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8gb ram zfs Videos

Voittoa tulee | Minecraft skywars w/Jozza #1 HD

Kiitos kun katsoit videoni. Kommentoikaa,tykätkää,jakakaa ja tietenkin tilatkaa Isonna⇊Isonna⇊Isonna⇊ ▻Edellinen video: ...

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pääseekö videolle joskus
+Niko Kankainen Ehkä ;)
jatka samaan malliin todella hyvä video!! oon max
+Tubettaja 20 joo tiedän ja kiitti

HP Proliant Microserver Gen8 unboxing -deutsch-

Daten zu dem System: HP ProLiant MicroServer Gen8 CPU: Intel Pentium G2020T, 2x 2.50GHz RAM: 8GB (ECC) Festplatte: 2x 1TB HDD Seagate Optisches ...

User Comments

Kann man damit einen TeamSpeak3 server hosten , und auch Spiele server hosten.?
Sorry das kann ich leider nicht machen weil ich auf dem Server mein NAS oder genauer gesagt ein FreeNAS laufen habe. Da schaufele ich von allen meinem PCs die Daten als Backup drauf. Daher kann ich den nicht einfach mit etwas anderem installieren. Hoffe du hast Verständnis dafür.MfG Ray
+rayvip0815 Kannst du mal ein Video machen wie man den Installiert und einen Server für ein Spiel drauf packt?
+EssrZockt | Games and More TS3 läuft da garantiert drauf. Und dann kommt es je nach dem auf das Game an welches du spielen willst und welche Hardware das benötigt. Da musst du dich schlau machen vorher und dann die Hardware so gut es geht anpassen, das steigert natürlich den Preis.
Ich habe mir auch vor ihn zu kaufen jedoch hätte ich eine Frage. So wie ich es verstanden habe ist bei diesem "Standard-Model" //www.amazon.de/Microserver-712317-421-BWWIN3-Celeron-G1610T/dp/B00DDIC1DA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1434196584&sr=8-1&keywords=HP+ProLiant+MicroServer+Gen8#productDetails Kein CD-Laufwerk bei. Gibt es den gleichen mit CD-Laufwerk oder kann man dies online konfigurieren?
Klaro bei Fragen immer raus damit. Ein Linux System braucht eh nicht viel Ressourcen, da würde der kleine wahrscheinlich reichen.
+rayvip0815Okay. Also es war auch nur eine Frage aber vielen Dank für deine Antwort :)Ich arbeite seit 3 Jahren mit Linux Servern und kann es ja auch vom Usb-stick booten oder über Netzwerk installieren.
+TobbiTech Genau bei dem von dir ausgewählten Modell gibt es kein CD Laufwerk. Dieses //geizhals.de/hp-proliant-microserver-gen8-784919-425-a1202529.html hat ein CD Laufwerk und auch gleich 2x 1TB Festplatten und 4GB Ram und besseren CPU. Es ist das Modell welches ich habe, das ist zwar etwas teurer aber lohnt sich bei der Leistung. Du kannst aber ein DVD Laufwerk für Notebooks kaufen oder einfach ein externes welches du dann auch anders wo nutzen kannst.
Hallo, erstmal will ich sagen cooles Video und danke. Ich habe vor mir den gleichen Server in wenigen Tagen auch zu kaufen und würde gerne wissen wie du deinen Server nutz. Außerdem würde ich gerne wissen ob und wie du dich gegen Häcker schützt. Ich würde nämlich auf diesen Server einen TeamSpeak Server laufen lassen der 24/7 an ist. Ohne die angst zu haben müssen das sich jemand rein Häckt und Mist macht.
+rayvip0815 Okay aber trotzdem Herzlichen Dank für deine Antwort. Ich werde mir wahrscheinlich das Server Vierenprogramm von AVG Kaufen da eine extra Firewall dabei ist. Ich muss leider gestehen das ich ein blutiger Anfänger bin im mit der Arbeit an Servern. :D
+SturmGrenadier Gerne finde es immer super wenn meine Videos gut ankommen ;Ich nutze den Server als Backup für meine Dateien dafür habe ich das Kostenlose System FreeNAS installiert. Meine Daten liegen gespiegelt auf 2 Festplatten in dem Server und sind nur intern in meinem Netzwerk von jedem Rechner zu erreichen. Daher muss ich mir keine Sorgen machen um Hacker.Wie das jetzt genau bei Teamspeak funktioniert kann ich die nicht sagen, findest aber bei der Suche im Netz bestimmt viele Infos dazu. Gegen Hacker hilft es nur die wichtigsten Ports nach außen frei zu geben und den Rest zu Blocken, eine Firewall ist auch net verkehrt und deine Router Einstellungen musst du auch beachten.
Wieso hast du ECC Ram drinnen?
+Jan Hollenbach Weil FreeNAS auch das einzige System mit ZFS ist... Herr uninformiert.
+ESISTOBSTIMHAUS FREENAS ist dank ZFS eine 1a NAS/Storage Lösung Herr Banause.
+Jan Hollenbach Wer dafuq verwendet FreeNAS?! 8 GB RAM Minimum Hardware Requirement? Ich bau da keinen HyperV-Server sondern ein NAS. Mit OMV fährt man eindeutig besser, zumal RAM Heute nicht gerade die billigsten Komponenten sind, immerhin ist es nur ein NAS und kein Server.
+ESISTOBSTIMHAUS Und du hast immer noch keine Ahnung, FREENAS + Storage mal gut lesen kleiner.
+Jan Hollenbach Naja wenn man nicht auf Hochleistungs aus ist, und dauerhaft 24/7 Videos direkt auf dem NAS dekodiert ist das 2. Paritäts-Bit für den Aufpreis wohl sinnlos.
+ESISTOBSTIMHAUS Da schmeißt aber jemand mit viel Unwissen herum. ECC Ram ist sehr wohl sinvoll bei einem NAS speziell im Eigenbau wenn man Freenas nutzt! Informiere dich erstmal richtig Kollege..
+rayvip0815 Na dann.
+ESISTOBSTIMHAUS Es war hat ein Riegel schon drin der ECC hatte und da einen zu kaufen der das nicht hatte wollte ich nicht riskieren. Aber prinzipiell haste recht ist eher was für Win Server und so.
+rayvip0815 Bei einem NAS komplett sinnlos! Oder muss es so hochleistungsfähig sein?
+ESISTOBSTIMHAUS ECC Ram hat die Eigenschaft Fehler zu erkennen und auszumerzen. Dadurch läuft das System "stabiler"Außerdem habe ich einen zweiten Riegel eingebaut der wie der erste originale auch ECC haben sollte.

