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Japan radiation safety 2014 Videos

Nuclear Watch: Japan NHK's Newsline FOCUS: Inside Fukushima Daiichi (03/29/2014)

NHK's Newsline FOCUS: Inside Fukushima Daiichi, Mar. 29, 2014 (at 18:15 in): A network of trenches runs between the reactor buildings and the shore.

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NHK's Newsline FOCUS: Inside Fukushima Daiichi, Mar. 29, 2014 (at 18:15 in): A network of trenches runs between the reactor buildings and the shore. They are flooded with extremely radioactive water that's been trapped** there since the triple meltdown. Tepco data shows concentrations of cesium up to 4 million times above the government safety limit. Engineers estimate that the trenches hold about 15,000 tons of toxic water but radiation levels are too high for them to get a more precise look at the situation. Some experts point out these trenches are a source of contamination for the Pacific Ocean. Tepco says there's no evidence of that yet, but it recognizes the need to act quickly. Thanks for the hosting this post: Nuclear Watch: Japan NHK's Newsline FOCUS: Inside Fukushima Daiichi (03/29/2014)
and to you for sharing. You are always welcome. Have a good weekend. This looks really bad.  negative news = + bioaccumulation = - time
//archive.today/3oqvL New steps worked out to deal with contaminated water
a bit late now that the pacific ocean is radioactive.

Nuclear Watch: Japan Reviewing nuclear safety plan measures outside 30km zone (8/20/2014)

Nuclear body to study measures outside 30km zone Nuclear & Energy Aug. 20, 2014 - Updated 10:57 UTC+2 Japan's nuclear regulator plans to revise its ...

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This is never going to end until we have the abolition of nuclear power. Once these hundreds of different kinds of man made radioactive nuclides have left their nuclear barns ... it's too late. Sad. Did you see enenews.com today! : VIDEO: Children of US Navy sailors suffering from cancers after Fukushima exposure — “I couldn’t move… so much pain… I have leukemia” — More kids with thyroid cancer — Father: “We couldn’t figure it out… his body was changing” — Sailor: Right side of my body is shriveling up, one arm now almost 5 inches smaller than other. All these nuclear pushing zombies need to be tried for war crimes against humanity for what they are doing to our global villages. Great links & thanks posting nuclear truth videos ... they leak it and do not clean it up because they can't so they really don't try. It's nothing but a media dog and pony show for the masses while the human suffering continues.
+sherri99516 hi and thk for the posts, i glad. I wish the best to all of them and us. Is a global nuclear unprecedented genocide and they know it. It is now that the effects of radiation are started to show. You've seen the video Under the sun of August, children cheered in the swimming beach of Iwaki city. 「Geographicふくしま」 海水浴場に歓声が響きました。(福島14/08/09) have no words for this.  if u missed //www.ddlvalley.org/search/manhattan Sockshare is the best option. Dont use the others links.cya soon

Radioactive Reality (26 August 2014) Massive spikes in radioactivity are being hidden from public

the Tide Pool Project https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9giz3gjZW9s Latest Headlines://enenews.com/ 06:21 PM EST on August 25th, 2014 | 51 comments ...

