English Architecture: The End of the Old World Order, 1530 to 1650 - Simon Thurley
The Reformation and the Civil War, two events a century apart, created an astonishing originality and independence in English Building. The transcript and ...
It's interesting to me that it's Northern Europe that is the avant garde in
religion, but then they cling more tenaciously to the Gothic architectural
forms for another century while in Southern Europe they remain loyal
Catholics yet they can hardly wait to return to Classicism in architecture.
It's as though change in one area impedes change in the other.
Of course, the Italians never did fully embrace the Gothic. It was too
French and too Northern. ("Not Invented Here.") It could also be at least
partly due to climactic differences. The harsher light in Southern Europe
favors the shadows cast by the colonnades and heavy entablature of the
classical portico while the softer light of Northern Europe favors the
large windows of the Gothic.
Please take a look at Bronte Whitney's Architecture videos. We are not all
old fuddy duddys, and I have lectured on Architecture for many decades.
Some Modern Architecture is good and some is ugly, but I am afraid one has
to move with the times.
Britain in the 20th Century: The Great War and its Consequences - Professor Vernon Bogdanor
The war saw a transformation of politics at both elite and popular level. This led to the Liberals being replaced by Labour as the main party of the Left. The last ...
His concentration on party politics is a misdirection. Our democracy has
always depended on a horizontal swing of left and right parties. This means
that if all political parties failed apart from the conservatives then the
conservatives would have to seek a new opposition to make them legitimate.
Party politics make/made no difference once they reach office. How many
opposition Lords did we see in the current Lords debate on the Trade union
bill? 15 at most.The head of our state is the Queen who is an investor.
This means it's always going to be investors vs workers in our system. That
is the permanent factor. Investors have no interest in putting profits into
efforts of equality through higher bottom level wages. This civil dispute
has played out since the industrial revolution.
Summit Diplomacy: Some Lessons from History for 21st Century Leaders - Professor Paul Reynolds
'It is not easy to see how matters could be worsened by a parley at the summit.' Winston Churchill coined the term 'summit' in 1950, during some of the darkest ...
Twenty-first Century Threats: Tuberculosis - Professor William Ayliffe
A cultural and medical history of tuberculosis, and its threat to the world today. The transcript and downloadable versions of the lecture are available from the ...
This man's approach to work is totally beautiful! Lux
Medieval Music: To Sing and Dance - Professor Christopher Page
A lecture on dancing in medieval England and its contentious place in society alongside the increasingly sombre influence of the church: ...
Britain in the 20th Century: The Economic Crisis and its Consequences - Professor Vernon Bogdanor
Fears about the fiscal deficit and the possibility of a run on sterling caused MacDonald and Snowdon to take drastic action in the economic crisis of 1931.
The Character of Twentieth Century Britain - Professor Vernon Bogdanor
During the 20th century, Britain underwent a major transformation. A country in which a law-abiding individual would hardly notice the existence of the state had ...
Thank you, atwali. We're delighted that people like you are discovering
Professor Bogdanor's fascinating lectures. (We trust that you've found his
series on "Making the Weather: Six politicians who shaped our age"?)
I love this channel, I have been fascinated by the series of lectures,
Britain In the 20th Century, and many more besides. Many thanks to Gresham
College and Professor Bogdanor in particular.,
Don't we all play a character in the role of life?
Britain in the 20th Century: The Collapse of the Postwar Settlement, 1964-1979
The 1960s saw a new course in British politics -- the commitment of both major parties to entry into the European Community, as the European Union was then ...
I dont think this guy is the most credible or qualified person to speak
about this omni-important subject. We still live on and of the remains of
that period, but its eroding gradually towards oligarchy again.