Fourth in a series of "Faces of Lyme" videos. // Please tell us where you are from and your Lyme ...
Thank you Lisa Hilton and all of you, my fellow lyme warriors for putting
this video together. Although I am on every Facebook, Twitter, some
Instagram and Nothern California Bay Area local lyme disease support
groups, I had not heard of this organization nor the photo and video put
together. I know Lisa Hilton and I have a very best lymie friend in
Australia, who I communicate with daily, along with many many lyme friends
on Facebook.
I feel badly that I can't keep up with all the hundreds maybe thousands of
people who are living a life of lyme.
I have such difficulty reading and writing I know that many important lyme
disease issues slip by me.
I was clearly bitten five years ago while camping in the Santa Cruz
Mountains, just southwest of San Francisco.
After I returned home, I found the classic bullseye rash on my back.
I have worked as a Medical Assistant in the past and had seen bullseye
rashes before, so I knew immediately what it was.
Still, it took much energy and begging for antibiotics, eveb after an E.R.
physician confirmed it.
I was so ill with no one to speak for me.
I finally found what I needed, a LLMD, who has been treating me and kivked
that Babesia and Rickettsia to the curb.
Still fighting off lyme disease though and I haven't even found the energy
to do my "Bight out of Lyme" photo.
Thanks again for your beautifully made video.
Number four you said ?
How did I miss them ?
Well, know I've found and happy to say so.
Thank all of you from the bottom of my heart.
It is good to know that more and more this disease is being recognized as
such; many have been suffering alone and considered crazy before "sick". I
was lucky, although my blood test came negative in Canada there is not a
good medical system for these cases I have a marvelous English she Dr. that
saw how sick I was and immediately put me on antibiotics. I'll make a long
story short, we all know the ordeals we go trough, in my case having had
Polio as a baby with sequelas on the legs, I got such inflammations on my
joints, that my worst Polio leg was destroyed by the knee many times
operated, many times broken. Thus, now, in 2 weeks I will have the leg
amputated over the joint, which to me, although the drama as I live alone,
is a great solution, NO MORE PAIN! But some times it enrages me that a bug
no bigger than half a lentil has taken away my life, my independence and
made of me a broken puppet. I pray for all the victims that's what we are
of this infestation that a solution made be found before it becomes
"pandemic". Blessings!
Great Job Lisa!! It really shows how it is a WORLD WIDE problem and not
just here and there, etc. So sad to see all the suffering... especially
when you have gone through know exactly had badly each of those
people are suffering.. Total cruelty!!! This is proof and documentation of
who we are!! We do exist!!! Thanks :-)
Heather Rolfe-Reid
Thank you so much, Lisa and all of you Lyme fighters. Thank you for getting
the word out about the true economic and social impact and devastating
effect of Lyme Borreliosis all over the world.
Als sich Dr. David Owen noch öffentlich äußerte waren relativ deutliche Worte zum Wissensstand bezüglich "Phänomen der Borreliose" in England zu hören.
Bow Stones, Lyme Park, Disley
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Distant Drumbeats light up the landscape at Lyme Park
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Lyme Regis Landslides
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