@binyamj I guarantee that no one is driving these things to save money...
And, while that "fact" about the batteries is cited a lot, I'd love for you
to find an actual scientific source that says that environmentally the
batteries do more damage. Socially they do damage (although that's not
YouTube discussion), but environmentally, no. Anecdotally, there are NY
cabs that were recently in the news for having over 285k miles on their
battery packs, which disproves another myth about hybrids.
This is just further proof that hybrids are not worth it. The batteries do
more damage to the environment than good. So why spend more and have to
have the car for more than ten years to make your money back? The average
car owner keeps their car for 7.5 years, and with depreciation, you're just
losing out.
It is mostly intended for driving in europe towns with constant start-stop
dynamics at about 30 miles/h when you can drive on electricity alone. That
is where the hybrid is of use, because these type of vehicles burn too much
fuel in city traffic.
Programa "La Cochera" transmitido por MEGACANAL (210 de Megacable)Presentación con Sergio Oliveira BLOQUE 1: PORSCHE CAYENNE HYBRID ...
Porsche Cayenne S Hybrid - Test - Matías Antico
Probamos en Argentina la versión híbrida del SUV de Stuttgart. Excelentes prestaciones, alto nivel de calidad y una mecánica de 380 caballos que sorprende ...
hola Matías de casualidad sabes para cuando veremos una cayenne hybrida que
funcionen unicamente con el motor electrico y el de combustion sea
unicamente para recargar la bateria ,
+arturo soto si tesla vende el modelo s (sedan de 5 puertas) que llega a mas de 200 km/h, con una autonomía de mas de 300km y 100% electrico dudo que los híbidros con el motor de combustión para únicamente para cargar las baterías llegue a producirse.
2014 Porsche Cayenne Hybrid видео. Тест драйв 2014 Порш Каен Гибрид. Авто из США
2014 Porsche Cayenne Hybrid. Новый Порш Каен Гибрид цена и технические характеристики. Порш Каен Гибрид видео тест. Порш...
За обзор КОЛ! Кнопка Е-power для движения со скоростью не более 60 км. а не
для движения со скоростью 120 км ,как говорит автор.Суммарную мощность
двигателей не назвал.. и.т.Езжу год уже и знаю о чем говорю..
клево наверно снимать обзоры когда машин непроебать))
Porsche Cayenne S Hybrid Acceleration Run
Safety Disclaimer: this video was shot in a closed road and under professional supervision. Please do not attempt. This was an acceleration run on the new ...
@YesIAmThatCoolBitch Hallo?! Ich berufe mich auf offizielle Informationen
der Porsche AG. Schau doch auf porsche.
aber komm mir nicht mir Sekundär-Webseiten. Warum beschimpfst du mich
eigentlich?! Ich war zu dir immer höflich... Außerdem steht auch in der von
dir genannten Seite "Gesamtgewicht" was stets Leergewicht + max.Zuladung ex
definitione bedeutet
das mit den 3 Tonnen ist aber mal ne extrem fette Falschinformation -
DIN-Leergewicht des Cayenne S Hybrid ist 2.240 kg. Wer würde bitte eine
Hybridversion bauen, die 800 (!) kg mehr wiegt?!!! Motorvision, RECHERCHE
sieht anders aus!!
@MrMonaco911 Nein, das ist das Leergewicht. alle-autos-in .
de/porsche/porsche_cayenne_s_hybrid_a31979.shtml Lesen sollte man schon
können bevor man sein Maul aufreisst...