The idea that people with autism have no empathy is based on a
misinterpretation of hans aspergers work. He was refering to cognitive
empathy, not emotional empathy, but somehow that kind of got lost in
translation. dificulties with cognitive empathy is what some doctors now
refer to as "theory of mind". And that is true, especially as children,
people with aspergers have trouble "seeing" what others are feeling or
thinking, and because of that they can show lack of emotional empathy, not
because they dont care, but because they cant "see" the other person's
situation. The moment they become cognitively aware of the situation, they
feel emotional empathy, but then it may become to powerfull and overwelming
to deal with and the person may shut down... people with autism feel too
much, not too little ;)
+Ana Antonio I have medium functioning autism and when someone tells me a story of something that happen to them I can't empathize at all so speak for yourself ana. A lot of people with autism can speak/listen and still not empathize people with high functioning aspergers or female carriers can much easier empathize then the rest of the people on the a lot of people with autism don't have FEAR from things they should be afraid of like a big wave coming in the ocean or a plane taking off something where most people will have huge anxiety and panic autistic people are sometimes not empathizes with other people and are still happy and not afraid in those situations.So no your actually not correct some stop pretending you are. Theres medium functioning autism and low too ya know? Also my dad told me he nearly died and I couldn't empathize at all he explained it to me and I just can't really get involved in the story an picture myself in his shoes even though my intellect understands it like im reading it off a book I just can't put myself in there and relate. Ana thats empathy ya know? not the shit your talking about.
+Ana Antonio I have medium functioning autism and when someone tells me a story of something that happen to them I can't empathize at all so speak for yourself ana. A lot of people with autism can speak/listen and still not empathize people with high functioning aspergers or female carriers can much easier empathize then the rest of the people on the a lot of people with autism don't have FEAR from things they should be afraid of like a big wave coming in the ocean or a plane taking off something where most people will have huge anxiety and panic autistic people are sometimes not empathizes with other people and are still happy and not afraid in those situations.So no your actually not correct some stop pretending you are. Theres medium functioning autism and low too ya know? Also my dad told me he nearly died and I couldn't empathize at all he explained it to me and I just can't really get involved in the story an picture myself in his shoes even though my intellect understands it like im reading it off a book I just can't put myself in there and relate. Ana thats empathy ya know? not the shit your talking about.
Of course, because you had a visual cue to what was happening to the spider, you had cognitive compreention of what was going on, so your emotional empathy was working normaly. Possibly your emotional empathy was in overdrive because, as an aspie, you thought that the spider would feel like you would if your arms were pulled out.Cognitive empathy means people with asperger have dificulty understanding or predicting intuitively what others are thinking or may think in a given situation. Aspies can learn to do that at a counscious level, wich is exausting. For example, aspies can forguet to contextualise a subject before talking about it to another person. That is a malfunction of cognitive empathy. Emotional empathy works normally, that's why you feel attuned with people and animals at a non verbal, emotional level. At least this is how I see it... (my first language is not english, so... forguive my grammar)
I understand this theory - I'm just not sure it's correct - at least not for all of us. Or at least it needs a lot or refining. If you listen the vid when I tell the spider story for example, you can see at the youngest age I was aware of what something would be like for another creature...
Aspergers/autism spectrum- empathy part 1
A touch on empathy. Do we feel? Does anything get through? What am I thinking when you tell me news. Feel free to comment and share and give input.
Great analogy using the 10 people unable to file through one door! I can
definitely understand what you mean there. You hit the nail on the head
when describing how there can be many, many feelings associated with a
given event (in this case the loss of a job as an example). I think often
times, societal expectations are very rigid as to what we are "supposed" to
feel or think or say in response to an event like the one used here. I hope
I don't offend when I say that it can be a gift to recognize that there is
not just one response, indeed, there are many. I think the key is asking
questions. Are you ever tempted to be blunt (and possibly sound like a TV
psychiatrist) by asking: "How does that make you feel?" I know I do this
sometimes when I'm unsure the feelings behind the person's expressions or
telling of their event. I can see how it would be hard to filter all the
many possible responses. Perhaps it may be easier to ask directly. Let me
know your thoughts on this, if you've tried it and if so how it has worked
for you.
I take the EQ (Empathy Quotient) test located in the back of Simon Baron Cohen's "The Science of Evil". It's a 40 question test designed to see how empathetic ...
I was married to a narcissist with NBD and trust me your not one!!! Here
people ~~~~��> one question will tell >>> Do you do things in which you
would never want, allow nor accept if your love partner informed you they
were going to do it aka it's different in my case..... if u say Yes your
When u can do things u damn well know u don't want done 2 you ever but
don't care of emotions of the other person that's a Marc '(
Not really and not from my (limited) experience with BPD people. I know
that is how they describe themselves, but especially in times of some
trouble of arguments the empathy goes out of the window. To me, telltale
are all those videos on the net that talk about "me, I, me, me" (and how
awfull it is to them) and how little if any video's of BPDs i find in which
they look at the broader context of their disease. Those are one way
messages "look how sad I am." It is sad, but not only to them.
