Police Arrest People At The London 420 event Apr 20 2011 *WeAreChange*
Please check out //www.youtube.com/user/cabl3guy2012 for more great videos. Police arrest people at the London 420 event April 20th 2011. Police knee a ...
I used to smoke tobacco of the leading brands sold at your what used to be
local drug store / legitimate businesses go figure...Anyway I would never
suggest to anyone to take up smoking "legal tobacco." I don't smoke and or
consume marijuana at all. Wouldn't anyone with a rational thought ask now
how is that possible, that a non consumer is in support it? I have never
taken any kind of psychedelic drugs in my life but again I support the idea
of the right to freedom of choice. READ BITCHES!
@oldentymes causing someone pain until they do what you want them to is
call torture... Naturally police call it pain compliance so they can feel
good about it. Most of what we are told about what cops 'have to do' is
complete BS. They do not care about rights and freedoms they just care
about their orders and will do whatever they are ordered to do. Oh and Also
@Bluenosekub don't bother filing and OIPRD complaint they will simply find
no wrong doing and ignore you. I know from experience.
i regualarly smoke weed but fair enough smoking an illegal substance in the
UK in a public area is going to cause the police to interveen. but a
peacefull protest with no violence requiring probably more police than
protestors is ludacris. tax payers money is going to waste and will they
show this video on the news? No. oh and kicking a man who he peacefully
accepting the arrest is bulshit. that cop should be sent to prison not the
man. there is no such thing as free country anymore...
If we really want our freedom we need to arm up and fight back just look
how fast booze was made legal after the bootlegger's started offing pig's
left, right and center. Freedom is rarely won by being a victim it's won by
people who are willing to put there lives on the line to win it and to
protect those who can't protect them selves. The pig's are suppose to be
our servants so why is it when there employers say no to there servants the
response from them is brutality and threat's.
@dviking09 tell me why he was being arrested, did you see the joint in his
mouth, his hand even. i agree, if you try and stop the police from
arresting you its resisting arrest thats quite obvious. i saw no resistance
here, what i saw was 3 POWERTRIPPING PIGS assaulting a young man who did
nothing wrong.... unless they passed a new law making speaking your mind a
crime. go fuck yourself. better yet, add me to facebook i'm not hiding
behind a youtube username. Taylor Blakey
After reading all of the comments on this video I've come to a few
conclusions. The first being that I believe a cop is the person who has
created these 4 very new accounts to slander the name of an innocent man.
I've spoken with the man being beaten around 3:30, and he told me
off-record that he was sober and not even smoking, but leading a chant.
When told he was being arrested he asked why, then a cop told him if he
"resisted" again, force would be provided.
Human garbage in groups. Sad how a little bit of power goes to people's
heads so far as to justify kneeing someone while down simply for smoking a
natural plant. Who, might I ask, are they to tell him that he is not
allowed to put a fairly harmless substance into his own body? I only wonder
when the people will arrive at the catalyst to bring about a revolution to
right the blatently obvious wrongs of this world. Harmony to each of you
Doesn't a police officer need to declare the reason for arrest before a
person just blindly goes along with it? The kneeing was extremely excessive
as there were 3 cops subduing him, as well as about 10 surrounding. This
man had neither the want nor ability to attack the police. If it is the
police opinion that the knee's were an attempt to make him behave better,
are they suggesting parents be allowed to do this to their children?
come on canada - we need to keep this video spreading so that everyone can
see what kind of a country we live in! i have shared this link with people
in the US and in europe and they are completely appalled! we cannot be
quiet about this kind of police treatment any more. PLEASE LINK THIS ON
@MartialArtsSuperStar he wasn't even on anything, just watching with his
friends. yeah, i know this for a fact. i really do. this is an outrage that
it takes 4 cops to take down one guy and knee him in the ribs. holy shit,
did you see the one cop get up and then drop his knee on the kid? not to
mention the knee in the crotch. this needs to go viral!!! let's make it
LoserFreeCanada and DaBomber67 were both accounts made today just to
comment on this video and troll here... Good work clearly you have pissed
off the London police by showing the world what a pack of pigs they are...
These two are probably cops who comment here to make it look like they did
nothing wrong. really good job capturing and spreading this stuff.
for there to be the same person making four accounts to troll this one
video with less than 400 views is really a new low for London police. just
amazing... and now he is even giving thumbs up to his own comments to make
it look like people agree with him... I guess We Are Change has really hit
a nerve by posting this video... keep up the good work man.
