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Water birth illegal in ontario Videos

This Man Went to Prison for Collecting Rainwater | Brainwash Update

Abby Martin talks about the crackdown on individuals who choose to live 'Off the Grid' citing a examples such as a man in Oregon who faced jail-time for ...

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All you idiots off gridders are connected to the city and rely on city services in one way or another and this is your repayment after what the city has provided for you ?! Unbelievable shameless betrayal !!!! YOU ARE PROPERTY OF THE CITY. In other words the city owns you. Trying to live off grid using city appliances such as wind and solar is illegal. The construction of such sites are not to city standards and poses a SAFETY RISK to property and life that is owned by the city. That's the same thing as destroying city property and is a NO NO ! Trying to do whatever you want is also illegal. If you want to do anything you want then never return to the city again. Be banished and be gone forever then you can do whatever you want. But if you EVER set foot back into the city you're going to be OWNED. And next time JAILED. The city has laws you must follow. End of story !
+Mu Nachtlicht Ownership means you follow what the city tells you to do ! For example, slaves are owned by the master. The slave must follow the masters will. So too will you follow the will of the city. YOU ARE OWNED !!!! The only illusion is you thinking that you are now owned. Now get the hell back into the city !!!!
+Limon Juice Firstly, relax and stop calling people idiots because that makes you look like one. Secondly, we are not talking about taxes here so your statement of "paying back to the city who owns you" doesn't apply to this conversation. Lastly, I am baffled to read that you consider people-owning correct and normal. Instead of insulting people living in a disillusion that you know better, better go out, read, study and think so what comes out of your mouth (or fingers) isn't brown and stinky.
He should sue the local government for wasting 90 days of his life in jail...along with the other sentences he faced.
You right...
+Stan .cnet hell fucking yea!
Is it escaping society, or dependency? What is "freedom" supposed to mean, exactly?
+Chi Sexton Freedom of action and thought.
Extortion based economy, and the dumber the people are the better so they have no clue.
+freevideos051 why do you think they are trying to legalize marijuana to increase the number of zombies !
In California the connection fee for water is $50 dollars even if you don't use a single drop of water.
+Limon Juice that's 50 bucks I could have used on beer ! :(
I believe there is more to this story than what's given here. If he was collecting water and storing it in barrels improperly it would be a good breeding ground for mosquitoes. Or, in some parts of OR its not so wet. Maybe for generations there are farmers downstream from him who depend on rain runoff. There have been many battles in the West over water.
+discountbrains   Kinda sounds like the old west!!!  Control the water you  pretty much control every thing!

Ric O'Barry Speaks about Marineland Canada

Friday October 5th Rob Laidlaw of Zoocheck Canada had Press Conference at Queen's Park in Toronto with Ric O'Barry of DolphinProject.org. Many questions ...

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Only 20 belugas have died
Only 20! wow, guess that's acceptable then.

Free Man Street Action - Court House & CIBC Bank - Hamilton Ontario

Simplistic Explanation: - Anything registered to the government is not yours. - You are ward of state and/or child of the province. - Birth Certificate = Corporation ...

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Here is another way to look at the whole ID Thing with fines. If they ask you for ID you can tell them "Do you mean the ID The government issued to me?" (Yes), "Well officer the government owns that ID, and it is trademarked. It would be illegal for me to use it as I do not own it and I claim no liability attached with that ID.".
You just cleared up some things for me, thank you. Your "simplistic explanation" is better than you think. Keep up the good work.
do you have to ruin it with rap? it's too hard to watch with some one jabbering non sensically.
Finally, some local boys that know the truth!!! Great stuff guys!
Your a Genious man ! Good job ! Keep up the fight!!
Beast 1333 worships satan, he is a mason
Cool stuff :)

How Laws Generate Revenue for the Criminal Government


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oh for fuck sake. if you must do something other then paying attention to the road then pull into a parking lot. quit posting idiotic crap.
+Raptor Jesus I agree that people should do nothing but drive when they're supposed to be driving. The point is that nobody has the right to tell you what to do. Just because you're driving doesn't mean you lose some of your rights.
trying to give this a thumbs up, but youtube is not registering it. 
+MrMahlerman It could have been a glitch. It also could have been a result of the new Google+ integration. Many people are having issues with it, myself included.
These folks who are against eating, drinking, etc. behind the wheel have been around for a long time. It seems that the conditions in our statist society may be the time they've been waiting for.
+6happydude3 Those who are asking to get punished by their precious government, certainly will.
these "laws" that the cops (dogs without leashes) that are owned by their "masters" the gov. are only there to collect as much money as they can from us ( the lower archy) .For their masters. check out some vids that mark passio has done on this topic. Thanks for all you do., Luisa
Point taken however, It's more complicated than that, notice for example the checkered band around the police hats in London - It's the masonic floor, The dog tags of the soldier are just that. Why not call them something else? Because they are their dogs,dogs with "bite" I could go on. you get the drift - Please look into Passio.
+L chavez They're simply soldiers. We're the enemy.
ya your right - they dont actually care about us - take the seat belt laws -i can't see how not wearing a belt can hurt any one else but they persist - whats more dangerous - not wearing a seat belt or handling a chain saw - chainsaw is the winner but there are no laws on how to dress or how old a person has to be to operate a chain saw - they do it for the money - it would be refreshing if they simply admitted it and stopped adding insult to injury
There is no form of government that has ever existed to my knowledge that doesn't have as their first priority to take as much from their Citizens as they can get away with. Not in 5,500 years has there been an exception to this that's lasted more than a few years before this policy was abandoned. Countries have ever growing infrastructures. These infrastructures are physical as well as human capital. Both are always in a state of decline if not continually funded. Citizens have never been taught this important fact in any education system. SInce they are always in a state of decline funding is always the focus of every government. Education has never been a priority for the civilian population. What we call education is really brain process training or sometimes called compliance training. My point is this: since nobody is taught to understand how a given society works (by intention) Governments always make up stupid laws in order to get those funds. It's called "Ruling by Deception." In fact I would argue that there has never been an example of Government that I know of that has not practiced "Ruling By Deception." Nor will there ever be.
i see your point about the deaths - but we both understand that the state is not doing it for our betterment - if they were they could simply use a demerit point system with out the cash penalty - a demerit system that would eventually go to zero and stop you from driving till those points were reinstated - we all know its the money they want - they should just have the decentsy to say it - they embarrass themselves by pretending otherwise
You are right in so many areas but seatbelts are a poor example. I must be much older than you and I spent a decade in the auto industry many years ago. When I started driving there were only lap belts and no laws. Almost every crash had a death back then. I lost many clients who didn't have a seatbelt on. So Yes I agree with your premiss. Laws and regulations are about limiting competition and government revenue and control for the sake of control. There may be alternatives to seatbelts like knee bolsters. VW has had them for years but you feel even more locked in than you do with seatbelts. So just to be clear seatbelts are a poor example of your premiss which I agree with.  

Madea Tells the Christmas Story

Madea's account of the Nativity. From Tyler Perry's "A Madea Christmas" 2013.

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"Hallelujah. Let the Lord use ya."
Merry Christmas

Oak Ridges Moraine Kettle Wetland

Oak Ridges Moraine Kettle Wetland. Filmed on June 15, 2012, Turtle-nesting Day. There were no frogs calling in the middle of the day. What you are hearing are ...
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