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Car accidents teenage drinking Videos

Teenage Drinking and Driving (Teenage Health Project.)

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whats the name of the song you use in this video
You don't need to drink and drive.
im from iowa



Teen Drinking and Driving PSA

Teen Drinking and Driving PSA by Mia Hyde and Stephanie Vu FOA on Mass Communication for IB Lang/Lit HL Song: Cold by Jorge Méndez Car crash scenes ...

LCRA Rangers help deter teen drinking and driving

The nationally-known Shattered Dreams program helped teach Llano High School students the dangers of drinking and driving. LCRA Rangers joined Llano ...

Scripps Councelor Talks About Teen Drinking

In the wake of several car accidents in San Diego, Calif. involving teen drinking, Nancy Knott, a substance abuse counselor at Scripps McDonald Center, talks ...

Drinking and Driving burning car crash

Professional speaker Norbert Georget demonstrates powerful film of 4 teenagers who die in a burning car crash from drinking and driving. He is the author of the ...

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just curios... you didn't have fire extinguishers? Not that they put out a car fire (I had an electrical fire under the hood of my first car as I was parking,had fire extinguishers on it, neighbors shooting hoses on it,until the Fire Dpt. put it out with a single firehose blast), but one fire extinguisher can buy more time,to summon anyone nearby to get more,just to keep it from getting too hot too fast. And if the victim is already inexorably trapped,then the best chance is to ram the vehicle.
I have to agree, in fact MORE than agree - I don't not only have any idea of what's SO funny about this, but what is even conceivably funny to anyone (save some kind of psychopathic, sadistic, evil perversion of a human brain). That's just were the video came in, but was there actually someone laughing over this earlier in the speech (if so, should have been taken note of as someone authorities might want to check into). The sight of it is literally sobering .
Something was somewhat unsettling to me, beyond the graphic footage,after seeing this portion,it was what people were asking you about why didn't you do this or couldn't do that, they seemed like pretty obviously inane questions to me as well. The big question on my mind was, where was the fire department's response?Usually,here in L.A. response to a big crash comes from all three,Police,EMT and Emergency Fire & Rescue.
Hey Morgan, thanks for your message & questions. 1. Yes it can get hard to sleep after a night of deadly scenes. It's the screams that keep me awake....or a mother's cry on losing their child from an accident. 2. Other things are suicide scenes, drug overdose calls...but on a happy note...delivering twin boys one evening. That's something I'll never forget. Makes up for all the sad momments.
I understand your question about where was the fire dept, etc. I'm from a small city in Canada and the car crash that I'm talking about (watching the 24 year old burn to death) happened well outside the city limits. By the time the fire dept did arrive...it was too late. It is a night I will never forget. Thanks for your input.
omg!! this guy came to my school and he did the same presentation. it was simply astonishing. It was a real wake up call. It was a Perfect presentation. It made myself think, as well as everybody else I've talked to today. i will do anything just to watch this presentation again.
We did have one small fire extinguisher but the fire was too large to make a difference. Plus, it happened several miles outside the city in a remote area where it was too too far and too late before the fire dept. got there. I hope that answered your question.
hi, my name is morgan..and i have two questions. 1) isn't it hard sleeping at night and thinking about all of the things that happend right in front of ur eyes? 2) are there any other experiences that happend in ur career, that you'll never forget?
@CRAZEDsomething Thanks so much. I really appreciate your kind compliments. That's what keeps me going. Speaking with your fellow students is always great at your school. Take of your friends. Norbert Georget
This guy just came to my school today. i'd like to thank you norbet for taking the time to give us the information that could save our lives one day, RRHS thanks you. have a good one norbert.
Hey bud, thanks for the great comments. I really appreciate that and I'm glad it had a positive affect on you. That's all I wanted. Take Care.
God bless you for sharing this. Everyone should see this and know what really happens when a person drinks and drives and ends lives.
im in grade at and he came to my school last year, and he was very impressive, ur right TOHOTFORUHUN it does take your breath away
@nativecree101 I have no idea what the song is on this video. It from the show 'Third Watch'. Thanks for your kind comments.
to ours he brought a used body bag

Teen Driving Accident - Dustin's Story

Dustin tells TakeTheWheel.net about a drunk driving accident that claimed the life of his cousin, Frankie.

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@TeenDrivingPro Hi, you might want to try commenting on more popular videos so people can go to your page and learn how to be safe from accidents. But you should probably tell them that they could get into an accident and it can be prevented, etc so it doesn't sound weird because you are commenting on different vids. But I like how you are trying to prevent them and help them not get into an accident. Keep up the good work.
Although the loss of life due to someone drinking and driving is always tragic, it is particularly troubling when it happens to a young person. There is at least one positive note in this video, however. That positive note is that this young man’s cousin stopped him from driving after he had been drinking. His cousin shows that one person can make a difference.
HEY CODY SHELDON FANS! there is a petition to try to get cody back on the show[[fingers crossed]] so email me on youtube, and ill give you a link. we need at least about 1,000 people to sign total. please help!!
Unfortunately frankie is solely responsible for what happened. He had no f***ing brains, or morals
hey i just realized this was posted on the day i turned 8!! now i will b turning 12 this year
DONT GET HURT, JOIN FAST & EASY! wwvv(DOT)driveredtogo(DOT)com/ REFERRAL CODE: X34-29C-B7F
Most Teen Driving Accidents Can Be Prevented, See my profile for more info. Thank you.
Mates DON'T let mates Drink then Drive it's that simple.

Turbo Teen | Robot Chicken | Adult Swim

Things aren't always so incredible when you're the Turbo Teen. SUBSCRIBE: //bit.ly/AdultSwimSubscribe About Robot Chicken: Robot Chicken is Adult ...

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So, he can turn into a car, but still needs a driver.
+strawberrybankai12 lol you got me there is can say you are wrong.
+christopher crafte but he's TURBO TEEN the teenager with attitude that turns into a car when he get's too hot
+Elexy Reyah yeah but that is a robot car
+christopher crafte KITT can drive itself.=P
+christopher crafte yeah, but it wasn't just any car. it was a person/thing.
+Arturo Garza well yeah cars dont drive by them selves duh
1:36 You were the chosen one! It was said you would bring balance to the force, not leave it in darkness! Destroy the Sith, not join them! You were my brother, Turbo Teen. I loved you."
+Cybermat47 Ha, Ha. Reminds me of that too!
You have to turn into a car, Morty!
+BlaizeTheDragon Never mind heres a taxi get in.
Welp. There goes that new car smell
"This wheel has that new human smell!"

Judge acquits Connecticut man in teen drinking case

A judge has acquitted a Connecticut man of charges he let teenagers drink alcohol at a 2013 party, leading to a high school student's death in a car crash.

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After the feeling of "I got away it" will come the vision of the young girl he might have been responsible for killing 2 years ago.. Her life will be on his conscience till the day he dies..
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