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Durham university sick pay Videos

Screaming at people at Durham Uni

Loads of us being childish back in the day screaming at people for no reason.

User Comments

The people in the video aren't students...they're screaming AT students. Not all the students at Durham are 'arrogant, stuck up bastards' - yes, a few of them are like that, but not the majority. 'willingly putting themselves into significant debt' - it is not the students' fault that they now have to put up with huge debts just to further their education and better themselves - if they weren't doing that no one would go to uni and the next generation would be stuck.
In the video lies the reason that the students are at the university and you're all sitting outside with nothing to do, waiting for the day when you can start receiving benefits. I hope you've all grown up since and developed some respect.
When they said Durham was full of inbred, retarded chavs, I thought it was just an exaggeration but it seems this video proves it is actually true.
what the fuck? grow a set you little dickheads
Durhams so posh even the chavs are fannys.
Wow what a lot of complete wasters,
wtf man lol

University Challenge S45E23 St Catherine - Cambridge vs Nottingham

At last, I'm back after a week. You might find your way to the other channel, so I'm sorry about that. I put the blame on holiday and me being sick for a while. Well ...

User Comments

Even tho I'm a Nottingham alumnus I have to congratulate St. Cat's on playing better. :)

SHOCKING moment Professor Green SLAPS...

Professor Green SLAPS foul-mouthed student concert goer during live set at Durham University. Professor Green SLAPS foul-mouthed student concert goer ...

Flu - Coming to A Campus Near You

Flu season is coming to UNH...and so is the FLU VACCINE CLINIC FOR STUDENTS 10/9/2013, 10am - 4pm, Granite State Room, MUB The Flu is known to ...

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It's Coming...Seasonal Flu...and the Annual FREE Flu Vaccine Clinic for UNH Students! 
I love this video!

Absolute thug on University Challenge

Ralph Morley is living the thug life.

User Comments

What did he say?
+Henrique M. Rocamora Host: During 20th century who held the position of prime minister of the United Kingdom...?Competitor: Margaret ThatcherHost: How did you know I was going to ask longest period of time?Competitor: What else it's going to be?
what was the question and what did he answered? i can't hear it clearly.
+Artsi thanks.
+Luffy MugiwaraHost: During 20th century who held the position of prime minister of the United Kingdom...?Competitor: Margaret ThatcherHost: How did you know I was going to ask longest period of time?Competitor: What else it's going to be?
I haven't seen anyone do this yet, so I was sent here by a man who HALL
+DinoDoesStuff You're under arrest, saying hall's illegal.
+DinoDoesStuff Greetings, my fello yankee.
+Artur Araújo Hello Artur.
+DinoDoesStuff k
That is such a typical smug trying-to-be-funny Oxbridge answer- 'What else is it going to be?' It could have been loads of things, smartass.
+GroovingPict The contestant buzzes before Paxman says "for the".
+serst35 he says "who held the position of Prime Minister in the United Kingdom for the..." Your example doesnt fit. Try again.
+GroovingPict Like any question relating to British Prime Ministers in the twentieth century. Like who held the position of Prime Minister in the United Kingdom during the reign of Edward VIII, if you need an example.
+serst35 like what?
+serst35 like what?
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