I agree, personality traits tend to fall on a continuum (except in the case
of specific brain damage eg. Phineas Gage), so most of us are just
variations of the norm. RE your comment that psychology "merely plays at
being a science": in New Zealand that is not the case. "Psychology" here is
interchangeable with terms like cognitive neuroscience and
neuropscychology, because students of psychology are scientists who
research the neural basis of behaviour, as well as social and developmental.
I scored 13/80 in the EQ. This was surprisingly low but could make sense.
Ive always suspected that I was a bit different although I have never had
any sort of diagnosis. I do not have aspergers characteristics at all. I
score a bit below average on the psychopath tests but not too low. So where
does that leave me, im not sure. I know im low on emotional empathy. I do
not get upset about stuff although I feel that I can put myself in other
peoples shoes. I suppose im just a bit cold.
17 points here, I am absolutely clueless about people's feelings, to the
point I try understand them logically. It's not that I don't care, I just
don't realise for the most part, even though I might seem selfcentred (for
instance, if someone does cry I am upset, but not because they are. Because
the sound of it upsets me and makes me anxious, as loud voices or crowd
noises do). Then again, I'm very likely an Aspie (182/200 Aspie points
against 19/200 NT) so that definitely fits.
@adamlewis7609 There's something to that. I do believe there are legitimate
disorders, but sometimes I think behaviors or mental processes are
pigeonholed into characterizations when they're really just differences
like any other. After all, what is a "normal" human like, anyway? We're all
fucked up in some manner or fashion. That's why I have more respect for
neuroscience, which is based more on fact and less on conjecture, than
psychology, which merely plays at being a science.
@acrylyl They're putting together the DSM V, which is the big book of all
known mental disorders, and there's some controversy over what they'll do
with Asperger's. The biggest thing you can see from my videos is that my
eyes tend to look off to the side. Lack of eye contact is a symptom,
apparently. But most of the symptoms are ones you have to look closely to
see in my videos, as opposed to spending time with me IRL. I'll message you
the link to the test.
@pornsterwoot No empathy means no compassion or caring for other people,
meaning anything you think or do is solely about yourself and not others.
I've thought that selfishness is the route of most evil if not all evil,
and certainly having no empathy engenders extreme selfishness. And the most
evil people in the world, psychopaths, serial killers, etc, are people who
have no empathy due largely due to lack of gray matter in their prefrontal
@floggingmolly265 It's meant to be a self-administered questionairre for
adults. And it's not looking for "selfishness" per se, just a lack of
empathy, or inability to put yourself in someone else's shoes.
Zero-Positives (Asperger's and Autistics) aren't really "selfish", they
just have an inability to see the world through other people's eyes, and
thus have difficulties understanding them or how their own behavior
effects/looks to others
@MsAgnosticatheist That doesn't sound like BPD. In general BPD sufferers
are classified as only focusing on their own feelings/pain to the detriment
of how they are treating and appear to others. The pushing people away and
thinking they are shit only to the next minute blame them for abandoning
you, etc. Have you looked up BPD in the DSM IV? I was misdiagnosed as BPD
years ago bc I was a cutter, and it's a fairly common misdiagnosis.
Most people with Narcissitic personlaity disorder had low self esteem and
it is true they tend to lack empathy. But in having low self esteem.
Narcissist always need positive attention and reinforcement from others in
order to make themselves feel better. Take my word for it. I think I may
have Narcissistic Personality Disorder, I also have a learning disability.
Histrionics on the other hand constantly need attention good or bad.
@dysthymia83 I think BPD has gotten a bad rep because of the way it
manifests itself. I know from what I've heard other borderlines telling me
is that they agree that we aren't manipulative only that we feel intense
emotional pain and often lash out on others because our emotions are so
intense. People like Angelina Jolie are wonderful empathetic people and she
is believed to have BPD.
I have BPD and my levels of empathy is painful. I feel pain and guilt when
I kill insects. I feel like i can understand anyone and put myself in their
shoes. Borderline Personality disorder suffers have MORE empathy than
normal people. That is complete bullshit. Our exact problem is that we feel
TOO MUCH empathy. The PHD field has no idea what they are talking about.
Is this test supposed to be done with someone else or alone? I did it twice
and I got 16 the first time and 10 the second...(both alone) Im not selfish
though...this test doesn't work truly? or alone for sure :p
Hell. I scored a 67.
I sounded like a category 3, too: but it's not because of confusion that
I'm avoiding people. It's because it fucking hurts too much.
Why is having no empathy automatically being evil for you? I would see it
more as being neutral.
Empathy for Autism: Anti-Bullying PSA
Children with Autism are bullied, abused, arrested and scorned by society. We need to raise public awareness that all people, including children, including those ...