KCPT - Kansas City Week in Review: February 10, 2012
THE TOUGHEST JOB IN KANSAS CITY: It's been called the hardest job in the metro. It's the person who sits in the superintendent's chair in the KCMO school ...
GOP OVERRIDES Welfare Drug Testing Veto, Governor Fights Back
The North Carolina GOP is having a big fight over making poor people pee in cups. First, Republicans in the state legislature, with some Democratic support, ...
I am a security officer that mostly works in low income housing. Not all
aid recipients use or sell drugs. However I have seen seen first hand aid
recipients use and sell drugs. How do I know they were on aid? They told
me. When they were caught with the drugs on them they wold ask us to
destroy them and not call police because they could not loose their
assistance. In my state a drug conviction can lead to loss of benefits. I
am think if you continually break the law you should not receive aid.
yeah they are thinking of doing it in the uk too. sad fact is they don't
distinguish between responsible and irresponsible users. someone may have a
few spliff one day a week to take the edge off the fact their life is bad
enough to want to kill themselves and all teh gov wants to do is make them
out to be a junky and cut them off totally. but see if you drank all your
money away on booze everyday thats ok because ts legal. we need a little
compassion, respect and understanding. thanks for reply
I don't see why it's unreasonable. You have to pass a drug test for most
jobs these days. The people who are actually trying to better themselves
won't have anything to lose by this. In fact, a series of passed drug
screenings would probably help them further. And the people that fail will
help us determine to how better allocate public resources to deal with
habitual drug use.I suspect it would take multiple failings before they
lost their funding. This just sets a standard procedure for if
Congress also receives government funding, as do their staffs and all the
other Federal Bureaucracies. I expect some, like DHS and the IRS - since
those agents have guns and drive armored vehicles - also drug test their
employees and of course Supervisors and Department Heads. We could probably
catch a lot more than 12 drug-users among that pool. And save money by
firing them - no pension, no health benefits, and no salary twice the
private sector average. Let's test everybody -- why not?
"you have to pass a drug test for most jobs these days." Sigh...Does anyone
read the Constitution anymore? Companies are free to drug test employees.
The government however, must abide by the Constitution. In order to perform
such an invasive "search", the government must first have probable cause.
Receiving government assistance is not probable cause for drug usage.
Should we also drug test Seniors on Medicare and Social Security, farmers
getting subsidies, unemployment, etc?
What is welfare......It is to keep the poor in the system so they will not
go and feel they need to hurt outers to feed their family. That the
government who takes the sells tax and all other taxes form them, protects
them stile.Talk to any one on the system and they much rather have a job! A
Job that big companies have sent over seas! This is why they are POOR! No
work means, no pay. No pay means no food. No food and people will do
anything to get it!
It's called TEMPORARY assistance for needy families, not lifetime
assistance fire needy families. You worthless people always bash and
demonize rich people and called them greedy but yet you don't work at all
or the bare minimum and bitch and moan for rich people to pay for
everything your have. Which one is it?! Do you hate then or not?! I'm a
taxpayer. Don't you call yourself if you want someone else to pay for stuff
for life. Fuck all y'all!
The government prefers to not give assistance to people who have money to
spend on drugs. Additionally, if someone is so poor they rely on the
government for assistance, they should probably be doing something more
productive with their time and money. I'm not saying everyone on welfare
use drugs....I know this isn't the case at all. The $10 urine test fee is
not going to deter "many" people from applying for assistance..that's just
I'll support Drug Testing of people on or applying for Welfare, as long as
that drug testing INCLUDES the Legislature and all members of all agencies
of Govt including the police force, Sheriff's Dept, and Highway Patrol, and
other state law enforcement including judges and prosecutors. These are all
people with critical jobs, vital to the State, we must ensure they they are
able to do their job and are deserving of tax payer's money.
Not if it's a Federal test - and TANF, Food Stamps, Medicaid, SSI - are
Federal Welfare. Regular Social Security Title II, is not Welfare, yet it
is called an "entitlement" by the GOP and the Corporate Elite, many of whom
receive a Government Subsidy of millions of dollars every year. The Plan is
to turn the Middle Class against the Poorer Class. Divide and Conquer.
United we may withstand the Elitist, anti-Christ(ian) of the GOP.
He's missing one huge point it was governor McCrory who actually call them
back in order to override his veto...McCrory has been playing politics.
Basically he covered is butt, now being able to say well I vetoed it but
they overrode my veto so not my fault even though it actually was, if he
never called them back to specifically do this it probably never would have
happened. This is a part of the story only covered here in NC
Maybe if a lot of the poor could afford internet or transportation to
somewhere they can afford it, they could do research online to learn about
the terrible GOP policies rather than getting all their "facts" from Fox
News while sitting at McDonalds. I'm lucky that with my household income,
we get enough to scrape by (barely) and have a cheap internet service
otherwise I'd probably be too ignorant to vote properly as well.
Temporary assistance for needy families. Not lifetime assistance for needy
families. You worthless people bash and demonize rich people but always
want them to pay for everything you scum don't want to work due yourselves.
