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Seahawks locker room after super bowl Videos

Pete Carroll Seattle Seahawks Superbowl 48 Victory LockerRoom

Pete Carroll Seattle Seahawks Superbowl 48 Victory LockerRoom.

User Comments

This shit gave me chills when red took over. Seahawks all day bitches!!! 
+M88 Ab888 eat deez nutz biaatch!!!
+Janonsia gasologa faggot
shut yo bitch ass up
shut yo bitch ass up Lil nigga get knocced Lil faggot
Pats nation boy
Pete mentioning how they bring the trophy back for the 12th man made me tear up. I love how we're loved by this team. I have never seen or witnessed any other city have such a connection with its team and fans, such a mutual appreciation. I see it with the Sounders as well. I love Seattle and thank god for the wonderful community we have here. 
thats right go seahawks
Amen Sister, Go Hawks
Get this through your head George Vorachak: Since joining the NFC West the Seahawks have won the Division 7 times to the 49ers 3 times. Before that we played you once every 4 years in non-conference games and you won your 5 rings in the NO-CAP league. GOT IT?
people tend to forget about the no cap era; good to remind the fans.
It's hard to argue with that math!
best coach in NFL


Sold Out 1615TV Exclusive Super Bowl XLVIII all access stadium and Locker room pass to see what no one else saw on Sunday night ! Lets do this ! Enjoy !

Seahawks return to Seattle after Super Bowl XLIX

Seahawks land in Seattle.

Super Bowl XLIX Seahawks Fans Reaction

Our reaction to the devastating loss on Febuary 1st, 2015.

BEST Marshawn Lynch clip dancing to Philthy Rich after Seahawks superbowl win!

Marshawn Lynch doesn't do any interviews but he made it a point to represent the bay by playing Philthy Rich- Ready to ride.

User Comments

Lol. .wins Superbowl and represents Oakland to the fullest!! Lol sorry Seattle fans but beast mode is all Oakland!! !

Seattle Seahawks Owner Paul Allen Locker Room Interview

Seattle Seahawks Owner Paul Allen reflects on the Super Bowl 48 victory over the Denver Broncos in the locker room after the game. Check out more great ...

User Comments

Some athletes talk about how much money they have or their bling. What he pays those guys is his tax write off. Bill Gates partner. The top of the 1%.
+bigvjza80 it's more than 16 billion more like 30 billion
+Tehone Afterexe WOW!  that's not just rich, that's FILTHY RICH iwonder what his income taxes are like every year 
+Tehone Afterexe That's right.
+bigvjza80 I know. Rich man. Also owns the Portland Trail Blazers. 
+Tehone Afterexe Paul Allen former VP of Microsoft and Seattle Seahawks owner net worth: 16 billion dollars.
Best owner in football, hands down. Go Hawks. Do it again.
+stephen st.clair not much chance of that but you look like you could drop at any time.and paul allen can go suck obama's ass..............
+e james congratulations to the patriots and their fans on a tremendous super bowl 49 victory, excluding e james of course. Hopefully you will take your sentiments on yourself. Go Hawks!
have a nice sunday...?old man.? I hope you drop dead with a heart attack.patriots>>>>>4 time champs.
he is a god to seahawks fans for saving the team from ken berhing 

Peyton Manning SuperBowl 2014 INTERVIEW : Denver Broncos Lost to Seattle Seahawks

Embarrassed was not the word for Peyton Manning. "I'll never use that word," Manning said during his post-game news conference on Sunday night, when it ...