The Lab | Minecraft W/ Jozza

Kiitos kun katsoit videoni. Kommentoikaa,tykätkää,jakakaa ja tietenkin tilatkaa Isonna⇊Isonna⇊Isonna⇊ ▻Edellinen video: ...

Dell Poweredge T110 Ii Server 8gb RAM RAID 0 1 5 10 3 1ghz Xeon E3 1220

2016 Gaming Setup & Home Office

This is a quick tour of my setup in my home office. 3 gaming PCs, a server, console gaming, etc. I have since upgraded to SIX MONITORS which you can see ...

User Comments

Thank you Brad for sharing this with us, it's really amazing! I have a question for you please, did you graduate in web development at school? Or did you learn it on your own?
+Brad Traversy Thank you very much for the tips, I like your courses and i am going to get some of them, and start this journey. Again keep doing the great work.
+free bird I started out doing computer repair. I was only getting maybe 3 or 4 calls per week if that, so I had a lot of spare time. Id spend maybe 3-4 hrs per day either reading books or watching tutorials. Im not sure if you are interested in web development but if you are, Id suggest getting a cheap membership at something like Treehouse or the company I make videos for, Eduonix. Youtube videos are great but premium courses/tutorials go much more in depth. Dont get me wrong, school is a great thing. But just for myself, I didnt like having to take psychology and statistics, etc I wanted to focus on the field I wanted to work in. We had no classes for the technologies I was interested in (Server side web dev). Just do what you think you'll benefit from the most and also have fun doing it. Doing what you love and getting paid for it is a beautiful thing
+Brad Traversy Thank you so much. I am about to enroll in school and something pulls me back, anyway I have a Question for you if you don't mind, how many hours per day were you studying (coding), when you were taking online courses? I'd like to know your way of learning. I would greatly appreciate any insight.
+free bird I got my associates in computer information systems BUT about 95% of the knowledge I have in web development and what I actually do for work, I learned myself. I've watched countless tutorials and premium online courses and that is what helped me the most. Now I make a living making those tutorials for others. You do not need years and years of college to be a web developer, especially if you want to start your own business
Hi Brad, do you still have the Tech Guy company web development services available?
+iain Crawford Yes but I have cut out the computer repair side of it and Im only doing web development and video tutorials. The commercial office just was not worth it for me. I was doing most of my work from home anyway

HP N36L Micro Server

Just a brief look at the HP N36L Micro Server Proliant. AMD N36L Dual 1.3GHz 8GB (2x4GB) DDR3 1333MHz non-ECC ram ESXi 4.1.

User Comments

why buy a platform that you then rip components out because there "crap" why not just do a ground up build?
also tpm = trusted platform module
As he said!!

