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Japan genocide facts Videos

民主党 "Fake of Nanking & Comfort Women" - Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) Committee claims 2/2

HD保存&拡散推奨 Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ)Committee: "Committee for the Examination of the Facts about Comfort Women and Nanking Massacre" ...

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様々歴史本や資料を見るたびに、中国の嘘と虐殺と騙しの5000年に唖然とする。 中国はまさにそれらの得意技でプロパガンダを続けて、無為無策で崖っぷちに追い込まれた日本を蹴落すまであと一歩まできている。 プロパガンダもロビー活動も益々激しくなり、100億かけてブロードウエイで新たな南京映画も作られようとしている。 政府も外務省も国民もみんな世界に向けて気合い入れて必死に対抗するべき。 ”なかった派”の根拠ある正しい反論は相手をひるませる。 これは南京ひとつだけの問題ではなく日本の存亡に直結する。 穀田氏、福岡氏、「あんたは窃盗をやっていると言われたんだから殺人だってやったに違いない」と言われて納得するのか? なんと、海外だけでなく日本国内にさえこんなに売国奴がいる。
日本語でいくら語っても所詮、日本の島の中。 もっと中国を見習って(笑)、正しい歴史認識を世界に英語で発信しましょう!先の日本敗戦の理由のひとつは、情報戦を軽視したことです。今でも、尖閣諸島奪取計画も南京大虐殺ねつ造も、中国のロビー活動は各地にあるチャイナタウンで着々と進められています。しかしこのネット社会、昔のままの中国の戦術は通用しません。情報ネットワークを駆使して、正義を世界に発信しましょう! 英語の苦手な人もこのHPなら大丈夫! Come to my web site! UndertakerRachのコピペでGo! 英文中国文反論コメント集
Massacro di Nankino e` compretamente falso. Le fotografie sono tutte false. Anche il film di reverendo Magee e` falso. Esistono tante fotografie di atorocita` cinese, ma neanche una di giapponese. Purtroppo, occidentali non conoscono se sono cinesi o giapponesi.Questo e` guaio. I soldati cinesi non proteggevano i cittadini di Nankino, perche` erano invasori venuti da Canton, questi attacarono e occuparono Nankino in 1927. Quanti cinesi,occidentali e giapponesi furono massacrati dai cinesi.
@peachdreaming We want to know the truth. If there was Nanking Massacre as Chinese say, we are ashamed and deeply repentant. But the number of victims has suspiciously increased and there was no physical evidence, from only hearsay, and no official answer from China regard to where the dead bodies were, the reason why no mixed race children in the result of the rape. If that was made up by someone, we have to take back the honor of our predecessors. By the way, your Japanese is awesome!
CCP brainwashed it's own people by teaching Anti -Japanese education presenting it's people bunch of fabricated fake photos of massacres, to make them believe and force it's people to deal with it's low wage labor system. That is how Japan apologized and to many countries in Asia only not to China. WAKE UP Chinese people, are you still going to get enough being a slave of a communist group like CCP? watch: watch?v=WEH3FRaK2k0&feature=gr-ec_index watch?v=aefFXZhOWBQ watch?v=VvFk2fPHHnk