User Comments

they NEVER interview players with the winning team members present yet they did Can...plus he heard them talking crap...so he should have left. Give him the same respect they give every other player.
Thank you. This is the first time in Super Bowl.history that they had the winning team being interviewed at the same time as the losing team. It's ridiculous.
Cam Newton should review this video to see how a classy professional conducts himself in a post game interview. Suck it up Cam
+jdawg101 +sindy strouse bruhh ya need to see the whole video. I watch this live and Peyton manning was offended and got bit rude in the full video. Yes he did handle it better but he wasn't completely patient. Like i find it hilarious how "CAM NEWTON WALKS OUT " of a post game interview is a headliner after he answers like 8 questions. When tom brady sometimes answers 2 and walks off , other qbs do the same thing. Funny how bias people can be.
Cam Newton can learn a lot from this guy
+sindy strouse cam isn't past the point even where he understands that stealing is wrong. I don't imagine watching class acts and figuring out how to be a class act himself is in his cards.
DO people realize the age difference. I'm 26 I still throw fits..... we are YOUNG
+Elizabeth Henning good for me
+Andrea Turner Just as long as you don't expect to be treated like an adult.
+SAM BRICKELL good for you
+Andrea Turner Just so you know. If I were an employer and found this discussion of yours. That would be the absolute last time I ever considered you for a job. You are acting like a child, and worse still, you are acting like there's nothing wrong with you acting like a child. I would have been embarrassed to act this way when I was 18.
+SAM BRICKELL buuuuuut I'm not
+Andrea Turner I'm 27. My last fit was probably before I became a teenager. YOU need to grow up.
+Andrea Turner You should be embarassed to throw fits after age 12.
+Andrea Turner You have some growing up to do fast.  I am 37 and at 26, I was done with college, had 4 years into my profession, just got married, and bought my first house.  Make all the excuses you want, you are an adult.  As is Cam!
A 10 line response is considered a long post?
+Kyle P mmmmmkay. You are responding to my post with long messages. I'm guessing that goes for you too.
+Andrea Turner so there shouldn't be a debate on how people conduct themselves? If you really feel that way then stop debating. But since you continue to response then stop pretending like you have a "let people live....Not that serious" attitude when it comes to this discussion. And also, please get a job. Your parents need rent money. Lol
+Kyle P let people live... Not that serious
+Andrea Turner and what? Just saying "and?" is not a talking point nor is it an actual question. "25 26 people are still in school living with their parents trying to find themselves." That may be true, but that doesn't make them young. Nor does it excuse their attitude.
+Baelzar I haven't.... oh well
+Andrea Turner By the time you're 26, a full third of your life is gone. If you haven't found yourself yet, you are in deep trouble.
+Baelzar in other countries 25 26 people are still in school living with their parents trying to find themselves....
+Kyle P and?
+Andrea Turner 26 used to mean adult. Even in my generation 20 years ago. Now it just means...manbaby or girlbaby.
He sat there with his hood on and a pouty look on his face. Gave mostly one word responses. Down played the Bronco's performance in the game (notice Peyton in the video giving the Seahawks respect), and also stormed out of the interview like a child. That's what he did.  
+Kyle P explain what he did? sat there? people bitch about anything ... don't like it, don't buy his stuff. simple
When did I say you can't function without errors? I just didn't understand your comment. That's why I replied with "What?". And what does that have to do with the way Cam conducted himself after this game?
+Kyle P he.... didn't.... do.... anything? better? since you act like you can't function without errors
"imhe didn't do anything"What?
+Kyle P imhe didn't do anything
you are not young. You are a 26 year old woman and Cam is a 26 year old man who is supposed to be a professional. Russell Wilson who is 27 now was 26 when he had lost last year at Super Bowl 49. He took responsibility for the loss to the Patriots and conducted himself as the grown up that he is. Yeah people are different, but that is not an excuse that shields anyone from criticism for how they conduct themselves.
+James H that's coo
+Andrea Turner You still throw fits at 26? I'm 27 and I havent thrown a fit since I was about 12.
just get over it... we are young and it's evitable in this generation... look at all these other young people killing and destroying stuff. he threw a fit... wow stop knit picking he's a man
+Jeff Green we are all different I like cam newton. knowing guys my age he acted his age the best he could. which is way better than other people our age. just cause he didnt say anything says enough... just cause he threw himself down on the field doesn't hurt anyone.
+Andrea Turner Russell Wilson
+Lorrie Heron did I say that?
+Branden Bates yes I do. This generation on young people are different.
You throw fits at 26? 49 other quarterbacks lost in the Super Bowl and I can't remember one walking off. No matter their age.
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