It feels a little more crowded with the dorms, but there's still a lot of
open space and quiet on campus. It's not an additional 400 students. It's
an added 200, and 200 who were here last year and are residential now. It's
an adjustment though.
i lived there. there was prostituion, a pornstar, heroin dealers, guns,
ratchet violence, and shitty security wannabe cops AKA needledick. trust
me, it was a crack den. they shoulda called it the "DCC Projects"
I miss this place a lot, I don't know exactly why. I had a few stressful
times, and not too many friends. I guess I just loved to learn, and I felt
relatively free to wander around, which I love to do.
We are Family at Cal Berkeley
Personal reflections from African-American students and alumni at UC Berkeley on what they like most about Cal. Shot on campus in spring, 2013, the ...
Cal Berkeley: Awesome People, Vibrant Community, World Class Education.
Committed to public service and changing the world, we also know how to
have fun and connect with each other. Share the word, and forward this
video please. UC Berkeley: Go Bears!