This video is a simple Google hack that lets you find pdf files so you can get free eBooks and other cool documents in PDF file format. Don't let the term "hack" ...
Good advice. I've been doing it for years but then I'm a geek. I've been
using this feature to locate electronic copies of the manuals for all of my
equipment and appliances. I find it much easier to just bring the PDF file
up on the screen and do a word search through it to find the information I
want, as opposed to digging through the shoe box hoping to find the manual
and then paging through the manual to find the info. It's much easier and
you know JACK, ive been doing this for 25 years, I have 14 Terabytes of PDF
books LARGEST SITE ON EARTH For free PDF books is second largest
is MY site (private). the crap on google is mostly out of copyright CRAP.
Youre an amateur , sorry. I work with Acrobat and PDF 8 hours a day for 20+
years, youre not in the same league
@curacho69 - Well as I said this isn't for STEALING content. If a file is
protected the author may be selling it and not want to give it away. So if
you want content like that pay for it. This is for finding content that is
free to the public but otherwise difficult to find.
just to say if any of u didn't know, If you want to download any text from
anywhere at all even the web, you just select all (ctrl+a) then copy it,
open a word document, paste it and then save it to your kindle "documents"
folder as a plain text file! Hope this helps !!!
Java software solutions : foundations of program design / John Lewis &
William Loftus.I have flipped the earth upside down but still not able to
find this book! if anyone has it and you please msg me!! I'll subb you :)
If you use the advanced search function in Google it limits the type of
files you can search for. If you key in the filetype: function instead, you
can search for any file type you want.
Jack, I'm a welding teacher and the amount of information I found in just a
few minutes was more than I have found in years of searching the web.
Thanks you very much for posting this.
it doesn't help. there are some e books that are protected. in my case, i
tried to get the files however the PDF has limit to view only numbers of
pages. I want to get all.
@The7thSunSon - you can't sell anything you don't own the copyright to,
well you can but the content owner can sue your ass, I find that to be
justifiable by the way.
Great video!! Thanks for posting, very enlightening!! I was wondering if
it's possible to print those pages in which you made annotations on? Like a
report, for instance, then you probably had to save it to a different
format and transfer to a PC? Also do you know if it's possible to add
dictionaries? It seems it has a En-Sp dictionary built in, so if you could
add other languages, maybe it'd be possible to translate some words while
reading? Sorry for so many questions and thank you again!!^^
I like mine. I've had the Kindle (several generations), the Nook (original
and Simple Touch), and even the Kindle Fire and Nook Color. I like them
all, but the Sony is a nice third-party alternative that isn't tied to a
bookstore (rather, it offers one if you so choose). While the Nook and
Kindle request for you to register your device in order to use it, the Sony
can function without being tied to a particular entity. The Reader Store is
there if you wish to use it, but it's not required.
I bought one and love/hate it as well. I'm leaning a lot more towards
loving it as I learn to deal with it's quirks. The device is such a perfect
size, and with the standard cover it slips easily into my back pack without
a second thought. I've had to use some third party solutions to manage
content (Calibre for managing books, Open Office for creating good PDFs).
I've made a personal calendar/appointment PDF, bus schedule thingy, and
exported a lot of my own writing for proof reading.
I really wish Sony had done more with their software, and also allowed for
folders, playlists for music, etc - but I've managed a lot of work-arounds
for that stuff. All in all, after dealing with a steep learning curve I now
have a device that has made my morning commutes wonderful. I especially
like the multi-language support since I'm living in a francophone community
and using the device to really polish my French. If anyone has any
questions, feel free to send me a message.
Ok, I bought one. I'm both loving and hating it. It's the perfect size for
reading, very ergonomic, the case is a must have, and listening to music
while reading is cool. The down side, for me, is that I can't create
folders on the device for organizing my stuff, and so far it won't handle
links in my pdf documents that link to other pdf documents - I like doing
that for jumping around reference material. Links to the web work fine.
Thank you so much for the review. I'm having a hard time making a choice
because I want to do a lot of proof reading/annotating while I commute. The
iPad seems best for annotating, but is too big for commuting. The kindle
products seem lacking when it comes to annotating. This may be the best
product for me.
Excuse me, but if you search a word in spanish in the dictionary, will the
result be a definition in spanish? Or a definition in english? Or just a
translation? I would like if you could have actual dictionaries in the rest
of the languages, not just translating dictionaries.
Is the battery easy for the user to change? I have a 505 whose battery has
finally died (runs out very quickly after recharge) and they're very hard
(not impossible) to change. My next reader must have a battery change which
is easy for the user to perform.
Model #PRST1RCRB, #PRST1BCRB, #PRST1WCRB Important Recall Notice August 2,
2012 London Drugs and Sony are voluntarily recalling this product due to a
quality control issue during the reconditioning process.c
you mentioned that there's not a lot of books or poor book selection on
sony ebook store. Can I buy books from other ebook store or it only has to
be exclusive to sony ebook store?? please reply to this.. :)
Bump. This reader is really buggy, even with the latest firmware. Hope Sony
is putting a little more effort into their newer models. Sony PRS-T1
dictionary bug, exceptionally annoying
@azhag01 Yes, please explore all PDF scenarios (like you did with the K4
review), e.g. large files and side-by-side comparisons between page
switching on K4 and SonyReader.
