wow ive never heard so much shit! the only reason YOU cant spin your car in
gt5 is cuz it had all the ASM, active steering and traction control on
which is for wimps. AND the reason gt5 prologue has no damage is cuz it is
just a taste of what is to come. The full version will have damage.
as much as I love GTseries and especially Sony, I have always given it up
to Forza..... that game blows most all away... I still will stick by GT,
but Forza > Rfactor how do you steer in Rfactor? There's no hands on the
wheel XD
totally agree whit Nakkinaama1234 you can't spin the car because there
isn't ANY physic involved, it's purely scripted btw, whatch ANY GT5 video
and look for car movements from the inside cam... try harder...
Wow! This is how the ISF i supposed to sound. In GT5 it doesnt sound like a
V8. Also in GT5 the engine sounds way too refined and engine is too smooth.
But other than that! Rfactor would be a god comparison
GT series just have the habit of overlaying some mechanical gear whine-ish
sound over every car, I never understand why, as they have recorded the
real thing, just simply use them, no? :p
Καλό είναι, έχει ωραίο-γεμάτο ήχο αλλά είναι μόνο για drift. Με γραμμές
είναι λίγο δύσκολο να πας, μόνο με TC ON.. Η μεταφορά βάρους είναι πολύ
έντονη αλλά κάτι μ' αρέσει.. Ίσως επειδή έχω Ιαπωνικό αυτοκίνητο... :P
Προσωπικά γύρω στα 12gb με αυτά που έχω εγκαταστήσει. Το κατεβάζεις από το
rfactor. net και από το rfactorcentral. com κατεβάζεις πίστες και
αυτοκίνητα. Υπόψιν πως το έχω αγορασμένο.