try our nation's own cruise line Star Cruise for your holiday. Although most of the time those ships are stationed in Singapore and Hong Kong. 
I agree about the home base for the same reasons. And was that an Art Bell chuckle I heard?
The con man capitalist, here to fool suckers and take their cash.
Thanks for the great info. IncomeCoach.org
good tough questions!

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Argentina Makes Major Debt Repayment

Argentine made one of its largest debt repayments on Monday, for US$5.9 billion, on its Boden 2015 bond. The repayment was made on time, with the funds ...

U.S. Court Rules for Argentina on Sovereign Debt

In another victory for Argentina's fight against vulture fund creditors, yesterday, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals of New York rejected a second appeal to ...
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