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Newbaru where are you man give us some information
+Tichimusic hey tichie how did you get two subscribers on your channel.
+Tichimusic ya right. Well tell that to my sick brother that just got off the Ronald Reagan.
i will try to get footage of lake Michigan shore line any ideas what the biggest places to look at 
The tidal area here on Cape Cod still seems to be doing o k , with plenty of oysters and clams to be found, but I am waiting for the ax to fall on that too, what with all of the Corexit and radiation the poor things must be drinking by now.....
Thirty five years ago I saw the underwater pics of leaking barrels of radioactive waste in Boston Harbor's cod fishing grounds.   There used to be a place called Arthur Treachers Fish and Chips...remember.?..yup... Cod from Boston's fishing grounds. Just like fish sticks and fast food fish sandwiches. Was good while it lasted... I rented from a Canadian born lobster-man and his wife on an island off the coast of CT. I could have had all the free lobster I wanted fresh off his boat, every single day...but declined politely. Belle Femme and Noir. I knew the lobstermen all set their traps near the warm waters of the nuke plant on the CT coast where the lobsters congregated. Used to collect cockles from the shoreline of Cape cod...so good.  I know Americans don't know how much of their tuna is imported from Japan. Heck, they don't even remember Fukushima as far as I can tell! I don't eat anything from the sea, for decades...not even salt. So heartbreaking. Yes...I protested nukes...from the start. I didn't just sit there and ignore it. It was so obviously wrong. Maybe it was from having to hide under my desk in school drills...nukes=death.
Magick you might want to know there's a dud on youtube that's saying your a fear monger and a scam and he says the same as Dana and that guy who I'm talking about he wants you both off a youtube. He sounds like trouble for you both. If I find that user again I will post hes username.
connectingdots 2
+linnie poo yep and air
+Zushikatetomoto ShiftRadioactive snowfall, too?
+NibiruMagick2012 Hey Magick can Fuku cause a nuclear winter? Because Canada will be a colder winter this year? Maybe we should check this snow fall beause we are going to get a lot more then the new normal.
+NibiruMagick2012 No problem I like to help. I would not like to see you guys gone.
+Zushikatetomoto Shift No paypal on my channel.. Oh yeah.. No adds on my channel.. Let me see.... Nope... I don't make a dime doing this.I know the troll you speak of.. Scammer?? Me?? LMAOI think he should look in the mirror before he calls me names.. Who is profiting?Not me.... Not Dana (This trip is costing him money as well. The boat is not his but on loan.).. I'll just bet he is tho.I'm not scared of trolls.. It's a fight... I expect punches.Thanks for the heads up... -Magick
And yes I know that guy was bs. Hes saying the ocean is fine and he will be posting a video saying the ocean is ok. PS hes getting people. Just a warning. I don't want to see you guys disappear.  
I stopped eating seafood for 3 years because of Fukashima and I have to admit, I started eating it again to see if I would get sick! Guess what? Non~Stop diarrhea for 7 weeks now...My little experiment may cost my life...sorry to say! :( 
+JoshuaSr33​ I ment +deb jam​
+alekkamadagazzla Who?
You ain't dead yet

Nuclear Hotseat #168 Millstone's Radiation Leak 5-25-14 w/Nancy Burton

NUCLEAR HOTSEAT #168: MILLSTONE'S MAY 25, 2014 RADIATION LEAK W/NANCY BURTON INTERVIEW: Nancy Burton, founder of the Connecticut ...

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I used to work at Millstone as firewatch. It was a great job, or so I thought. You were in every nook & cranny in all 3 reactors. I got "crapped out" and it really messed me up. I lost my voice for almost a month. I did seek medical attention at L&M hospital. I have been wondering if my exposure has something to do with my current health problems. I developed severe allergies shortly after the exposure, my immune system is shot. I am growing tumors within my brain and body. I have a brain shunt because of the tumor. I got rhumatoid and osteo arthritis. I now have problems with the cartilage in my joints. My knees have to be replaced. I'm only 48. I have tried to get any records of the exposures. Yes I was exposed to high amounts of radiation, by the reactor head and the fuel rods. I tried to get anything, any record. Have been told that it's virtually impossible. I know one thing, my life is horrible. Pain is no fun. If anyone reading this, if you can help me to get my exposure records and medical records I would be so grateful. I started firewatch in March of 1995 For the shutdown of unit 2. I still have my Northeast Utilities badge with the date on it. You can reach me at: [email protected] Thanks for reading this, Beckie aka Rebecca Edgecomb 
This weeks Nuclear Hotseat #168 - A must listen. Millstone's Radiation Leak 5-25-14 w/Nancy Burton. And so much more. MILLSTONE’S MAY 25, 2014 RADIATION LEAK W/NANCY BURTON founder of the Connecticut Coalition Against Millstone, on the horrifying history of Connecticut’s aging Millstone nuclear power station, on the ongoing dangers posed by owner/operator Dominion Resources’ bottom line approach to safety, and the unreported radiation release that happened during the double-reactor shutdown on May 25, 2014. www.MothballMillstone.com Interesting nuclear news! *Chernobyl radioactivity found in wild boar in Germany must be destroyed uneaten… or shipped to the United States, which considers its 600 Bequerel per kilogram of radioactivity just fine and safe for Americans to eat, mmm, mmm, good! *Fukushima radiation detected in West Coast groundwater, meat, fish, milk and vegetation… IN 2011 AND 2012… and they’re just letting us know about it now???
Now this is a Christmas Story that should not be buried like all the other nuclear illegal leaks, dumps & propaganda paid for by our own money so this deadly actions may continue with out being known by the general plubic, death by ATOMS, like Sellefield in the UK, Fukushima, WIPP, Oak Ridge, ST Louis Landfill Fires, open burning of nike waste in japan, US, Russia! Peace
" FOR EVER "......................... YES THAT'S SO TRUE ........... I AM SO SAD ............. DAM THE LAWYER'S DRUNK WITH GREED = LIE'S THAT KILL'S MOTHER EARTH
New London County, Ct. has the highest concentration of 'thyroid failure' in the whole country Is this the Millstone Nuke gift to this area?
Just heard you on SGTreport. Great work you're doing getting this info out! Thank you! Subscribed and following on G+.