@LoserFreeCanada this loser free Canada literally just made an account to
spread this disinfo... look at the date his account was made... Literally
made today just to add this rumor to defend the pigs. So he was likely one
of the cops that is saying this just to make themselves look like they
aren't assholes. FFS this is Canada now I guess.
Personally..they need to re-edit this vid with the imperial march..lol Or
something with nazi's. I don't see the harm in what's going on. I don't do
drugs at all, but there was no harm in what went on in the park. And to
have that many cops on a stoner? REALLY? Because he's gonna be super strong
now after a toke? Seriously? lol
@cabl3guy2012 I've never seen one person troll a video so bad... And it is
at less than 400 views!!! It is probably the cop who used his knees with
such glee on that defenseless guy while he was on the ground just trying to
make himself feel better...
I hope those cops that kneed the guy get suspended without pay and their
faces shown to the public. I cannot wait until our revolution starts here
in Canada. I have quite a few cops I'd like to beat down with my cop
beating stick. Bring it on.
oh and DaBomba67revisited you forgot that the birthday you claimed for your
original account was 44 and the one for LoserFreeCanada was 33... if you're
gonna be a troll moron at least have make it look like you're different
Protestors need to stay in a tight group, keep the toking at the centre.
When you are spread out it's easy for the cops to pick people off one by
one. Also, use "hug power" to hold onto the person they are trying to
You sound like a douche bag, smoking marijuana has nothing to do with not
having a job. I am a full time student and I smoke marijuana often and I
hold a 4.0 g.p.a. What do you think of that? Fuck off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nazi
@LoserFreeCanada except that he isn't a registered sex offender. Since I am
friends with the young man who was arrested isn't a sex offender, he's a
good guy and was treated unfairly. Slander doesn't look good on anyone
Police pulls over Critical Mass July 29th London *WeAreChange*
Please check out //www.youtube.com/user/cabl3guy2012 for more great videos. Critical Mass London Ontario Canada July 29th 2011 - WeAreChange ...
Nice logic these assholes have. They'll nail you for riding on the
sidewalk, and also nail you for riding on the side of the road, which is
where they want you to ride. How about going after all the criminal junkies
downtown at Dundas & Richmond.
Western University says students can't share food! *The Indignants*
Western University police inform students that they can't share food on campus! On November 17th students from The Western Solidarity Network (WSN) and ...
Just as I thought, they won't allow a post on their Facebook page.
Unions Told To Remove Porta-Pottys On EMD Lockout *The Indignants**
Please check out //www.youtube.com/user/cabl3guy2012 for more great videos. Occupy London Media: Electromotive diesel (Caterpillar) in London Ontario ...
They weren't asking for any Federal or Provincial bail outs, wtf are you
talking about? I'd ask what your smoking but your obviously as an uptight ,
misinformed and uneducated conservative that doesn't know anything about
democracy..or real life in general , go back to your moms basement
CAT is at it again .. another 350 local JOBS gonzo! when will peeps learn?
"half-a-loaf of bread on the table is better than NONE!..." next time mgmt
offers you a 50% pay-cut or they'll shut-down the plant, you know they
aren't playing 'chicken' .. sheeeesh.
Thanking Local 4222 Custodial Workers in our schools!! A generous donation
of a wood-burning stove kept everyone toasty warm through the weather.
Brian also brought a large bag of warm clothes for anyone caught
unprepared. Warm hearts in the unions! :)
No! mgmts sez," i'm moving this operation to Muncie, Indiana or i can keep
it here and pay you 50%" .. you'll make a better (smarter) choice .. think
of your families and community affected!!!
In reality didn't the company just put a gun to your head metaphorically,
and demanded half your money. I guess they were tired of the slow robbery
the law was allowing.
EMD gone Cat Stronger CAW weaker 600 plus - out of work.
Occupy Feed The Meter Flash Mob *The Indignants*
Please check out //www.youtube.com/user/cabl3guy2012 for more great videos. Occupy London's Feed The Meter Flash Mob. The idea was to set up a tent ...
Cute video! We used to say 'baffle them with bullshit' - now, maybe it
should be 'baffle them with gameplans' ... or?? surely one of you bright
young people can come up with a good 'current' saying......??