2 x 128GB SSD Samsung 830 Raid 0 - Mac Mini 2011

2 x 128GB SSD Samsung 830 Raid 0 on a Mac mini i7 2.7 Ghz 8GB RAM Edit: After the EFI update, there is no delay anymore at boot up. Support page from ...

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Hello What a raid you make RAID mirror or RAID Stripe ? And you make like 32k or 256k? I make a new instalatin on my macpro 1.1 (2006) dual2.66 xeon whith Lion 10.7 sata2 ,3.0g conection RAID mirror 256k whith 2 Kingston 300V ,120GB SSD and write 130 and read 300!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its shit The disk box tell 450mb/s read and 450 writte boot time 20seg , duplicate 1gb 10seg Can some one tell why? Thanks 
Hello,The Raid is a stripe (Raid 0) 32kOne thing first, this Mac mini has 2 6Gbps channels.Apparently checked with MacTracker, your MacPro has 3Gbps SATA channels, so let's say around 300 MB/s by channel. You should reach about 600MB/s max on 2 disks.What software are you using to test ?Now it may be software related, last version of AppleRAID is version 2.0.

Windows Home Server Build Log Part 1

Video of one of my builds. This is for a Windows Home Server. Parts List: MSI H77MA-G43 Socket 1155 Intel Pentium G2120 @ 3.1 Ghz Rosewill CPU Cooler ...