日本は南京のが別にあろうとなかろうと それが理由で中国を批判してはいませんよね チベット、天安門、台湾を出すことはありますけど。 映画まで作って日本のイメージを悪くしておいて、 中国は引っ張ってないだのはさすがに通用しないでしょう。 もちろん引っ張っていなければそれはいいことですが、、 それなら真実を探すことに抗議があるわけがない。
@YourMissAnonymous According to Japanese research, all photos of Nanking Massacre included in the memorial hall and in the "Rape of Nanking" were fabricated. In fact the American press apologized for a photo which they published after it was proved to be fake. Kim Bí-Leng said because Soong May-ling, who was the wife of Chiang Kai-shek, had beauty and spoke good English, used these photos to lobby the US to save The Kuomintang of China.
Well, this "Fake Nanking Massacre" debate is very new to me, and I've been trying to look into it and figure out who's telling the truth. I only know a little Japanese, so I was trying to pick out what I could here and heard America mentioned a lot, but I'm not sure why. Does anyone think they can put English subtitles to this? I'd really appreciate it, and I think I could get some of my teachers involved as well.
虐殺肯定派は731部隊があったから南京虐殺は例え証拠が捏造でもあったに決まってるという頭のおかしいことを言ってますね。こういう連中は中国とか韓国とかと一緒でもう事実とかどうでもいいんだよね。 日本の犯罪→証拠は必要なく正しい 日本が良心的なことをした→証拠があっても絶対信じない
共産党が何を言っても詭弁に聞こえる。いまだに暴力革命を綱領に謳い、警察からオオムと同じ様に警備の対象になっている。52年の白鳥事件の真相は分からないが、一人の人間が死んでるのに「見よ 天誅遂に降る!」などと書いたビラを撒いている。被害者にも家族がいるだろうに。
@peachdreaming However, Japanese should say NO to China because they are false accusing about Fake Nanking Massacre t Japan. When I visited Singapore, I watched Anti-Japanese propaganda using fake videos in a sightspot. Many foreigner have visited the place, if you were Japanese what should you do? Please come to watch my videos. The Fake of Nanking Massacre1,2 3,4.
30万人という数字は、アメリカの原爆がもたらした死者の数にほぼ等しい。 アメリカは原爆の被害を矮小化するために、中国側の言葉を鵜呑みにした。 中国側は、アメリカが認めたことで事実だとしてこれを強く宣伝した。
「被害者の数に関らず、虐殺があったことは事実」というが、それならなおのこと、どうして30万人などと馬鹿げた数字をでっちあげる必要があるのか? それこそ中国側に政治的意図があることの明白な証拠だ。
共産党系の人間というのは事実を誤魔化すのが大好きだから、言っていることをまんま信じる気にはならない。 金さんのいうことが正論です。
次期総選挙で穀田を国会議員にしてはならない。 と同時に、こんな糞議員が比例で復活できる選挙制度も変えなければならない。
@qianmeiable after 2000, the high technology makes clear everything about the Nanking pictures and videos. The Nanking massacre was made by the former Chinese government.
subtitles pleasee------i am english---people say bad things about japan----i wish to see what japanese people say--subtitles please--the world needs to hear this
東京裁判も南京大虐殺もインチキでデタラメ 国連の常任理事国などインチキ国家がなるものなんですね。 国連なんて糞

