McDonalds in Fresno CA Harasses Customer for Feeding Homeless
Lauren Stephens here, on October 17th, 2015, around 1030pm, I went to the McDonalds in Sunnyside (Fresno) California (Clovis and Kings Canyon) in the ...
Lorenzen Wright and Neil Reed are dead. Chris Herren is now a public figure
due to his struggle with drugs. Antoine Walker made millions and is now
broke. I believe Iverson should have been here but had some legal
troubles.. also broke.
Felipe Lopez siempre recordaremos tu gran talento en el juego y nos
quedamos con el deseo de verte mas jugar. Me goce orgullosamente tus juegos
de High School y parte de la NBA.
I saw this library for the first time recently, a fantastic place.
Beautiful architecture, great light, good user experience. And multiple
exhibition spaces, for shows just like this. A real gem for the Valley.
Fresno Pacific McDonald Hall Fountain Test
Gratuitous slow motion shots of McDonald Hall fountain with GoPro Hero 4.