If you want to rename the default Mail flags from their color names "Yellow, Green, Red" etc, here is how to do it quickly in OS X! Here is the accompanying ...
How to use flags within Mac Mail
A short video illustrating how to use flags within MacMail? How to create the flags, how to rename the flags and how to delete the flags.
Hi, do you know how to sync flagged emails between mac and ipad/iphone? I
mean, you can flag emails in either one, but they don't sync between each
other, I would like to be able to see the flagged emails in my macbook also
on the ipad. Any ideas? thx
Hi Sandra, it doesn't appear that you can. There seems to be a lot of people with the same request. Hopefully as they develop IOS 8, one of the upgrades may contain the flags in Mail syncing.
Tagging Mail Messages (MacMost Now 889)
//macmost.com/e-889 An often-requested feature of Mac Mail is the ability to tag messages with keywords. While full tagging ability isnapos;t included in Mail ...
How to Change Mail View in Mac OS X 10.7 Lion
I Need Your Help: //vid.io/x6R (Please Support) //www.lockergnome.com/osx/2011/07/25/how-to-turn-off-mail-animations-in-mac-os-x-lion/ Apple has ...
@FranceHopper But then that's going to make it harder to track. In snow
leopard there was a pane to show what app was assigned in which space but
in lion that is gone. Another flaw I think was when it came to minimized
windows, because those windows wouldn't show in mission control. Lastly,
I'm unsure what happens if you delete a space via mission control, and make
a new space, as to what happens to the previously assigned apps. My
viewpoints come from drbuk's demo of mission control video.
Don't know if anyone's been looking for this, if you miss Drag Lock (the
double tap and hold to move windows around rather than the new three finger
drag), it DOES still exist but the option has moved. Here's how to get back
classic dragging: System Preferences > Universal Access > Mouse & Trackpad
> Trackpad Options > Check Dragging and select With Drag Lock. You're good
to go. Also, you can now easily add custom text to your login screen.
System Prefs > Security > General > Show Message
@Nanotech11 how is it more cumbersome? I dont own Lion either so im
speaking from watching their keynote vids etc. Seems putting specific apps
in a specific space is the same. click drag into the space. done. *shruggs
shoulders* spaces and expose are both there..just that a new company called
" mission control" took over managing them or ..so it would seem.lol.
hopefuly that part of Lion won't turn out as retarded as MCI taking over
SkyTel back in 2000. I speak from experience. Fu Ebbers
@chronofusion Oh don't listen to me then, since I don't have Lion. Ask
someone who actually has it :P For me I just didn't like how they got rid
of spaces and expose and replaced it with mission control. I saw a couple
videos of it and I didn't like how it worked. I liked my spaces organized,
one example is where I like to put specific apps in a specific space, and
it seems like that Apple has made that process more cumbersome.
@FranceHopper Ah, I was wondering whether they will permanently lose their
assignments. So say you had the fourth space open and assigned mail to it,
then deleted the space/quit mail. Afterwards you make a new space and open
up mail, will mail appear in the fourth space or will it open up in the
current space? Thanks for answering my queries by the way.
@Nanotech11 You are right in that the list of space assignments is gone,
which I agree does suck. As for minimized windows, as they go into the
dock, they do show in Mission Control as the entire dock is in Mission
Control. As far as deleting spaces go, the apps will move to the currently
selected desktop and will loose their assignments.
@ConorHarrington they made a lot of changes, so there are some growing
pains. I've had issues with keyboard shortcuts and youtube HTML5 videos for
example. It's the nature of key releases, with every new feature added
creates a new chance for a glitch. I will say that for a first release,
Lion is at the very least stable and still speedy.
Hey chris if you want to eliminate those annoying animations on Mail app
only open Terminal and write: defaults write com.apple.Mail
DisableReplyAnimations -bool YES if you want them back for some reason..
change YES for FALSE, and that's it I hope it helps you men!
So true! What are they thinking?Thanks for helping me with the mail app. Am
currently just trying to get the F12 & F11 keys to work for sound but for
some reason I get the stop sign--or the circle the diagonal line through
@Century21CasaReal That's actually really easy. Press your Mac's power
button to turn it on. Immediately hold down Option on the keyboard. Select
Recovery HD. Wait for it to load, then select the option for Safari.
I must say I'm kind of disappointed in Lion, heard they got rid of that
intro video (I was so looking forward to the new one), among other things.
Hope I won't have to run it until it's 2-3 years down the road.
@Nanotech11 Actually, it's outrageously easy now. Make a space for what
ever app(s) you want and launch or drag them to it. Right click their dock
icons, select options, then Assign to this Desktop.
Chris could you please show how can we boot to safari mode. Apple added a
feature to boot to safari in sandbox mode. Just like Chrome books. Please
teach us how to boot into it.THUMBS UP
@Ybtv09 Mission Control is a godsend for all the multitasking I do. It
takes adjusting to, but once you have it figured out, it's actually hard to
go back to the old Spaces and Exposé.
@Nanotech11 im confused..why are you disappointed in Lion? I haven't
purchased it yet. but I just wanted to get a few realistic hands on
opinions of others before making my decision.
I love the new mail just like it is. i have been using it for a couple
months now on lion. what I wanna know is, what do you like about lion? so
far all i've heard are dislikes lol.
guys, i remember in snow leopard, i had the nice ability to BOUNCE emails
back to the sender,its seems i can't do this no more in Lion?? (using the
mail app) Help me out here folks.
Wow, I've been waiting forever for the new 3 panel view, been using the 3rd
party utilities to make it happen. I'm so happy, I can't understand why
anyone likes the "classic" view.
I personally love the new interface. It looked great before. It looks
better now. I lol at all the suckers who paid for FaceTime however when it
comes for free with Lion.
What a tool, I bet it takes you an hour to get ready to have sex. Get to
the point - nobody wants to hear you run your damn gums nerd. Except for
you maybe.
thanks man, i freaked out thinking i lost all my offline folders :). phew.
Apple Mail Flag
This is a microcontroller I rigged up with my iMac to raise a flag when I get new email.
How to Flag Mail in iOS 5
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