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Lubbock texas obama sign Videos

President Obama's Final State of the Union is Tuesday

President Obama will deliver his final State of the Union Speech on Tuesday night. That is just part of a very busy political week. Check out Chad's Morning Brief ...

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He has foreign policy accomplishments, he created ISIS. he screwed up the EU forever by causing the mass exodus, ,he's bringing over hundreds if not thousands of Syrian ISIS fighters in an attempt to screw the US as well as the EU. I'd say he's accomplished A LOT

Chad Hasty On Obama's Reaction to Chattenooga Terrorist Attacks

Hasty talks about the Chattanooga, Tennessee military facilities terrorist attacks, and President Obama's tepid reaction to the event. (July 17, 2015) Subscribe: ...

Bernie Sanders Giving Hillary Clinton a Run for Her Money

Hillary Clinton is embracing President Obama more than ever now that Bernie Sanders is giving her a run for her money. This is Chad's Morning Brief for ...

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Chad, Bernie has made it clear that the money for the Free stuff comes from taxes. Yes your tax bill will be higher but at least for the average American their total expenses will be lower, it is also true that if you earn alot your expenses will be higher than now, it is a progressive tax system. Free is only free of noone is paying when everyone is paying it is no longer free. Chad by all mean argue that the rich listeners to your programme will pay more in taxes but don't say it will be free, you sound stupid to use a word that Donald trump likes. BTW he will probably pay multiple times what he currently pays now for health care in taxes. he can still pay extra for private health insurance if he wants too as you will be able to too, if you don't trust the state system.
hahaha this "free" stuff. I live in germany! i have 30 days payed vacation( so 1 & 1/2 month) + another 10 days free by law like chrismas. Collages are free and if you are poor you get a credit for about 700+ € a month for a living... ( after you are finished and you pay it back fast you only have to pay back tha half of it! Everybody has healthcare even when you are longer unemployed! Thats a right here & and i'm pround of it. And your econemy is working great! Yes we don't have so many billionares here, but they are rising, because thery are trieing the same stuff here they destroyed your middle class for decades!
Sorry Chad from Texas. Bernie's plan is not free: the rich will be paying more taxes (not evading them) and there will be a 2% tax on everyone for Medicare-for-All. In addition, what you fail to point out - is that by having Single Payer - ordinary Americans will be saving thousands of dollars each year for the modest increase of 2% in their taxes. Therefore 1) It isn't free 2) but it will save most Americans a good deal of money 3) most Americans won't be bending over and getting rheemed by the current health care industry and corporate America that you Chad support
Chad, educate yourself . They call this the information age....Google is your friend....The accumulated knowledge of humanity is at your fingertips and only seconds away.... Start by finding out what democratic socialism actually is and then mosey over to Bernie's website to find out what his positions actually are. He spells it all out, including how to pay for his proposals.
So...what chad support trump who wants to lower wages?...the corporations already cheat people by limiting hours to avoid paying benefits and on top of that trump lowers wages to 4.00 an hour how does that help?We don't live in the 50s anymore businesses don't give a shit about employees they just want money.I'm not going to quietly live in a plutocracy.
Proposals: https://berniesanders.com/issues/how-bernie-pays-for-his-proposals/
I think somebody done come took it

Round Rock Man Admits to Stealing Obama Signs

For the past week campaign signs for President Obama have been disappearing out of yards of a Round Rock neighborhood. One homeowner took matter into ...

User Comments

actually, if you throw your wallet in the street, that is littering, and me picking it up is picking up litter. Now using your CC or money, that is theft... Still guy is a dirtbag for stealing stuff off private property...
i bought these sign if you take em thats left , this fuggin guy lol , WE ARE TAKING FROM OBAMA TO GIVE TO ROMNEY SOCIALISM IS GREAT ISNT IT U FAT LIBTARD?
poor fat, dumb republicans.... always resorting to childish, petty behavior... no wonder they are bullied, slapped around and ridiculed in society,.
obama care will fix that as they force him to change his eating habitbs while michell o fires cheesburgers into her guy
where is that sign? i will come by and take all of the 2012 as well as the biden ones.
not just steal it. Steal it then burn it into carbon soot.
Where is it i want to get the signs lol i hate obama
they said his last name way wrong
21? He looks about 40
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