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Massachusetts Siezes Power, Legislative Decree, Subversion

User Comments

@imatelly you think that will work? What will MAYBE work is if a few million of us withdraw consent to be subject to any exetutive order. Withdraw consent to being assasinated. Withdraw onsent to being GOVERNED by a foreign corporation (US citizens can't sue a state because they're citizens of a foreign jurisdiction (USA=Wash DC, Puerto Rico, etc, and doesn't include the 50 states). You do this with a claim, not a phone call. Notarized affidavit requiring response or it's law. That MIGHT work.
anyone notice everyone seys they are taking our rights and they are going to kill us,yet everyone sits around even the people saying this stuff and does nothing about it and then seys what should i do i cant do anything,well you all sound like good slaves are you telling me egypt is stronger than you americans,egypt has balls and america dont egypt has courage america dont egypt is smart america is not,if you dont agree with me do something if you agree with me all you will do is complain
the only people that can do something about this are acting like babys and useing there phone for texting friends even though they have all the power how many times have you called the white house and complained? if you said never your the problem!! i cant fix this for you you have to help does not one person understand this or are you all slaves
As a general matter, "a party has standing when it can allege an injury within the area of concern of the statute or regulatory scheme under which the injurious action has occurred.” Enos v. Secretary of Environmental Affairs, 432 Mass. 132, 135 (2000), citing Massachusetts Ass'n of Indep. Ins. Agents, 373 Mass. at 293.
@talk57 higher courts already ruled random tag checks are not a violation of privacy. We're not going for a dismissal. We're going for precedent. Laying serious charges that I won't go into here but they'll take up a few pages just listing the code violations without the text.
yes you must bring all motions at the hearing. and ask for everything that you want and even if you don't think it will help ask for it. but you must bring it up at the first hearing.
if it's not too late I always ask for a probable cause hearing in Massachusetts, it's the first step in challenging everything, process, jurisdiction etc.
seems like a conflict of interest, state suing state, by representing both sides, can't you sue your attorney for incompetence? lol
establishing that you are not a person but indeed a man is essential to gain immunity,,,a private agreement is best
@talk57 thx I'll read the case!
thx 4 info
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