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Warsaw poland to moscow russia Videos

Aeroflot's flight from Warsaw (Poland) to Moscow (Russia)

Aeroflot's flight from Warsaw Okecie Chopin Airport (Poland) to Moscow Sheremyetevo(Russia) on board of Airbus A320.

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japierdole jaka żenada
mega kiepskie!

1998 August 25 Dinamo Moscow Russia 1 Polonia Warszawa Poland 0 UEFA Cup

If interested in international matches (usually from 80s-90s), you can also check my blog //soccernostalgia.blogspot.com/ I not only provide ...

1995 (September 26) Spartak Moscow (Russia) 2-Legia Warsaw (Poland) 1 (Champions League).avi

If interested in international matches (usually from 80s-90s), you can also check my blog //soccernostalgia.blogspot.com/ I not only provide ...

Russian Train Moscow - Paris at Warszawa Centralna Station ( поезд Москва - Париж )

EuroNight 23JI / 442 "Trans-European Express" travelling from Moskva Belorusskaja to Paris Gare de l'Est via Smolensk, Minsk, Brest, Terespol, Warsaw, ...

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ruSSian Mongols
+francisco5605 cyryllic ruSSian Mongols from east civilization 
польский ублюдок

Warsaw riot video: Nationalists attack Russian Embassy

COURTESY: RT's RUPTLY video agency, NO RE-UPLOAD, NO REUSE - FOR LICENSING, PLEASE, CONTACT //ruptly.tv Police had to use rubber bullets ...