User Comments

so when building a home server, the main hard drive doesn't really matter?
+Jiří Bělský Cool. Thank you for the tip! :)
+AdoptedMike you can install it on smaller drive using "hack" with commandline file on USB flash drive with some parameter that will do "autoinstall" without checking drive size... i did this to do clean install on 120GB SSD.
I think WHS 2011 requires at least a 160GB HDD or SDD to be installed on. Not sure why so large as it actually uses much less space and creates another partition. I haven't tried installing it on anything less than 180GB personally, so I don't know how it will work with less space. I prefer to keep the operating system and the data storage drives separate, but it is not required. You can install the o/s and data on the same drive.
I would go with a servergrade mainboard, ECC RAM and FreeNAS in RAID-Z2. In my eyes WHS is a complete waste for a fileserver. I even wouldn´t know any reason to go with a windows server. And 500W PSU is really too much for this. But I definitly would also choose the LSI controller and the dual Intel NIC. These are great
I couldn't agree more. My next server build for myself is going to be more along the lines of at least a platform that supports ECC, with 8-16GB RAM, an LSI controller and definitely ZFS. Windows Home Server is ok, but FreeNAS looks much better. Hindsight is always 20/20.
how much did it cost you for all the parts?
I recall the total bill being around $1200-$1250. I ended up only using 4 2TB HDDs instead of the original 8 so that cut more than $400. Still running like a champ!
what you could have done with the ssd mounting and i have done this with builds before is get some small Cable ties and feed then through those holes then over the ssd and basically strap them down if you do at least two one at each end it should hold it in place quite firmly and if you do need to remove that ssd you can just cut the cable tie and remove it not the prettiest option but you won't be looking at the ssd with the panel on anyways and because there is no moving parts and they don't get very hot it should sit there nice and good or the other option is something like double sided tape as long as you don't keep moving the case around it should stay secure
Good tip. Thank you for posting that.
Hi, I purchased a Fractal Define XL R2 Titanium Grey case from Amazon. As I was connecting everything I discovered that my expansion cards would not seat completely. It's as if the motherboard sockets were 1/8" to 1/4" to below and the cards would bottom out in the bracket but not plug completely into the motherboard. This using their stand-offs and other related hardware. Two expansion cards from two different manufacturers (Rocket Raid card and a Creative Labs Sound Blaster card) same problem. I am sending the case back. Seems to be either a design flaw in the case as it is not completely ATX compliant or something else?
Just to let you know I am trying to go through a complete restore the hard had my hitachi 500gb drive become flaky, so bought a new 1TB Seagate Constellation (Dell Enterprise Certifiied).  Went to do the restore after re-installing win7 and all drivers, XP Virtual mode.  As I wanted a clean install of Win7.  Picking the folders to restore seemed easy enough until I started it and then it became hairy.  It asks you to pick from duplicate folders, (older, newer, larger smaller).  So many variables, and since I chose not to restore windows the registry is not completely intact.  Another ugly fact any folders in use for instance a user profile folder can't be restored as it is in use if you are logged into it. This is very overwhelming but I think I will try formatting the new drive again, installing win7 with bare drivers to get it online and and create a non-related desktop which is different from the originals and then restore the other profiles.I then thought I'd generate the key to boot up from a memory stick.  Seems it has a huge bug that will not allow the computer to boot completely.  Error 0xffaeb477 (0xc0000025).  Seems many others have had this problem, look here:  //answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_other-system/whs-2011-full-client-restore-fails-0xc0000025/27745afd-acfe-461c-8936-91af2de90642and here://social.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/0cee8cbe-617b-4844-aa29-217b6380bcd6/whs-2011-backup-issues?forum=whs2011I guess I am signing off....Maybe this is why MS abandoned WHS2011?
I bought "Microsoft Windows Home Server 2011 - Unleashed" by Paul McFedries third edition.  It has much detail and in some cases more than I might need to know.  Reading it as time permits.
+DandyDon Wow! You are moving along quite well. No much support for WHS 2011 out there, but you are doing pretty good. It just takes a lot of time though.
USB 3.0 problem fixed, it was the Intel USB ROOT driver,  The install version for the motherboard would not work, I instead directed it to update the driver out of the win7 drivers and that installed it correctly.I'm trying out Vipre anti-virus which I have used before and actually supported winxp64.  It is inexpensive and seems to work as smoothly as before with win7 and winxp64
Everything else went well with the exception of the USB 3.0 hub.  I will write Gigabyte and see if they have any answers, and/or Intel.  Seems Antivirus software jumps in price quite a bit when you mention "server".  Comodo was a product which is very reasonable in comparison at $39.99 a year.  WHS certainly is a build of multiple things.  The error for the usb driver package from Intel produced an error "doesn't meet the minimum requirements".  The Atheros LAN utility claims the O/S is Windows 7 Home Premium with Server Service Package 1.  Waiting for my 2TB drives to format so I can start creating folders and move everything from the temporary drives back to the raid.
+DandyDon No problem. I have found little 'issues" with WHS and drivers as well. I had problems with the onboard LAN on my MSI board. I ended up not using the onboard at all and only the Intel dual port NIC.
I was very careful :)  This weekend I am installing Version 2 All updates installed, went well even with my slow DSL and the continuous loop for drivers was easy to was easy enough circumvent too.  Discovered the USB 3.0 drivers provided by Gigabyte (and those I tried to download from the Intel site for the 3.0 USB Intel Extensible USB  are not compatible with WHS2011.  Device manager showed it to be an "unknown device". A little digging into the properties showed that it is the 3.0 usb ports.  Oddly I tried to install the WHS2011 driver included with the disk.  It now identifies it but it says "it will not start" oh well.  I also found that homeserver.com and remotewebaccess com are no more.  I found one reference from 2011 on MS which explains it was being moved to Azure but nothing more.  Supposedly this was also for business server software also.  Sorry this is sooo long...
+DandyDon Strange. That is a pretty mainstream motherboard manufacturer. And the stand off that you speak of isn't in any kind of weird area. What an odd story you have. It probably won't do any harm, just be careful when plugging in the ATX power and give the board a little support underneath with your fingers.
The Gigabyte Z77-DS3H. It was a bundle with memory and a Intel CPU.
+DandyDon What motherboard are you using with that case?
It wasn't except that the seller of the Fractal Design case would not allow me to order/purchase a replacement box and packing to send the old one back.  I had to scrap it and hopefully write it off.My cards all fit correctly in the Thermaltake T81 Urban case.  One oddity I noted, my motherboard has a hole near the large ATX connector for an additional screw.  There is no threaded hole in the case for a stand-off.  The Fractal case did have this threaded hole and stand-off.  I can't believe there is such an inconsistency in what is supposed to be a standard ATX "standard" compatible case let alone how the tolerances in manufacturing can be so far off.
+DandyDon $180 doesn't seem too bad for all of those features.
+AdoptedMike I haven't ordered it yet.  I am waiting to return the Fractal Case I have.  Newegg which is the only place which sells it, (Amazon does not have a seller) is 179.99. Physically a little taller than the Fractal case.
+DandyDon There is a happy ending after all :) I like that dual door side panel. Really sharp looking case and a ton more features! What did you pay for it if you don't mind me asking?
You would think that if it is to have true ATX compatibility then it would work with all cards.  The Rocket Raid was $155.00 while I don't consider excessively expensive, isn't cheap either ;)Maybe it was not meant to be. I researched further and found the Thermaltake Urban T81 Extreme Full Tower Case.  It has the same touches along with completely configurable trays which can handle 3.5 or 2.5 HDs, two 3.0usb and four 2.0usb external ports, a fan controller and a HD indicator LED which I find highly useful when trying to determine if their is disk activity.By posting this link I am not trying to take away from what you have, I just wanted you to see it. :D//www.thermaltakeusa.com/products-model.aspx?id=C_00002239
Hmm...interesting. I have not heard of that before. I have seen that happen on cheap cards that have too long of a bracket. But, I would think that a major company like RR or Creative would have done it right. I am wondering if the Define XL you got had some kind of manufacturing error in the pci bracket.
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