Jesus Christ... Why this videos from AC Liberation can't be done by someone
who can play the damn game? This guy sucks so badly. I think he had no idea
what he was doing while recording this video. And now I'm confused because
I don't know if I should like this video for new material from the game or
dislike because of absence of that's guy skill. Ah, fuck it. Lame gameplay
and it could have been much better, so I am gonna dislike :)
LMAO. I appreciate the footage, but I can tell you`re not used to stealth
games, or using stealth tactics in games. Lulzy gameplay, dunno why you
guys are disliking. Everybody used to be like this at one point, no idea
what the fuck cover is, and just running straight for your target, then
killing the wrong person.
You might want to check this video out, it has someone who seems to play
and show the game better. Featuring better rowing, alligators,
assassination jump, and fighting mechanics. Looks pretty good for me for a
handheld title. watch?v=cZnMG8wjazc
I wish Ubisoft posted more Assassin's creed Liberation videos instead so we
won't have to scrummage around for decent footage of this game to find a
dingleberry playing it -.-
Normal people would realize and try to row with the back screen at a slower
speed matching her rowing hands, not swiping both fingers constantly like