User Comments

So you protest against EU and attack Russian embassy? Am I missing something?
Is this a bad time to bring up the warsaw pact?
+zombiecssMy point is that Russians "enslaved" Poles, just like Poles "enslaved" Russians. Its not like you were ever better then Russians. Conquest over land is not enslaving, its just war for control.And try to put your self in shoes of poor Poles who where considered second class citizens in there own country. Communism offered them equality and chance to fight the rich and powerful. USSR wasnt really a Russian country, eve Stalin was not Russian. The only thing that mattered was that you where part of communist party not what nationality you where. There were a lot of Russians that fought communist, just like there were Poles...
Okay, but what is your point? Poland wasn't on the map for 123 years. And part of it was under occupation of Russia (Russian Empire). Does it justify Stalin's actions? I don't think so. We finally recovered our independence in 1918 and won polish-bolshevik war in 1919-1921. This is excatly what I'm talking about - Russians and their expansionist behaviour were always and will always be a threat to Poland. Stalin wanted to spread communism and enslave polish nation again (just like Lenin wanted to, but he couldn't - battle of Warsaw 1920). This just confirm what  I'm talkin about since my first comment - Russians were always our enemies, and they probably are our enemies today. That's why we stick with the US and are against our russian "brothers"And yes, I think that polish communists were cowards and traitors because they turned against polish patriots, allied with enemy army which their fathers fought with and that was occupying Poland just several dozen years ago and sold their homeland to Moscow for money and privileges, ruling country by terror, rigging, propaganda, manipulation, and what is the most disgraceful, denunciations.
+zombiecssI didnt say that Russians lived there, I said that it was part of Russian Empire. When Commonwealth felt apart, parts of Poland were split between Prussia, Austro-Hungary and Russia. After October Revolution and the end of WWI Poland was created again. Stalin only wanted that territory that was part of Russian Empire. And you cant really call communist Poles traitors, they were only poor people that wanted a better life and communism looked like good idea in theory but it turned impossible in reality.And to be fair Poles also ruled over lands where Poles didnt live. Polish kingdoms conquer lands of Belorussians, Ukrainians (before they were all just Russians), then Baltic lands, Slovaks, Moldavian, Romanians etc.Im from the Balkans so I know how fucked up can history be for us Slavs. :D
Yes, of course majority of communists in Poland were polish blood. But they were traitors and puppets first accommodated by terror of Red Army and NKVD which falsed the elections and destroyed the last sovereign centers of polish statehood in the country, and they were heading directly by the directives from Moscow.I'm not sure which lands are you talking about, I was writing about situation in whole Poland. I don't know what Stalin wanted but he took the whole country spreading terror up till western borders with Germany..You probably mention the Eastern Marches that today are part of Ukraine and Lithuania (Vilnius, Kovno, Lvov, Grodno etc.) Russians never lived there, these cities are built by polish hands since medieval ages..And there is the map of partition of Poland and lands that Russians wanted before Nazis turned against him://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pakt_Ribbentrop-Mo%C5%82otow#mediaviewer/File:Soviet_and_German_sphere_of_influence_in_the_Second_Polish_Republic_according_to_Molotov%E2%80%93Ribbentrop_Pact_1939.PNGThis lands were never russian and will never be..
+zombiecssBut parts of Poland that Stalin wanted were all part of Russia before October Revolution. And it wasnt really a Russian-Polish war, it was more communist(a lot of them Polish) vs everybody else that wanted their state...
It is a sad fact for Poles that most people thinks that Germans are responsible for all the evil during II WW, and the Russians saved us. And maybe this is truth from the view of people living in America and in West Europe. But in case of Poland this is totally contradiction of the truth. We were invaded by Germans who breaked the non-agression pact in 1st September. Nearly all available troops were on the western borders fighting a defensive war and waiting for UK and France which were supposed to help us (these countries were our allies). But the help never came. And in the 17th September Russians backstabbed us invading from the east. They cooperated with nazis to perform partition of Poland (Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, 23 August 1939).//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molotov%E2%80%93Ribbentrop_Pact  In Katyn they murdered, with cold blood, tens of thousands polish officers, policemen, etc (Katyn massacre).//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katyn_massacreRussians intentionally stopped their offensive in 1944 while Warsaw Uprising to let Germans kill thousands of civilians and destroy entire city.//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lack_of_outside_support_during_the_Warsaw_UprisingThey never liberated us, they made us their communist satelite state with falsed elections and they were just another occupant fighting with polish nation. Polish veterans and  members of elite society were prisoned and assassinated or just murdered by communist police (the best, and maybe the saddest example is Witold Pilecki - //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Witold_Pilecki.And the is only one story in the whole ocean of them). Thousands of people who could be potentially dangerous for communist system were forced to move on Siberia and many of them didnt even survive this journey. When Europe was rebuilding itself and celebrating their victory Poland was still bleeding out and fighting for her independence forgotten by all our allies who sold us to Stalin in Yalta.. The last of polish guerilla troops named as famous "cursed soldiers" who were still fighting with communists opressors, were killed in a fight with NKVD in 1963.//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cursed_soldiersRussian occupation from 1945 to 1989 is a subject for tens of books, so I just tell that they murdered and moved away thousands of people including polish veterans of underground army, protesting workers, polish patriots etc. Everyone who loved Poland and wasn't working for communists was in a great danger. And finally, when the whole communist bloc was going to collapse, in 1989, polish liberal opostion, which was infiltrated by agents, made an agreement that the communist party will concede but they crimes that they made in the past will never be punished! Today our media, government etc. is full of descendants of communists. The police members who were killing anti-communist protesters are unpunished and are living a good life collecting high good money from their retirement. The same is with office workers and communist activists. This is why we (young generation, personally I'm 19) feel deceived. And this is why we don't have too much warm feelings for our eastern "brothers" from Russia. Sorry for my english, and for the length of my comment but I hope that you will understand the polish nationalists point of view better from now.
+zombiecss Woah wasn't that the Germans who thought themselves as the elites and the Slavs as the lesser, then the Nazi Germany commit those atrocities that you mentioned in WW2 that is indescribable with words. Yeah Russia and Poland have bad vibes since 16th centuries when the Polish-Lithuanian alliance fought the Russian Empire with both sides suffered casualties in terms of human lives, resources and land. Isn't the fault lies in Western European and American culture of elitism and imperialist attitude, that the grievances that you mention and for those who does not fit with the elitist euro/american culture. I think we all lost something the Germans, the Russians and the Poles therefore people should be happy with what they have.         
We are against EU but even more we hate russian - mongolian scum. I know your relationship with russians are good and NATO did terrible things to your people but russians did even worse things to us since centuries. That's why we support the US even if we know this is also a bad country. But at least they never  backstabbed us and raped our  defenceless women or murdered our children like russians did many times... And I'm sure they would really like to do this again if they only have the possibility. Keeping with US and NATO is the only way to stand against russia then. It's a bandit and brainwashed nation which is always a treat to Poland (and probably all of their neighbours). But at the other side, this march and demonstrations have nothing to do with russians, their embassy was just accidentally near the rout of the march. It's more about frustration of this horrible government and "society elites" we have, which can only steal from our people and sell our country to the western Europe, russians, or Jews and has been never purged and dealed with the criminal-communist past. And this is something we can't forgive about. The young generation feels that we are deceived by both western and russian powers and that the polish government is not sovereign and is working only to steal or sell what is still able to. Greets
Understand Russians - This is only the beggining.
+Lordex dlatego między innymi chcę wstąpić do policji: żeby móc pałować takich jak wynacjonalizm to choroba
lol whites attacking whites? white people in russia are pretty racist. it would make more sense to see this in a colored country.
why don't people in countries in africa or asia attack their embassy? do you know how many immigrants and foreigners are attacked or killed every year? moscow protestant chaplaincy did a survey in which half of the africans in moscow said they have been attacked. they have 85,000 neo-nazis.
+Српски Патриот Russians aren't our brothers and will never be, of course US is also a bad people and bad country but at least they never backstabbed us, never raped our women, never sacked our cities and never fought with everything that is polish like those russian peasants, always ruled by a absolut power, used to do during centuries. I'm not sure if there is another nation that unhonorable and brain-washed like russians were (im talking about past). The things your ancestors did to our country are unforgettable and unforgivable but today you Russians are so proud that you can't even apologise for it and you will always negate that things like this ever happend. So please don't call us brothers and do not think like we are just "lost" between you and US, because that are Russians and only Russians who ruined our prospects for common future and made our brothership impossible...
+MsDado78 Да!
+MsDado78 Suck in
+Српски Патриот fuck off
No Poland is a good country, but there are some retards that believe in better future with US rather then with the slavic brothers(Russia).......
+thetoughguy jr. so its for americans hahah
what's your problem, kid? racism is for the narrowminded, bored and uneducated.
What's up nigger?Lol

