+Hani Obaid I have a feeling they'd be kicked in the balls and arrested.
How GERMAN Girls Would Love To Be Approached (English Subtitles)
Jeder sucht nach der perfekten Art und Weise eine Frau anzusprechen, mit ihr zu flirten und schließlich Handynummern auszutauschen. Aber viele haben Angst ...
Coole Videos, könnt ihr mehr erzählen , habt ihr euch mit den Mädels
wiedergetroffen und was war das Schlimmste was euch beim Ansprechen
passiert ist.
Freue mich über neue Videos von euch :)
+David43577 Hey David, dadurch, dass wir uns bemühten immer aufzulösen, kam es nie wirklich zum wiedertreffen : ) Klaus hat sich allerdings mit einer getroffen, die wir aber hier im Video nicht gezeigt haben. Ansonsten ist alles sehr harmlos: Man schreibt ihr, verabredet sich zum Date, wenn alles passt, usw. Das Schlimmste beim Ansprechen? Eigentlich nur das Ignorieren. Sonst überwiegend positiv auch wenn man einen Korb bekam. Sieh dir unsere Rejection Compilation an - da sind eigentlich die "Highlights" zu sehen ; )Danke für deine Unterstützung!- Chris
Little Girl Lost: More than 600 people ignore lost child in TV experiment
Subscribe to ITN News: //bit.ly/1bmWO8h In a social experiment for a TV documentary 616 people were filmed walking past two young girls, who were left ...
no its not because she's not "white" it's bc some child now make tantrums and their parents pretend to go away and then the child would stop his tantrums and follows them...look how many people are in the street one of them could be her parents, it's won't be the same if she was crying ..
I remember I was walking one time on the streets, I fell and fucked up my
landing, and I broke my foot. I was laying there in a lot of pain, and
people wpid walk by and look at me and not care. They'd just keep going.
Fucking assholes...
+Ryan Powell I would have helped. I've done it before. Chase after parents' whose kids dropped things, help people who tripped/fell etc. I really didn't think it was that out of the ordinary to do so. Maybe it's because I live in Canada.
People don't stop and help these days because there there are too many fucking shows like this on tv . Everyone is sick of being pranced & made a fool of . That when some poor little child does really need help you have numbed our minds to their urgency . Shame on you.
Even animals are more helpful than humans. I don't know when but a dog
found a baby crying in the middle of a footpath so the dog used its mouth
to carefully carry the baby to a police officer (the dog didn't harm the
baby and the baby was returned to the couple who lost him). This wasn't
even an experiment!!! No offense to people but some people these days don't
have feelings, but the people who do have feelings, you guys are
Ps. The bad thing that happened is that the dog was then kicked by the couple thinking the dog was the one that took the baby before the police was able to explain what happened.
This is so sad who would do that! I would just go up to the child and help
her. Who knows what will happen. She could het kidnaped and killed! All the
people who just passed her are so stupid and they don't pay attention on
what is happening in front of them! I mean what if that was you. What is
someone forgot you and abandoned you!!!!!
This is so sad who would do this to a little girl!
The Best Way to Ask For a Girl's Number
Hey guys! So this is my first attempt at a video along with one of my apartmentmates out in Davis, CA. I hope you enjoy! :] As always, if you like it, please feel free ...
Pakistani VS American : What Happens When You Ask A Brown Girl For Her Number | MZ Brother's
The Wait Is Over! Our First Video Together is OUT NOW! Hope Y'ALL Like It, Share It If it made you Smile :) Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/moaizALIzain.