Can't wait for the PDF review, this may just be the best ereader to read
research papers! Would it be possible to try a 2-columns PDF with figures
by the way?
Hi, and thank you for your informative review. I've two questions, please:
1. I have had my sony reader a couple days ago and trying to connect to
internet through using my laptop as a hotspot "WiFi" but the internet is
VERY slow on the reader and actually did not open any page any time I
tried. Is it the usual or because this is thru hotspot WiFi? with the note
that my net on the laptop is very good speed. 2. is there an infrared on
this device, how to use it? thank you
E readers or e book are not for surfing internet. You may surf
occasionally, but it's web is for downloading e-books and documents.
Nothing more fancy. Unless someone decided that he or she doesn't need a
I-Pad or Computers then could decide downloading more apps for these
devices.Better leave Web surfing for dedicated technologies.
Woah this was only 2 months ago?? WHAT? Hmmm....
I'm gonna check prices!
I better jump on this if I want it, I know prices don't like to stay low,
they always like going up after a while so for $60 and that's not going to
be out of pocket HELL YEAH I'm getting one!
I'm getting one in a few days and think the browser looks decent. Scrolling
by using page turn buttons is really an essential feature. For reading
articles, wikipedia and fanfiction, which is all I plan to use the web
browser for, I this is going to perform well enough.
New Wifi password hack - How to hack Wi-Fi updated 2013 Software- 100%
Working ( Scanned with kaspersky - No virus ) Easy free Download link: Copy
and paste a link to your browser
@paldepind: I'm very happy with it and yes it has an excellent browser,
does fine reflow and scrolls almost the entire page (but not enough so you
lose text) with the buttons.
How to hack Facebook Accounts manually Free Ebook Giveaway! [HotFile]
This E-book will show you how to manually hack any facebook account! Also, like my facebook page and stay tuned with latest Facebook, games and other ...
I just did a survey and downloaded the pass. I couldn't believe how noobish
I was to believe that a program can hack facebook -.- And I hope this Video
gets deleted so the method doesn't get patched.. Not tellin you pass tho..
Sorry mate but this method actually worked.. I filled the survey, took me
1min It's easy! ohh and THANKS FOR THE METHOD BRO! I was soo stupid to
believe that some program can hack a stupid FB account >.
World's First Heads-Up-Display eBook Reader - MegaReader
// Download and read over 2 million free books in the super-customizable MegaReader eBook reader ... for less than the cost of a ...
Now heavily minimized dashboard (HUD on front window) data like what
Fighter Pilots get on the other hand... ^^ Maybe the far future might bring
Augmented Reality based means of reading--either old school HUD style text
mixed with vision, text that seems to "magically" cling to walls, and/or
implant enabled illusions of physically holding and smelling dead plant
sheets (hopefully having all of the above in a safe environment).
Yeah showering with your phone is a good idea, also when driving you would
still have to focus on the text and subsequently die horribly in a car
crash. By the way, they are reading Sun Tzu's Art Of War incase anyone was
wondering. :)
LOL!!! If I die using this product then I will die gloriously. I love this.
Thank you for thinking of this kick ass app! Great commercial. Those
handsome gentlemen in the commercial had sex appeal. hotness.
iRiver Story HD eBook Reader TEARDOWN - EEVblog #189
What's more fun that reviewing the new iRiver Story HD Wi-Fi eBook Reader? Tearing it down of course! Dave cracks it open to see what's inside. Hi-res photos ...
They could have made the PCB so much smaller if the E-INK cable extended
more caudally into the device.. Perhaps that way the circuit board would
have been square and the battery could be more than twice the capacity!
Then again, if it wasn't for the rounded top, the battery could have been
twice as big without any PCB modifications! Very interesting design overall
I don't suppose you have the unit in storage somewhere do you? I'd love to
take if off your hands :D (if not, I need a new screen since mine is
cracked and it'll cost nearly the price of the unit to fix it. I can do it
myself, especially with the help of this video, but I need to find a screen
:/) Any suggestions?
Interesting stuff! The Boot Mode contacts you noticed seem to be used to
control the mode of the processor. See Freescale docs for more details.
I've experted an interesting bit (Section 9,4). BMOD[1:0] Boot Type 00
Internal Boot 01 Reserved 10 Internal Boot – ROM Select 11 Serial Downloader
Very nice teardown. How does the iRiver compare to the Kindle; is the
technology more robust? Guess this will be traded-off with features though.
Does the Kindle have an SD card slot too? Thanks for another great video
can you actually use that display for other purposes, if you took it apart
? you can pick up an old reader like that for £80, I would be tempted to
get one just to play around with some micro controller and e-ink
Thank you very much. Your video made me confided that I did a good chose to
get the iRiver Story HD - I just want a bare bone e-ink reader for my books
about computer and programming. Greetings from Sweden.
@astrowanabe Yeah, possibly for more efficient panelisation. I wouldn't
have though there'd be anything in it at that size though, but maybe
optimised for a particular assembly line.
That cutout seems to be at exactly half way across the pcb so maybe it is
there for panelization??? (Like the cutout of one pcb is the part sticking
out of another)