Seville spain june weather Videos

First Big Heat Wave Of Summer To Grip Spain, France and UK

A heat wave is forecast to envelop much of continental Europe and the UK during the end of June into the first week of July, potentially setting records from Spain ...

My Travel Lookbook! Outfits in Spain 여행 룩북 / JUNE TUNE

My Travel Look-book! Outfits in Spain 스페인 여행 룩북 Hello guys! It's me, June. you might get confused when you're packing your travel bag I guess. Because ...

User Comments
와우. 재밌는데요? 보그 잡지 보는 기분 ^^
푸핫 ㅎㅎ 실은 이 영상 편집하는게 제일 재밌었어요 이런거 제 취향인듯...!
great video girly, your super pretty Xo
Thank you <3 I'm so happy to hear that!
Awesome ways to maximize your wardrobe. :) Subscribed.
Aw! Thanks <3 and I'll check your channel right now!
Love your videos!! I just subbed, mind subbing back when you get the chance? :) x
Sure! Thanks girl <3
I love your lookbook! iv just subscribed! i would love it if u would check out my channel 2 :) x
Thanks! I'll check yours right now <3
Love your outfits! And your editing skills are amazing! I just subbed! I'd love it if you'd come check out my channel!
Aw Thanks! Yep I'll check your channel right now <3
Awh you're welcome XD I will make sure u get to 1 million subscribers one day, 언니 <3
스웨타 <3 Your comments always make me happy! 

Views through the clouds on Monte Calamorro, Benalmadena, Spain - 2nd June, 2011

Footage taken atop Monte Calamorro, a mountain above the Costa Del Sol town of Benalmadena on Spain's South Coast. This was in very cloudy weather ...

Reviewing A400M programme milestones

This overview provides a brief history of the A400M, highlighting programme milestones from 2005 to 2009. Some of the key events featured include the aircraft's ...
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