CityNightLine Train Berlin - Warsaw - Minsk - Moscow

Short report about the fast Russian CityNightLine train from Berlin to Moscow via Poznan, Warsaw, Brest, Minsk. Berlin - Moskva - Express, EuroNight Jan ...

User Comments

Nein es ist nicht der TEE. Der Zug ist eine komplette eigenentwicklung der DR und war auch nich nur für west-passagiere gedacht (Die es zu Mauerzeiten ja kaum gab...)
@Hackeball45 das ist aber die traditiomelle transibirische Eisenbahnlinie - jeden Tag von Moakau und am Samstag von Berlin ....:-D
#44 - Most Viewed (This Week) - Travel & Events - Germany #48 - Top Favorites (This Week) - Travel & Events - Germany
Hat sich erledigt. Die Dokumentation heisst "Mit dem Zug von Berlin bis Peking " und gibt es hier bei YT in 6 Teilen.
natürlich isses der TEE, die DR Hatte auch einen, nur durften damit nur West-Leute fahren...
Gibt es diesen Beitrag auch länger oder gar auf DVD ? Interresanter Beitrag. Gefällt mir.
Weiss jemand was das für eine Lok (Baureihe) ist die der Pole fährt? Danke im Vorraus
hah, der TEE gammelt wohl für immer in Lichtenberg dahin, schade schade...
0:18 Was ist denn das hier, wir sind ein Personenzug!
ER HEISST "Andrzej Piluszko" und nichts anderes...
I want something similar with Russian commentary
Berlin-To Warsaw = NEW BERLIN berlin epic stadt
Das ist so geil! Ich will mit diesem Zug reisen!

Trans-European Express | Paris - Moscow | Warsaw Central | Traxx E 186 143-4

Bombardier Traxx E 186 143-4 EuroNight 453 Paris - Moskva Belorusskaja Trans-European Express to pociąg łączący Paryż z Moskwa. Skład jedzie przez takie ...

User Comments

Piękny dźwięk pisku falowników podvzas rozruchu. Kilka razy widziałem go w Poznaniu, raz w peronach Dworca Głównego, raz w okolicach Kopaniny i raz na wiadukcie nad Hetmańską - robi wrażenie na przechodniach!
Niby takie drobne dodatki na początku ,a o ile film robi się ciekawszy :D Rozruch traxxa powala ,świetny film! +
Rozruch Traxxa powala jak zawsze :D No i fajnie złożony ten filmik :-) Łapka w górę się należy ;-)
Miło mi, że o mnie wspomniałeś ;) Szkoda, że nie udało Ci się złapać zapowiedzi :)
To jest śmiechu warte, że DB i SNCF nie dadzą nawet jednego wagonu :p
Elegancki skład z większością nowych wagonów. :) /Fajne/
Ciekawe nagranie, fajnie wyszło ;-)

Old foxtrot from Warsaw: "Madame" - Janina Brochwiczówna & Chór Juranda, ca 1933

Janina Brochwiczówna with Chór Juranda & Orkiestra Taneczna "Odeon" - Madame (Godwin/ Dorjan), Odeon ca 1933 (Poland) NOTE: Janina ...

