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Homemade bread using a machine Videos

Homemade Bread with my Black and Decker All In One Breadmaker

Making Homemade Bread With My Black and Decker All in One Horizontal Deluxe Bread Maker Music by Padington Bear "Caravan" by Padington Bear "Lope ...

User Comments

I purchased the B2300 Black and Decker Bread Maker With the supplied manual I followed the bread recipe to the letter. Upon using it the second time and again following the recipe to the letter. The motor sounds like it's being forced - it sounds like gears being skipped - The noise is VERY loud. Contacted Customer Support Was instructed to CUT 3-4inches of the power cord and send it to them. ( SENT ) 6-8 weeks later I get my replacement because the model I had was no longer available They sent me the B6000C upon opening the box I notcied the top of the bread maker does't close right, it has a lot of play. When the top is closed the left side appears closed whereas the right side is not closed - clearly not a sealed top - Contacted Customer Support Was instructed to CUT 3-4inches of the power cord and send it to them. They will send me another B6000C. All I want do do is make bread... Geez Hope Black & Decker gets it right this time.
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