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University hospital nhs foundation trust bristol Videos

Health watchdog issues formal warning over staffing at Bristol Children's Hospital 2012

The Care Quality Commission has issued a formal warning to University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust in relation to staffing levels on a cardiac ward at ...

User Comments

Such a shame, the Pediatric cardiac surgeons here ( Caputo and Parry) are amazinggly talented and their success rates put them in the forefront of pediatric cardiac surgery, certainly in Britain, my daughter is due for more surgery there with Parry in 10 weeks, I guess I will have to watch the staff on 32 like a bloody hawk.

Above and Beyond - Bristol Half Marathon 2015

Above & Beyond is the local charity that raises funds for the hospitals that sit within University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust. On Sunday the 13th of ...

Collaboration and integration in health across the West of England - David Wynick

Professor David Wynick, joint Director of Research and Innovation for University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust and North Bristol NHS Trust, talks about ...

NHS Innovation Challenge Prize winner 2015 - The Chloride Dipstick in Dehydration

NHS Innovation Challenge Prize winner 2015: The Chloride Dipstick in Dehydration, University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust.
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