民主党 "Fake of Nanking & Comfort Women" - Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) Committee Claims 1/2

動画へのコメントは2/2で HD保存&拡散推奨 Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ)Committee: "Committee for the Examination of the Facts about Comfort Women and ...

Japan forced Korea to Koreans after the merge is committed atrocities

Japan annexed Korea and Koreans are committed atrocities. This is history. Japanese militarism in Asia is committed atrocities. Perhaps the Japanese ...

User Comments

I dunno what is the big deal. If I recall Japan has already paid war reparations to South Korea for it's actions from WWII and during it's prior occupation. Let alone in blood itself Japan lost in the millions during the war as well. Now if those reparations didn't make it to the survivors and victims that is the South Korean Government's fault. Every nation has a "Right" to color coat their past why shouldn't Japan? Let the past go. In all honesty though. South Koreans should read this quote and take every word of it in. "Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured." ~ Mark Twain.
For example, the 1st picture. The guy behind the executor, the one standing on the right side front, watching the execution, as if he was one of the executing party: His hair style is definitely not Japanese. When we display this kind of photo, it is important to prove & indicate, where, when, who, what, why information. I'm not saying there weren't any single criminal acts by Japanese during occupation period. In order to prosecute their crime, or any crime, it's important to refer to t facts.
Military uniform of the Chinese Communist Party Photos of Bodo League incident Has mixed It's hostile to Korea or would just be displayed as Japan all? South Korea was attacked in China. > South Korea was attacked in Japan South Korea was attacked in North > South Korea. Korea was attacked in Japan South Korea was attacked in Russia. > South Korea was attacked in Japan South Korean troops massacred Korean Koreans were massacred by the Japanese military All words to say enemy = Japan???...LOL
I can't believe anything Korean says. because they make a lot of lying usually. we are atomic bombed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki two times by America. but we like American people and think good friends to make the world peace! Do you know Korean soldiers massacred many Vietnams in the Vietnam war? Vietnam says "Korean is most heartless people". How do you think this truth?? How about the colonial period?? All country have both of good and bad side. and we must look now! this moment! not past!!
Japan is a country where their historical distortion.However, the World Heritage Site, the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty, Korea has not really false histories.To which country he is lying to say for sure whether that might have been, I think.There is no national treasure that you would not speak without knowing the past banseol Japan for control of Korea Government-General are going to borrow record haenoteun Korea's cultural heritage, about 20 out of their property because of Japan.
You deny history itself hayeoseo all a lie created by the Japanese country, but South Korea is a country Annals of the Joseon Dynasty of the world's cultural heritage hasAnd a score of 20 Japanese Ministry of Defense and in the museum artifacts what means do.Take a moment going through the Government-General, leaving a record that took Japan ruled Korea as Japan is still Korea's cultural heritage that you would not audacity, what would you do if indeed it looks.
대한 제국은 조선 내부에서 발족 그러나 광복군은 중국 충칭에서 결성되어있다. 전쟁 후 한국을 만든 것은 미국에 무장 해제당한 광복군의 잔해입니다. 대한 제국 광복군의 세뇌 교육에서 탈피하여 각성 해 주었으면합니다. 또한 일본군과 광복군이 싸운 기록이 없습니다. "보도 연맹 사건"은 알고 있습니까? /watch?v=6EtVOSp3AQc
Japan to acknowledge their fault, like in Germany, collect ethnic awareness.Then, still without remorse for the past, like in Germany, the harsh spirit of the 19th century the world have thought that becauseI am concerned about the war, Japan still right wing again as the Manchurian Incident and the Pacific War, Japan would not occur.
Nations like Germany, Japan may be to admit their wrong perception thatThen, still without remorse for the past, like in Germany, the harsh spirit of the 19th century the world have thought that becauseI am concerned about the war, Japan still right wing again as the Manchurian Incident and the Pacific War, Japan would not occur.
Wow, from the first picture, where is Japanese who put on militarily uniforms? Start from fake? At 0:43 there is no SHAKE, it's impossible to have a picture like that in 70+ years ago. At 1:32, That is old version of a photoshopped picture. Because there is no shade on the face. well FAKED pictures from China.
한국은 베트남전쟁에서 많은 잘못을 저질렀고 현재 베트남과 수교하면서 과거사를 깊이 반성하였다. 그러나 일본이 2차세계대전에서 베트남에서 저지른 민간인 학살을 반성은 하고 있는지 오히려 내가 물어보고 싶군요.
I apologize for these Japanese still past Dokdo Island Chantal trying.That took Tsushima Island in the mid-19th century, Chantal want you back now.Recorded in the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty, exactly, they pay taxes, the King of Chosun ruled that the record is distinctly exist.
This is 1905 and 1945 until Japan's defeat in the war in Korea had been a picture of brutality that would have created. This is a historical fact. And, these atrocities did not reflect on the reality of Japan, I wanted to make you aware that all the people of the world.
Committed many mistakes in the Vietnam War, South Korea diplomatic relations with Vietnam and the past deeply embarrassed.Japan in World War II massacre of civilians committed in Vietnam, however, the reflection that you are rather I ask I would love to see.
You are a man in Japan. It is only those who do not play in Japan recognized this. If you want to talk to the Japanese in Korea jeamri can know in detail what they did.
지진과 해일은 하늘에 쪽바리들에게 내리는 천벌이다.
독도에 대해서도 세뇌되어 있습니다. /watch?v=j-z___pqPu8
지진과 해일은 그냥오는것이 아니다.
Worst race on earth Japanese 
Oh......ficking jap

japanese atrocities - comfort women sex slaves in WW2

japanese still deny concrete facts really ugly.

