This video was featured on the splash page of the Seacliff YSA Ward's new website ( on launch day, June 1st, 2009, as a way to introduce ...
Young Single Adults Big Game Night for Everyone #2 (Davis County, UT)
VOTE NO on PROP 8 Vote NO sobre la Proposición 8 投票反對提案8 कैलिफोर्निया
प्रस्ताव 8 NO पर वोट दें Despite what many Prop 8 supporters claim Prop 8
does in fact remove rights which include pension plan survivor benefits,
long-term care insurance, tax exemption of inheritance, exemption from
testifying against spouse, state veteran benefits and marriage. Watch my
videos and MJoseOC's for more information.
How did Jesus refer to marriage in the Bible? Between a man and a woman.
Please do not use the argument that Jesus condoned immoral behavior. No
where in the Bible is homosexuality spoken of in a favorable manner. God
never spoke of any sexual immorality in a positive accepting manner. Jesus
said that he spoke of what the father wanted and did what the father wanted
him to do. If God was in favor of free choice sex being accepted he would
have made it very clear.
I love Tonga, but attitudes like this, in Tonga and in California, are
shameful. Really, guys, you should be ashamed - you are the sinners here,
not gays. Judge not, lest ye be judged. There are good reasons why your
religion (or anyone else's) should not dictate law.
That's awesome, another person of color! Just understand that I don't hate
YOU, just what you do...and if you want to call that bigotry, that's up to
you...sounds like you have some hate issues yourself!
Oh the ignorance... Sweetie its really not that hard to say "Artificial
Insemination". If you wish to make an ad make it correctly please. NO ON
What does artificial insemination have to do with Prop 8. This is really
sad, what if one of those kids are gay and you are teaching them to hate
Seperation of church and State? You are aware that noN Christians get
married too and that it is in no way a Christian invention? (well, probably