"Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven
given to mankind by which we must be saved." -Acts 4:12
"Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven
given to mankind by which we must be saved." -Acts 4:12
Buddhism will continue to flourish like mushroom in the present and the
future. A peaceful religion will help to shape the inner beings and make a
person to avoid trouble.
The rise of Buddhist nationalism is making life extremely difficult for evangelical Christians living in the rural areas of this beautiful island nation. About 70 ...
as usual missionaries telling people only the "God loves" side of the bible
minus the prejudicial, war, and murderous parts in it not to mention the
hundreds of inaccuracies with science. I guess jesus providing salvation
vs Buddhist teaching of finding your own salvation must be the selling
point-why do it yourself with hard work when someone can do if for you by
just believing right? Belief supersedes anything bad one has committed. Its
also amusing how evangelicals never try to coerce educated people...anyone
it their right mind would clearly see through a what a crackpot
christianity it. And with the dwindling of congregations across Europe with
people finally realising that closing your eyes and praying into thin air
while reading a book that is smaller than most university text books (and
wasn't even written by god) doesnt really bring anything. . Also typical of
paying locals to set up churches...Its true then its just a numbers game,
quantity vs quality! If Jesus existed he'd be ashamed.
Here we are at the gates of a new united sri lanka! We all are sri lankans!
So if any corrupted mind needs to promote racism,sorry ma'am this is not
the country which u fit for ! So if u got any thing to help innocents plz
focus on that plz do not sell ur religion making the poverty a tool and do
not insist any body to believe in something. Buddhism a philosophy and not
a tattoo or a vail, so others dont see the beauty of it! Think again, its
time for a change!
and the nerve of you all to blame your persecution on the Buddhist monks,
when it is you who cannot bear another religions existence so you try to
convert them. Typical superiority mentality,
It is you who's creating the disharmony, why don't you work on improving
christians in canada and leave Buddhism to Sri Lanka
Le 9 juin 2014, Phay Siphan a réagi en même temps que l'RFA sur l'absence
de Hun Sen à Phnom Pen, mais ils disaient de différentes versions. Phay
Siphan a dit que Hun Sen est en train de jouer le golf , il a même essayé
de trouver une photo pour la confirmer , Hélas sur cette photo, on peut
voir Hun Sen avec Mr Thaksin Shinawatra sur le terrain du golf, tandis que
ce lui ci était à l'Angleterre. L'RFA (reporteur VOHACHEAT) a dit que Hun
Sen avait fait une visite officielle au Bangadesh quelques jours le 16
jusqu'à 18 juin 2014 (donc il faut patienter, la vérité se dévoilera le 19
ou le 20 juin 2014 prochain). Pour calmer les rumeurs sur cette affaire ,
une télévision locale a filmé un vieux vidéo qui montrait le visage sombre
du Hun Sen est en train de inaugurer une fête à la province de Kâmpôt.
Hélas encore un sacré mensonge. En tout cas il faut prier pour lui pour
qu'il meurt le plus vite possible car un ACV est une hémorragie cérébrale
qui provoque une paralysie. Voilà la raison de mourir dans la dignité :Hun
Sen devrait se suicider ou se cacher pour toujours dans un lieu paisible
quelque part..et attendre sa fin.......Bienvenu en l'enfer!.