User Comments

@dzheger It 's a rare commercial of the 100% Polish construction automobile SteTysz produced in Warsaw in years 1924-29. Its name came from initials of the constructor and factory owner, count Stefan Tyszkiewicz. The car had a very good Continental motor and its chassis was strong and well adapted to the bad quality of Polish roads. They managed to sell 200 examples, before the factory's fire ceased the career of that sensational Polish enterprise
@barbcard Thanks B., I'm glad you got my idea of puttind all that collection of popular posters - whatever is their real artistic quality - into frame of a high-art. You know Lempicka, but you may not have heard of another excellent Polish painter of the 1920s, Leon Chwistek. I like his wife's portrait a lot. It REALLY HAS! that true, phantasmagoric air and temparature of hot and crazy Twenties...
ELEGANCKE! I love the Polish Sophistication! Love Janina's beautiful voice.. and the Chor was Wonderful! Most of all, I love the Polish advertisments Czekolady......Futra......Samochody ...Wakacje...i Bal Warszawy :-))) All My Favorite RZECZY...:-)))) Dziekuje
@genia106 Next time you and Rody come to Warsaw we'll make a ride for a few days to Wilno by my new car SteTysz! And, next time, you HAVE to buy for yourself an oposum shawl at Herse's!
Grzegorz - thanks whole bunch for this delightful vid - the artwork is super dazzling and this foxtrot is great for dancing - relaxing and smooth! Have a great weekend!
I second barbcard's comment; the music is briilant; the visuals are stunning and indeed the last portrait is perfectly in tune.
One of your very best! I love the lively counterpoint and the many terrific images, esp. that last painting.
@genia106 Sorry Genia, I meant Rudy, not Rody, ofcourse...
Delighful in its naive sophistication. Thanks Grzegorz.

Nneka LIVE "Walking" - My Fairy Tales - Tour 2015 @Jam'in'Berlin

Nneka performs her song "Walking" from her album "No Longer At Ease" live in Berlin @Kesselhaus. Nneka Tourdates 2015: Apr 04 Bataclan Paris, France Apr ...

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ra enaze mgeris vin icis?
+Lasha Tepnadze english bro :D
გემოვნება გვქონია ქართველ ერს :)
+Gvantsa Beridze Nnenka temaa toooo :D
You should come to Georgia :)
✌ პეტიცია გავამზადოთ
es vinaaa lela wwurwumia ? :)))))))))))))))
ნწუ ჯაბუაა
+LazyHero :D დასტანე
ქართული კომენტარები მომეწონა მასობრივათ! მართლა კარგად მოაქ ამ სიმღერას ეს გოგო გვათხოვეთ საქართველოში თქვენ ვერ უსმენთ ისე როგორც საჭიროა, კაი ვეშია მართლა გაასწორა!
+davit japharidze მომეწონა,'თქვენ ვერ უსმენთ ისე,როგორც საჭიროა' :ვვ :
+Достучаться До Небес ::*:*
+giga laz-ogli yvelgan me var :D :D :D
+Достучаться До Небес nikush aqac ra ginda :D xamsa var :*
moweulze daglijavs es :D
+Bela Gabelaia mshvidobaa tqo ver getyvi mara :D plans miaq iqauroba 
+DIMA TSAAVA რა ხდება აფხაზეთში? <3
+ika gigniashvili ki kii namdvilad
+ika gigniashvili ქააართველებოოოო :დ
+DIMA TSAAVA opaaa :D sxvas ar epatijebi aravis? :D
amjamad tyvarchelis raioni oqumi ici ?
+With video რომელი სოფელია მეცოდინება აუცილებლად <3 
+DIMA TSAAVA afxazetshi maq sofeli da mag pontshi gkitxe :* :)
+With video ორმაგი მოქალაქე ვარ :) 
+DIMA TSAAVA afxazetshi cxovrob ??
+ika gigniashvili yvelaferze glijavs to :)))
ჩამომაკითხე აფხაზეთში და იქ ვნახოთ ერთად თუ გაინტერესებს :D :D :D 
+DIMA TSAAVA გთხოვ მითხარი სიმართლე ტისკი ხომ არასოდეს არ გაქვს მოწეული?
+ika gigniashvili შევამოწმე და კარგი ყოფილა :D:D:D
+ika gigniashvili :D :D :D
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