How Safe Is Japan Really? (with Strawberry Mochi - 2.5 Oyajis)

Tonight's guest: ▻//youtube.com/strawberrymochi ▻My other main channel: //youtube.com/gimmeaflakeman ▻2.5 Oyajis is broadcast live at 10:30pm ...

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I'm a third year Japanese high school guy. A few months earlier, a random man grabbed my balls in the middle of Shinjuku station at rush hour. I was sooo fucking confused that I just laughed so hard and let him go away.
Laughter is an interesting response, to say the least; though appearing crazy does help make people go away.
Not to be offensive... but Strawberry Mochi seems a bit closed off, or naive? I can't help that she irritates me. It's nice that she thinks, but she should put more thought into these subjects before developing and expressing her opinions..
+Taun-Chi Gaming You're not alone. I think calling her ignorant would stretch it a bit, but she is damn close.
//www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/japan/11874931/Peruvian-serial-killers-brother-arrested-for-murder-in-Japan.html The brother of a Peruvian mass murderer known as the "apostle of death" has been arrested in relation to six murders in Japan. Jonathan Nakada, 30, was arrested on Wednesday afternoon at the home of 41-year-old Miwako Kato and her two daughters, aged seven and 10, who were found dead and stuffed into two closets in Kumagaya, northeast of Tokyo. Nakada is the prime suspect of the murder and is also thought to be responsible for the death of 84-year-old Kazuyo Shiraishi, whose body was found in a bathtub in her flat 330 feet away only hours earlier. On Monday, police found a couple in their 50s, Minoru and Misae Tasaki, stabbed to death at their house in the same neighborhood.
+tomato totato Yes, that happened. That has nothing to do with this show. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xaNJ1qrTZqo
//www.asahi.com/articles/ASHB83SX2HB8UTNB008.html 夫婦殺害容疑でペルー人を逮捕 熊谷6人死亡事件 埼玉県熊谷市の民家3軒で9月に計6人が殺害された事件で、県警は8日、1軒目の夫婦に対する殺人の疑いでペルー国籍の住所不詳、無職ナカダ・ルデナ・バイロン・ジョナタン容疑者(30)を逮捕し、発表した。「私はその事件をやっていない」と話し、逮捕容疑とともに一連の事件への関与も否認しているという。 ナカダ・ルデナ容疑者は9月16日に事件のあった3軒目の2階から飛び降りた際に身柄を拘束されたが、頭の骨が折れる重傷を負ったため、入院治療を受けていた。 発表によると、ナカダ・ルデナ容疑者の逮捕容疑は9月14日午後3時10分~6時ごろ、同市見晴町の田崎稔さん(当時55)方に侵入し、室内にいた田崎さんと妻美佐枝さん(同53)の上半身を刃物で複数回刺すなどして殺害したというもの。 周辺の民家では、16日午後に同市石原の無職白石和代さん(同84)が、その近くで加藤美和子さん(同41)と加藤さんの娘でいずれも小学生の美咲さん(同10)、春花さん(同7)の計4人がそれぞれ刃物で殺害されているのが相次いで見つかった。 3軒いずれからも容疑者が履いていた運動靴とよく似た土足痕が見つかったほか、田崎さんと白石さん方に残っていた遺留物のDNA型が容疑者のものと一致した。県警は容疑者がすべての殺害に関わった疑いがあるとみて、動機や足取りなどを調べる。 県警の説明では、容疑者は自分で食事をしたり歩いたりできるところまで回復し、通訳を介した会話にも落ち着いた様子で応じているという。
+tomato totato I've talked about this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xaNJ1qrTZqo
what happened to the maggiesensei site? Is it down for good or did you relocate?
Awesome! Thank you for everything you do
+slaiyfershin We're having issues with the server. Hope to get that fixed this week. Very sorry! Shame too since we have many new lessons!
In America, it's found that people at the lowest rang of normal intelligence, are eight times more likely to commit a crime of violence, when compared to people in the highest rang of normal intelligence.
+Kiki Lang But I'm betting those of lower intelligence are also poor.
+Gimmeabreakman The study took in to account income, race, ethnicity, income, education, gender, ad In infinitum to ad nauseam.  There is a prejudice in America that intellectuals are borderline Hannibal Lecters,  while simple people are closer to god, but...
+Kiki Lang Why are they less intelligent? Education. Education is influenced by poverty. THAT is the real culprit.
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