Egyszer hallottam a tv-ben ezt a dalt és annyira megtetszett, hogy nagyon,
aztán sokáig kerestem, míg nem megtaláltam és ez most bearanyozta a napom
Hungarian attempts at Autonomy in Romania (excerpt)
Philip Bognar (MA International Affairs, Washington University in St. Louis) speaking at University of Szeged in Hungary for American Hungarian Educators' ...
@MrAntibozgor No I think you all are like that. Hungary since 896 has had
Transylvania and all the land that it lost. There were no Slovaks, Whlachs,
or any Slavic people in that uninhabitated region, except for the Avars,
who as Historians have proved are the Hungarian speaking people. So If
anyone is like the Russians it is you people. Communism is still very
active in your countries and so is your discrination practices...
Fine if USA thinks we should give up Transilvania to Hungary because there
are many of them there, i want USA to give up California and Nevada to
Mexico, because there are many mexicans there. When they will do that, when
all nations artound the world will do that, THEN and ONLY THEN i will do
the same.
@MrAntibozgor Everyone agrees discrimination leads to lack of rights, which
if it is done to enough people then it could lead to major struggles and
even war. Just take a look at the Texan Revolution, Americans discriminated
in Texas by Mexicans, lost rights, they fought back.
@MrAntibozgor what are you talking about? What books are you reading? You
people are just like the Russians, get land and claim it as your own and
hold on to it as long as you like. We don't need another war to disturb
Central Europe, wer just need a peaceful Europe.
@AquilaCarpatica The reality is that they like many other peoples
disappeared into history. They blended and intermixed like people do. In
the end the Slavs were able to come into such lands where the Avars, Kun
and Hun peoples lived and "claim it" .
@MrAntibozgor First of all Transylvania was always Hungarian, and it wasn't
until the Habsburgs brought u Whlachs in that Transylvania was pure. 1000
years went by and it was Hungarian. Don't forget History repeats itself
Az előadás az Oktatói Hálózat szegedi csoportjának "Kihívások" című fórumán hangzott el. Szeged, 2013. február 7. SZTE BTK Auditorium Maximum.
A video for Cultural European Nights - AEGEE locals of Hungary at RTC
Enjoy the AEGEE-Spirit of AEGEE-Budapest, AEGEE-Pécs, AEGEE-Debrecen, AEGEE-Szeged and AEGEE-Piliscsaba! Let's spread the Hungarian culture ;)
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