Which one is it goddammit?! Do you hate them or not? Because if you hate
them so much you sure do like taking their money. Which means they're good
for something. Hypocrisy is unattractive.
It's fucking absurd that you have to submit to a drug test for virtually
every job these days, but it's "racist" somehow to expect people who want
to sit on their ass and collect money to do the same. But then again,
these are the same people who insist that voter ID laws are "racist," too,
since blacks are apparently too stupid or lazy to acquire valid ID, despite
it being free for those who can't afford it.
Lets put this another way. As a parent I have household rules. All the kids
must follow them. As they look to me for financial support I require them
to follow the rules. You don't like my rules? support yourself. Why should
I support someone that does not respect me by continuously breaking the
rules. I am referring to the children in my house over 18. The ones under
18 I just suspend their allowance.
Not just that, military recruitment goes, private prison detainees go up,
crime goes up resulting in the public demanding their politicians "get
tough on crime" which actually just means sending more minorities to
prison, gun sales go up, religious membership goes up as education goes
down, family units are broken up and entire sub-cultures are destroyed.
Fucking the poor is Fascist Putsch 101.
True, but government should not give unearned money to drug users including
marijuana because of the adverse effects. Marijuana may provide an escape,
but it hinders new information retention and formation of neural pathways.
I'd rather have government-provided marijuana for everyone then to have a
work-based society where unemployed marijuana purchasers are receiving free
No matter how you look at it, it is the fact that they are making poor
people (who cannot afford their food or shelter) pay for something to get
assistance that makes this so incredibly evil and hard hearted. To those
that support this, what will happen if you loose your job and your savings
dries up? How will you make it until you get that new job? I wish you the
Why is NC fucking people in the ass dude? First they cut unemployment
benefits and now want people to pay for drug tests? If you're going to make
them take a test YOU pay for it. The burden of proof is on you as you are
verify their drug status. I'm serious, Republicans are fucking stupid. They
are "smart businessman" but they fucking fail at logic and moral issues.
Please tell me what you think we / I should do then. I want to get the ball
rolling on a revolution because I'm tired of first of all drug users being
seen as less than human, the poor & minorities being fucked over by lack of
opportunities because america is not the 'rags to riches' story the
american dream portrays. Please tell me what we should do.
Nobody in history has ever died from smoking too much pot. Thousands of
people die every year from alcohol poisoning. Why don't they deny money to
people who drink beer, wine or liquor? It's exactly like John said, it's to
demonize the poor and make it seem ok to cut their benefits and justifies
tax cuts for the wealthy.
Lots of good points everyone should drug test for welfare. If they have no
real disability they shouldn't be doing even pot. that money is for the
kids. most that money goes to the parrents, liquor stores, and dealers. I
know not all are like that. But this has become an epidemic of people being
Why are Republicans so eager to pass such regulations? Because urine
testing companies have become big businesses with a large lobby in the past
decade. It's not even about shaming the poor. Like nearly every other
Republican policy, it's about doing what the people giving them money want.
Yes because all welfare recipients are gangbangers and drug takers. Great
affirmative action. Thankfully I don't live in America and won't have to
suffer this. Imagine if you dont drink even alcohol but before you are
allowed welfare you need drug tests. It would be humiliation.
how much did it cost for the testing process vs how many did they catch...
and does it test for marijuana in states that have medical or recreational
marijuana legalized? if it costs more to test them than the amount they
save by getting rid of drug addicts then whats the point.
Then, some of the welfare people will go into dealing drugs because they
have no better option. If only they could see the potential effects of
policies before they pass them into law. Also where is the Supreme court
ruling on this? Isn't it inconstitutional to do this?
2:30 they have been demonizing the poor since time immemorial, this isn't a
new culture trend. But i would like to see what middle class that still
exists for them to use against the poor.... in 15 years we will ALL be the
fucking poor if this shit keeps up.
Welfare Drug Testing
UPDATE: (AP) -- North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory says he won't carry out one bill the legislature enacted despite his veto until the program is better funded.
I lived in a family with a parent who was smoking crack, living with a meth
addict who yells every day and night, buying cigarettes and beer while i'm
practically starving. These people want to look good soo much with these
liberal lines like "let's not bother them it might be profiling" that they
don't even try to think of the fact children actually have to live with
these psychos (the best part there are advocates vouching for the mental
problems they created themselves, hard drugs make people psychotic). They
are taking advantage of a situation in which I and many others had to
suffer through as a child and the tax payers are working their fingers to
the bone at wal-mart (which drug and mentally tests all applicants) paying
for. Fine, draw a halo over the head and pat yourselves on the back.
Then test ALL people in the state of NC receiving government money like the
legislature that vetoed the governors decision.
Roundup: Abortion Bills, Drug Testing and #TxLege
As state lawmakers enter the last month of the 84th Legislature, they advanced a number of measures that would further restrict abortions, drug test political ...
New Michigan Law Requiring Drug Testing Of Welfare Recipients And Mandatory Paternity Tests
Some state legislators in Michigan weren't happy about the bills' passage. This is the war on the poor. Are we going to drug test other people who receive tax ...