User Comments

Korea suppresses freedom of speech.Kor gov't desingnated Kim Wan-seop's book about history as a harmful book to the young and forbade that publication practually.Courts ordered him to compensate ex-comfort women and Minbi's surviving family.Kor gov't watches Websites and punishes people publishing articles favorable for Japan.In fact,even 13 years old boy was arrested. There are many such examples. Korea is a Fascist who controls speech.People in the world must not trust what Fascist Korea says
In 1965, Japan and Korea signed the after-war-treaty and Japan paid Korea a huge amount for War compensation, in which compensation for those comfort women was included however, Korean Govt did not pay it to the women. Why you guys keep asking Japan for it over and over again? It is a kind of extortion. Before you charge us Japan, just look into Korean soldiers' brutal activity in the Vietnam War. They raped thousands of civilian women. Which is better, raping local women or making brothels?
salary of sex slaves was higher than that of genarals the avarage ranged from 300yen to 1400yen, of which managers of prostitution inns cut the half. on the other hand that of genarals was 550yen. usually they sent the money to the parents living in the korean peninsula or day off back to home they handed the money to the parents by the way, how much could black slaves in Amarica earn a month? and how to send the money to the parents living in Africa? no answere from Americans so far
What was happened actually? Many brothel owners opened their business next to military gates. It was a natural because they could make more money. This is quite natural. Therefore Japanese military did not open these brothels during the war, but brothels owners who were local people in the countries which Japanese troops were dispatched. Were they hurt by the Japanese? We can’t find any evidence of that except ladies verbal statements.
)The NY Times on Jan. 8, 2009 said Korean prostitutes put U.S military and Korean government on trial. They complained about having been forced sex with Americans in Korea. They worked as comfort women from 1960 to 1980 in Korea. Moreover, an LAPD official said some 70-80 prostitutes were arrested every month, and 90 percent of them were Korean. Were they forced to be sexual slaveries by the Japanese military? Was the story true?
)According to the Japanese Prisoner of War Interrogation Report No. 49, which was reported by U.S in Aug 20 to Sept 10, 1944, 20 of Korean ladies were working as comfort women in Japanese camp during WW2. The "house master" that means manager of the comfort house, received 50 to 60% of the girls' gross earnings depending on how much of a debt each girl had incurred when she signed her contract.
In other words, Korean ladies decided to get the job. In fact, they got a lot of money. Also, they amused themselves by participating in sports events with both officers and men, and attended picnics, entertainments, and social dinners. They had a phonograph and in the towns they were allowed to go shopping. The Ladies were allowed the prerogative of refusing a customer.
Korean comfort women are propaganda! The Nanjing slaughter of China is also propaganda! Where is those proof? There is much innocence Japan proof! Korea carried out what in Vietnam? China carried out what in a Uighur or Tibet? Only in Korea or China, a victim is? Only for Japan, an assailant is? See the world!
Yeah, prostitute nation is victim. What a shame. LOL Learn history, politicy and then you will understand what is true. You talk such you know what is Korea and Japan (sure, you don't know anything about Japan). Learn true: watch?v=ONecZkyesB0
Since the 1950's they've NEVER STOPPED apologizing. Where do people get the idea they never have? This by no means excuses what the Japanese Military did back then, but they have apologized, many many times.
you know what? i couldn't play this video cause last time i watched the video Japanese'brutality.. that made me...so insane i can't believe i watched that full video i was just going to mental sickness
The Japanese are the worst , inhumane people in this world. The Chinese, Korean and Philippines should revenge.
Racist internet trolls are the worst lol. Better watch your mouths before I turn your mothers into my whores :)
Were they hurt by the Japanese? We can’t find any evidence of that except ladies verbal statements.
i'm scared of them they are not people i don't know what them are... just..monsters or sth
No such news article exists. 1 in 25 Korean women are prostitutes? What a dirty lie.
so agree with you it's good you didn't call them japaneese cuz they're not people
Two atomic bomb were not enough, 1.000 atomic bomb for them will be even
the most important point is no one can show Japanese army forced .
Awwwwww. Oh w8! I don't give a fuck.
Japanese were perverted since ever!!
no i know it is true i am a korean
let japs out of asia.

Subcommittee on "The Fake of Nanking"(3-2)(subbed)

This subcommitee set up by the all-party bloc in Japan. for Asahi Shimbun(Japanese lefty paper)'s trump-up facts about "The Nanking incident" and Japanese ...

