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Anchorage ak scanner Videos

Anchorage Scanner - 11-38 Felicity at ANMC.wmv

Alaska Airlines fingerprints to screen passengers

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1N85MiTQ-N0gsI3XBCCYbw?sub_confirmation=1 Alaska Airlines to consider using fingerprints to screen passengers.

User Comments

Just wanted to say thank you for all the informative uploads Brother Isamu. .and that they are loud enough:) . God bless you Richly.(t:
You should have to use your finger print for everything you buy!!! Fraud would end on day one.
Check out this video on YouTube:

Mark of the Beast : Right Hand Scanners being implemented in Bossier Parish Schools (Mar 16, 2013)

News Articles: Bossier Schools Get Palm Scanners For Students ...

User Comments

This is real it's happening, people don't believe in the end of the world, well it's going to happen, a lot of proof is out there its been written, God will destroy this planet because he has to rid all demons. our bodies are in filth we need new glorious bodies , in order to live through this time and be with the lord being saved is to repent from your sins and pray that we will be worthy to be saved. we have created to much sin on this planet, but the blame goes to illuminati satan
And what is the mark? There are many different theories about what the mark is, but only if we search the scriptures will we know what the mark of the beast is. When we do, we find some amazing things, which blows to dust all the speculation and theories. Please see the video on my channel called "Mark of the Beast" or in the url youtube . com / put: watch?v=bpUC3FCq1aE And please share it also. You will be able to see what the Scriptures say about the Mark of the beast. :)
The ones at the top implementing it know full well what is in the bible. And they are gleefully following the plans of satan into their own destruction. The time has come to where shortly there will be no middle ground. You will follow the ways of the world or YOU will be killed via GENOCIDE. Guess whom DHS's 1.6 billion rounds of ammo are for?? As a Retired Army Captain was stating on the news. The army (& DHS) does not buy what they do not plan on using.
Because it's all leading up to a one world order, a one world leader and the mark of the beast. It's happening because for a time evil will be allowed to rise up as spoken of in Revelations before the Lord returns for his people. This is just to condition people to accept more control and ID chips, it's only going to get worse from here for a time. If you're walking with the Lord and are a Born Again Christian then you have nothing to fear.
im going against this when it comes out not because of a belief in a higher but it just seems soo wrong there are plenty of websites and videos on it. there probably going to glamorize this technology and say how its going to to go towards helping your grandma that gets lost with alzeimers ect ect I think we gotta be got to go against this to stand up for are rights and morals. its just americas fight for world order. scary times man...
I called the bossier parish Apollo elementary school and school board. Two people that I spoke to were Christians but one was unaware of the mark of the beast. One that I spoke to was not Christian. We need to call in protest and be witnesses for Christ. Evil triumphs when good men do nothing. Apollo school 318-549-6010 school board 318-549-5000 Say a prayer before you call.
Prsise God I repented & accepted Jesus Christ into my life & heart 3/3/79 When I went to public school we had a Bible verse read to us & wr recited the Lord's Prayer, wr got 30 min for lunch and teachers ate lunch at the table with us everyday, and I LOVED IT. How can the kids today get 7-10 min for lunch ?!!!? I'm mom of 3 & gm of 4. I'll be 62 soon. The chip is EVIL.
That might very well be what the Apostle John was talking about. It makes a lot of sense as everything is done by computers there days where all is connected through a web, or a trap, although the implications of taking the actual mark won't just be for economic control, that is only a means to the end goal which is corrupting us at the DNA level.
People are making that choice right now. By choosing to go along with the system for their own convenience, and the "benefits" that are being advocated. This story pains my heart, for without salvation and divine conviction these students and parents will not even have the education that they have the right to stand their ground and say NO.
You know what? This is utter ridiculousness! People are so damn blind! I be damned they start that craziness here in GA! I will start my own business so i can work from home so i can home school my child! The kids need more time to eat? Extend lunch time. What are we doing?! Why the hell are people sitting back and letting this happen?!!!
Sure you have the option to opt out, and let the peer pressure of the sheep mentality enforce conformity. It is amazing they have the money to implement this tech while the quality of education is bottom of the barrel. NOT! It is all part of their plan for enslavement.
check this website out its says there going to be putting devices in phones, text books, tags in clothes , computers even your home trash cans!. they are not going to make it easy its going to be tough to sell our buy anything. it's really scary if you think about it.
If Jesus can do it, and he said we'll do greater things than he ever did and he was a GOD-MAN WHO WENT TO HELL THEN CAME BACK FROM THE DEAD, what exactly are you afraid of? Let's ALL get the mark and go to Hell. Jesus did it! We'll do even better than that!!!
I always wondered why it says it the Bible how many will burn and how many will live forever and the #'s are just so different a major # burn and a little # doesn't, well I see why now, there are going to be a lot of ppl think the mark is amazing! Fools!
Last days MADNESS !!!!!! The fool has said in his heart there is no God -King James Bible E x c e p t for us whom OUR life is HIDDEN IN CHRIST JESUS Whatever happened to brownbagging lunch ! huh!? I bring a bag lunch EVERY DAY.
I will home school all my children before I let satan get his grasps on them. Us parents are responsible for our kids souls. We must teach them why things like this are "bad", or against what God wants for his children.
This is not the mark, in my opinion, but the government is gently going forward in that direction and subtly telling society this kind of technology and more advanced technology(RFID Chip) is beneficial for all.

plasmaglow scanning line of fire on '96 explorer

intalled a plasmaglow scanning line of fire on my explorer. brake,turn,reverse lights with red,amber,white LEDs..enjoy.

User Comments

I've got it all figured out! (7 months later!! lol) I had contacted Plasmaglow many times and they were clueless, but the last time I called they told me the factory had messed up on a large batch of them and they are making a new batch and it should be out by the end of the month!)
I have the same light bar as you, it's a 60 inch plasmaglow firestorm but my problem is that my lights are dim, the right two bulbs are bright, but all the rest arn't... do you know what my problem might be? I've been asking around and no one else seems to have had this problem
i have never heard of that...hmm is it still under warrenty? i've had mine for over a year now i believe and it works very well never a issue.
lol not dumb at all, you cant learn without asking right? yeah its 100% legal, all it is is extra brake/turn signals. hope this helps
ebay, i think it was around $199 shipped, they used to be a good bit more expensive tho
i know this is a lame ass and geeky question, but is it street legal?
How much did that cost and where do you get it?

Accident on Northern Lights and pit bull under APD car 2 6 13

Very bad accident on Northern Lights and A Street around 3am. ! seriously injured as far as I know now. A pit bull was found about 1/2 mile away on Benson and ...

Car ride from Wasilla to Anchorage Alaska

road trip from Wasilla to Anchorage Alaska.

Kung Fu Eskimo in Anchorage, AK

Security Guard totally keeps his cool while this drunk old guy calls him out. Props to him! I know its a little long but it has its funny parts.
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