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NYC Empire State Building Elevator Ride to Floor 102 New York City Manhattan

July 22nd 2014 New York City's Empire State Building Elevator ride from 86th the 102nd Floor Observatory. Vintage Hand Crank elevator.

User Comments

I want to ride that elevator so badly! You know I didn't even know that this elevator existed in the Empire State Building until recently like last year or two years ago. And thank god it's still manually operated!
+Nathan Davis When a plane crashed into the empire state building in 1945, Betty Lou Oliver was an elevator operator on the 80th floor who plummeted to the basement and survived as the elevator cables fell to the bottom of the shaft and softened the fall...so I'm guessing they were all manual at that time.
+Nathan Davis That's if I want to. I can't guarantee you if I'll get an answer.
+Electric Bird I mean my theory would make sense. Maybe the next time you'er there; ask the elevator operator if all the elevators were all like that originally.
+Nathan Davis I suppose.
+Electric Bird It would make sense because at the time when the Empire State Building was built most elevators were manually operated. I don't think they began making them all automatic until the 1940's or 50's.
+Nathan Davis That I do not know.
+Electric Bird is it true that all the elevators in the Empire State Building at one point were all like this?
+A.A W I went up there. It was awesome!
+Nathan Davis No, I'm saying that they have had these elevators since day 1.
If you have never been in a manually operated elevator, there's no better way to experience it than 102 storeys up.
"They've been having them" what? Modernized?
There are 102 floors in this building. They've been having them.

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Der Traum vom höchsten Gebäude der Welt scheint so alt wie die Menschheit. Schon die Bibel erzählt vom ehrgeizigen Projekt der Babylonier, ein Bauwerk zu ...

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sehr geil gemacht

Empire state building lift TURBO !!!

Empire state building lift travel 86TH to second floor in 70 seconds !

Minecraft: Top 5 Bauwerke [HD]

In diesem Video zeige ich euch meine Besten 5 Wolkenkratzer Das sind sie: 1.Chrysler Building 2.Empire State Building 3.Metlife 4.Willis Tower 5.Taipai 101.

User Comments

Das Chrysler Building sieht echt gut aus :D hast du das gebaut oder in eine Welt eingefügt ?
Ich hab die Wolkenkratzer zum größten Teil alleine gebaut
Danke das war schwer aber es sieht wirklich episch aus :)
das Metlife Building is das beste

Minecraft PS4: Let's build a City/Skyscraper [Stream #18] [GER] || Capital City

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Wie war deine Reaktion auf das neue update
+Denis Eisner Naja, entspricht den Erwartungen, wobei ich da auch ein paar weitere neue Einstellungs Möglichkeiten in den Einstellungen gerne hätte wie z.B. Renderdistanz erhöhen, den Sichtweiten Nebel ausschalten oder das man einigen Leuten noch mehr Privilegien geben könnte oder diese auch dann dauerhaft behalten anstatt die beim nächsten Spiel beitritt wieder verschwinden (dies gilt dann wenn man Leute in Kreativ haben möchte aber die Standard Einstellung auf Survival ist)


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