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日本=日本人=日军=战争=罪行=暴行 =旅顺口惨案=平顶山惨案 =731部队=镇江屠城惨案=南京大屠杀=潘家戴庄惨案=厂窖惨案=平阳惨案=浙江大扫荡=新加坡和马来西亚肅清大屠殺=巴丹死 亡行军=馬尼拉大屠殺=516部队=100部队=泰緬鐵路=日本=日本人=日军=战争=罪行=暴行 =旅顺口惨案=平顶山惨案 =731部队=镇江屠城惨案=南京大屠杀=潘家戴庄惨案=厂窖惨案=平阳惨案=浙江大扫荡=新加坡和马来西亚肅清大屠殺=巴丹死 亡行军=馬尼拉大屠殺=516部队=100部队=泰緬鐵路=日本=日本人=日军=战争=罪行=暴行 =旅顺口惨案=平顶山惨案 =731部队=镇江屠城惨案=南京大屠杀=潘家戴庄惨案=厂窖惨案=平阳惨案=浙江大扫荡=新加坡和马来西亚肅清大屠殺=巴丹死 亡行军=馬尼拉大屠殺=516部队=100部队=泰緬鐵路=日本=日本人=日军=战争=罪行=暴行 =旅顺口惨案=平顶山惨案 =731部队=镇江屠城惨案=南京大屠杀=潘家戴庄惨案=厂窖惨案=平阳惨案=浙江大扫荡=新加坡和马来西亚肅清大屠殺=巴丹死 亡行军=馬尼拉大屠殺=516部队=100部队=泰緬鐵路
Japanese war crimes 日本の戦争犯罪(にほんのせんそうはんざい)とは、一般に第二次世界大戦で大日本帝国が犯したとされる戦争犯罪の事。 各地で開かれた軍事法廷などで戦勝国によって一方的に裁かれた戦争犯罪人は日本の国内法上犯罪人として扱われていないこともあり 、日本において戦争犯罪として認知・認識されるに至っていない。 軍事法廷の評価・戦争犯罪とされた事例の存否・あるいは近年になって新たに提起されるようになった事例についての検証と議論が巻 き起こっているが、それらを含んだ戦争賠償・補償ついては日本と被害各国との間で条約・協定等が締結、履行された事と各地の軍事 裁判で判決を受け入れたことで償われており、国際法上、既に決着している。
日本の戦争犯罪(にほんのせんそうはんざい)とは、一般に第二次世界大戦で大日本帝国が犯したとされる戦争犯罪の事。 各地で開かれた軍事法廷などで戦勝国によって一方的に裁かれた戦争犯罪人は日本の国内法上犯罪人として扱われていないこともあり、日本において戦争犯罪として認知・認識されるに至っていない。 軍事法廷の評価・戦争犯罪とされた事例の存否・あるいは近年になって新たに提起されるようになった事例についての検証と議論が巻き起こっているが、それらを含んだ戦争賠償・補償ついては日本と被害各国との間で条約・協定等が締結、履行された事と各地の軍事裁判で判決を受け入れたことで償われており、国際法上、既に決着している。
Manila Massacre マニラ大虐殺(まにらだいぎゃくさ つ)とは、マニラの戦い (1945年)において大虐殺があっ たとする見方。単に戦闘に巻き込まれただけという見方も 根強い。アメリカ軍のルソン島上陸に 呼応して立ち上が ったゲリラに痛撃を受けた日本軍が、軍民区別なく殺害 し、掠奪、強姦などの残虐行為を行ったとする。マニラ攻 防 戦でフィリピン人市民・ゲリラが約10万に死傷したと されるが、その原因を日本軍の行為に求める主張であ る。
It's hard to find in Japanese traditions any signs of brutality allegedly afflicted on Asia. But the world must be made to believe BY ALL MEANS that the Japanese atrocities were true so as to justify all what was done by the allied forces. The world should never perceive the country as having been decisively instrumental to the liberation of Asia. Should no one accept this, then the mushroom clouds in Hiroshima and Nagasaki must be perceived as symbols of crucifixion. Look up and mock it!
They are working hard to cover up their actions in World War II while all of Asia can testify to their brutality. This kind of video posting would not be tolerated if it were anti-semitic and denied the European Holocaust! Where are the screams of sorrow? We still bring Nazi solders to justice, even in their 80's and 90's, but what of the filth still floating in Japanese society--some millionaires? What of them? Who will force then to kneel and beg for the word's forgiveness?
Historical facts and truths JAPANESE COMMITTED WAR CRIMES Laha Massacre ,Rape Manila Massacre Nanking Massacre Parit Sulong Massacre Panjiayu Massacre Sandakan Death Marches Alexandra Hospital massacre Andaman Islands Banka Island Massacre Batu Lintang POW/internment camp Bataan Death March ,Burma Railway of Death ,Changjiao Massacre,Changteh Chemical Weapon Attack ,Comfort women (Military sex slaves), cannibalism of POWs and Civilians,Sook Ching in Malaya and Singapore.
HAHAHA,China is full of shit. Stop exaggerating about the figures. China is just jealous that Japan handed them their asses in the war. Cant you losers stop whining. This is so f*cking old it killed the dinosaurs. That pig-human hybrid Chairman Mao shat on and killed your own dudes and you idiots worship him like a god. Go drink your melamine milkshake you sore losers. TENNO HEIKA BANZAI !!!!!
