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Germany facts religion Videos

Religion in Germany Top 7 Facts

Religion In Germany | Get Germanized

Religion, it's something people don't always like to discuss yet here we are, talking about religion in Germany! We'll find out about the most prominent ones, how ...

User Comments

hi I am a muslim and I know that media said a lot of bad things and that terrorists represent my religion and I want to study in Germany so I hope that German people will not judge me threw the media but from my personality but I guess that German more open-minded and intellectual and nice people and I hope I will do a lot of friends
well, I understand people calling me a nazi, even though I'm clearly an Antifa guy. I ment with the News stuff like the Agents who didn't let muslims fly into the US just because of their religion.
+Ram Gilamar yep I understand those people who are afraid of me but at the end I haven't done anything bad for them and I think that people must learn how to judge person not threw media but from their personalities
not all people, that's for sure, I don't think that you even would have problems, but a lot would be a little afraid of you, just listen to the news...
+Ram Gilamar I wouldn't go to USA but I think that not all people are stupid and think bad of Muslims
no, no problem! There are a lot of muslims here and nobody has problems with them. In the US however you wouldn't be welcome by over the half of people actually
+djamil boukhechba Good choice and Good luck. 
+Dara Marc Sasmaz thanks for your comment I will study in Heidelberg
+djamil boukhechba nope you are welcome, where do you want to study in particular? I can recommend cologne.
Pastafarianism an acceptable religion?
+psychotronik13 ...
+Daysen Bushmaker Do you have any idea how stupid you sound? That is nonsense! TOTAL UTTER NONSENSE!
+psychotronik13 xD It's a reference to Spang Bab. Is mayonnaise an instrument?...
+Daysen Bushmaker I hate all religion! Especially the Flying Spaghetti monster, dumbass! How can you be so stupid to believe that? And you arent a pirate, you are DELUSIONAL!
+Daysen Bushmaker R'amen
+Get Germanized Ich glaube kaum, daß das Finanzamt das genauso sieht; oder hast du genauere Infos, daß es die Kirchensteuer an die Kirche des Fliegenden Spaghettimonsters Deutschland e.V. weiterleitet?
+Daysen Bushmaker Definitely! :D
hm, some religions seem scary though: you name it..... in my case I don't know orthodox people get rid of/hate other religions
+Dimi S also the crusades have nothing to do with orthodox religion. FACT: Before 1054, the was no orthodox or catholic religion! they formed after the breakup of the christian church.


This is a short video going through the Nazi control and manipulation of religion in Germany from 1933-39. It should prove useful for GCSE and AS level classes ...

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Virtual Circumcision Ban after Cologne Germany Court Decision: Jewish, Muslims Defend Religion

After a court decision last June in Cologne Germany, ruling that circumcision on a healthy child amounted to bodily harm, there were many repercussions ...

User Comments

The issue is not grown people deciding to have a circumcision, grown people can do whatever they want, it's grown people forcing religion on innocent defenseless children, who them have their genitals mutilated. When I was 8 or 9 years old, I got in a huge fight with my mother and father, after finding out I had been circumcised, I consider it then, and now, as a violation of my body. The idea that God made my penis wrong, and that they had to fix it, is insane to begin with, but then so is the idea that there is an invisible God daddy man who lives up in the sky, and writes down in a book every time I touch my penis for fun. Religious types however never notice how nuts they are, and so when they all get together, they think they are sane. Mutilating the genitals of children should be illegal everywhere as far as I am concerned, but then again, the idea that it already is not, is crazy.
I read the Old Testament. Whether you read Genesis17 there OR BERESHIT (17,10) it is the same. But I am rteading ABOUT the Torah, namely about their Orgin! Please learn about the, GOOGLE it Documentary Hypothesis which explains the EVOLUTION of the PentasTeuch very conclusively! If you say "cannot be so" (bcz it contradicts the assumedly G-Dly inspiration) then you are doomed, to remain STUCK in ignorance. In this respect, I know exactly why Fundamerntalists reject any idea of EVOLUTION.
How dare you call me a bigot. Show me the outstanding facts about why circumcision is so great to do on delicate babies.. I am victim of this, and I demand you justify to me I have no right to make this choice myself, neither do I have the right to decide if I want to be religious, and what religion I wish to follow. All that get's lost in the dark sordid hole you're trying to cover up when we start to look at human rights and the benefits v harm. Those who promote this make me feel sick
You have no idea what you are talking about! It most certainly is not child abuse! I am both a Jew and a social worker who has worked in the area of child abuse as part of my career. This is not child abuse. It is prejudice against a religious and cultural practice. Jews have been circumcising for thousands of years with no damage to Jewish society or the Jewish men who have had brit milah. This is the same for Muslim men. This is our sacred covenant with G-d.
Antiquity is no justification. Many evils, such as footbinding, were done for many years - and then they were stopped. Not knowing what you are missing =/= no damage. The bottom line is human rights. If any informed man WANTS to be circumcised, for religion or any other reason, let him, but leave babies alone.
That's not what it stands for. More and more Jews are opting for non-surgical Brit Shalom naming ceremonies. Search on Brit Shalom for more than 80 celebrants (more than 40 rabbis) in 30 US states and several other countries - including Israel.
SephardicHawaiian@ what I meant when i wrote "morons " was about the ban of Circumcision - I agree with you
Actually, it is Worshipping a Pagan Fertility Cult. You alter G-Ds Creation.
Fuck your religion if that's what it stands for.
Yeah, that sounds like the bigot you are!
"This is my own body" they said...
What Torah are you reading?

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