Wow. I just tried it and it went from 60 to 98 in 3 seconds. I was scared
to do more than that.
Epic iPhone Microwave Charge Fail (With Bleeps)
Videographer That Guy Zeb and his friend decided to try a unique and risky experiment when recording this instructional video, which shows them charging their ...
Apple iPhone Wave, Charge your phone in the Microwave!
Seriously, how dumb can you be? Yes the software controls the hardware but it can not change the chemical make up of a phone, software can not change the ...
The people who put their phones in the microwave to make it charge are the
same people that thought the iphone 5 was water proof and started dropping
their phones in buckets of water...Like how dumb is this generation?
They had it all wrong, I been placing my Galaxy S4 in the toaster for years
to recharge the battery. Samsung developed this technology a long time ago
to harness the heat to recharge ones battery. then again my car also runs
better in a closed garage for 20 minutes as it cleans out the scummy
deposits from with in.