Boooooo. China would wipe Japan off the map now if it was not for America protecting them. Japan needed to be nuked to end WWII. What they did to US troops gives validity to bombing the shit out of them. Boy, we kicked their ass and Germany. As for China..they need us, ( we buy all their crap), and we need them ( who else will lend us all that money) . Nobody wants war , except Irans leaders..
∧_∧ ∧_∧ ∧_∧ ∧_∧ ∧_∧ ( ・∀・) ( `ー´) ( ´∀`) ( ゚ ∀゚ ) ( ^∀^) ( つ┳∪━━∪━∪━━∪━∪━∪━┳⊂ つ | | | ┃Free the whales!Fuck the Japs !!┃ | | | (__)_) ┻━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┻ (__)_)
I am chinese and why can't all of you talk sense.These Japanese are analysing every photos used in proving the existence of the Nanking Tragedy.You keep on bringing more and more photos. Yes. They are photos relating to the invasion of China but THE FOCUS IS ON NANKING and NANKING ALONE HERE.
I hope that one day Japan can show the maturity regarding apologies and reparations that Germany has shown. Unfortunately it is more likely that they will waffle, procrastinate and wait until the complainants die of old age, like Abe Shinzo tried to do with the comfort women.
Yes, the Japanese soldiers were all sweet and innocent. Playing with Chinese kids, while giving food to their parents, just like they had promised in their leaflets. What's funny is, what the Japs did even horrified the Nazis living in China at the time.
just read wikipedia Japanese dogs, look at the rape in your cartoon's today. it shows true nature of japanese animals, dreaming about tentacle sex. Nanking was a place where japanese followed their instincts, again, read wikipedia, a non bullshit source
OUTRAGE DISGRACEFUL POSTINGS BY MY FELLOW CHINESE. If it is not because of the Great Leap Forward and the Mass Starvation and Mass Exodus soon after I will not ended up in Hong Kong and then Japan.I was only 2 years olf then.Almost killed in China.
japanese who deny the truth of their murderous past - their own family of killers and rapists, their fathers, their sons, their grandfahers, even their grandmothers or mothers or sister - do not have a soul. they are walking dead
And then a little country called America came along and proceeded to hand Japan's asses to them. I agree with your comments about Chairman Mao. "TENNO HEIKA BANZAI !!!!! "
The next time Japan tries to take over the world, they should keep their own records and photos so they can easily show how gentle they were when raping, torturing and killing.
I like Japan but they did deserve to be nuked. Japan went crazy during WW2 because they worshipped Emperor Hito (or whatever his name was) the way Chinese people worship Mao.
I found this video today. However, I knew these 80% of contents. I do not learn it from a school and a family. The family does not yet know it. But, this is Fact.
lol, wikipedia, lmao, non bullshit page??? anyone can edit wiki articels and is not subject to any scholarly critisim or peer judgement
It would be therapeutic for the Japanese if they took responsibility for the horrendous attack on civilians in Nanking. Doris G.
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