Check out Kolombe's channel: Thank you for subscribing and liking my videos! Means a lot!^^ Feel free to add ...
If you have time. You could do this tag. It makes you think a bit extra. And if your a fan of Doctor Who, then you'll know exactly "when" and "who" the questions are about!^^
Yay! Thanks for doing my tag Lis, is is so exciting for me! Chopsticks and
string are perfect! I actually use ribbon because I can push it. 7, family,
and love are awesome recurring themes.
I use to use ribbon too, until I found my magic string! XD I should probably buy real stringing tools. I just never do, gotten too used to my primitive tools! LOL! To me family always come before everything.^^ Thank you for creating this tag, it was fun to do.^^
Kolombe's very fun bjd tag!
I miss Rose being in the show too!! I'm so excited for your evil Ringdoll
K, he's going to make a cool, badass villain for sure. And damn yes to
female empowerment themes! I love the questions in Kolombe's tag. I hope I
can do this soon. :)
Original tag video by Kolombe: Thanks for making this cool tag prompt!!! Who is your favorite Doctor? On the ...
+Edward Insane I'm really excited to share her mystery solving with you all! I'm nervous about how to go about it though, plus I still want to showcase her mysteries as a hybrid written and illustration story/comic format. (that sounds confusing, I know!! I confused myself too...) Hopefully I will organize her story soon. I would love to reveal the actual mystery of her story when her trench coat comes in. Hopefully this week!! :D
+Kolombe Thanks again for making this tag, Cathy. The questions instantly made the gears in my brain jumpstart! Especially help me develop the stories I dabble in. :)
+RedAllyCat He's my favorite detective too! I loved the TV series and I'm reading a lot of the Agatha Christie books of Poirot mysteries. And his name is great for a pet cat, hehe!!
+Gina isarty I feel like it depends on who's story or which character appeals to me most at the time. Today it is definitely's Adley's. Tomorrow might go back to Cain, ha. XD
Loved your intro! Were you whistling? I wanted to whistle along but don't
know how. XD And I love your metaphor diorama/bird cage. And your other
dioramas are so cool. Love the hanging tins where your dolls sit! Great
responses. :)
Oh man, I don't know if I could bring him home!! But if I did, I have a couple of sculpts in mind... It is really tempting! One of them is an iplehouse so I will really need to save up for that boy! XD
Doctor Who BJD Tag
1. Dr. Who has regenerated 12 times so far - Have you re-shelled a character? If so which one have you re-shelled the most times? 2. Each new Doctor chooses ...
This is a great tag! Even if I'm no Whovian, I just think some of the
questions are really interesting. I'll get my thinking cap on and see if I
can find a moment to do it!
Whovians Unite!! XD Oh I love this doctor who tag so much!! It's one of our
favorite shows of all time! I'll definitely be wanting to do this one!
Thank you for making it ^_^
I agree it is stressful to wait for more than one doll's arrival T___T I am
currently going through that stress right now. Glad your dolls arrived