you should try that sub on your dick ,it feels really good ,just sit down
on a chair or bed an lay the sub on your dick an play some fat bass r&b
songs ,or a tone genarator , i can assure you ,you will have the best
orgasm you have ever had.
@K1ll3rM4st3r yeah i had a buddy that said he wanted to hear what his
xplods sounded like on my soundstream amp, needless to say they lasted
about half way threw the song "bass i love you" and seized up
Not sure why people hate on them so much.. my friend has two 10s in his car
and his infinity and kicker 6 1/2s went out before the subs and he hes had
them for 2 years now and they hit hard as hell..
you should send me a pic of the amp you got, i got some weak amp for mine
too lol add me bro, these sonys actually hit decent, i got 2 in my back
seat along with my one alpine type-r
shit man i gotta 12 with a 1,000 watt amp and i put it on the lowest it can
go witch is like 30/35 watts and put on white girl i thought that shit was
gonna explode lmfao