I was following in a chase car. I wanted push the flight distance and was not testing the extents of the transmitter capability. This was a Distance Fly using DJI ...
Thanks for sharing your endurance test. I never thought it possible.
Seems like your battery, motor, and prop combinations must be near perfect
for duration and decent speed. Do you care to share your set up? New
+Beni Rodriguez You definitely should fly it stock out of the box and get used to flying a quad if you've never flown one. The DJI gimbal and GoPro just means more stuff to break when you have the inevitable crash. I was lucky and the dealer worked it out and replaced my gimbal at no charge even though the crash was my fault. The only diff between the Phantom 2-A and Phantom 2-B is the transmitter/controller and maybe the latest props. The flight controllers are all the same NAZA V2 and any updates update all of them. My P2 is actually over loaded. DJI says 300 grams payload and I probably have 400-450 but it still flies but takes a little reverse stick to stop movement I guess because of more mass. Like going 2 3/4 speed then stopping or reversing directions. Wind doesn't seem to have any more affect on it though. I have the H3-3D gimbal, GoPro, 1200 watt video TX, Mini iOSD, Flytrex, and front and rear carbon fiber extensions to get the camera out in front of the legs so the left one doesn't show in the videos. The rear one I use for balance by moving the video TX, OSD, and Flytrex further to the rear.
+Jerry Ellis You know the Phantom 2 has 2 different versions right?.. the v1 and v2.. and even now some shops are stating v3 but that just bogus!.. (the v3 would be the vision/vision+ ones).. but with gimbal and gopro you have the v1 with old motors and esc's and then the v2, with better motors and esc's to match them.about the gradual descent while going forward... not sure if I wrong here, but as I have it the left stick full forward would give him full speed, while taking it back would reduce speed thus height too.. then the right stick full forward would tilt the drone forward, hence the drone would move forward.. so if he reduces gradually speed with left stick while pushing forward the right one, he would be descending and going forward at the same time... wouldn't him? Just got myself a phantom 2, but haven't tried it yet.. waiting for my gopro and fpv stuff first. ;) (haha.. maybe, I should be testing the flying before putting more equipment to it!) :P will see. :D
James King - He was using a Phantom 2 with a H3-3D gimbal. All stock since he hasn't specified any different. There is only one battery size that can be used and it is unique for the Phantom 2 and changing motors and props has been shown to be of little or no improvement. IOWs...DJI did their homework and it really can't be improved. But...To fly that fast he must have taken it out of GPS mode and put it in attitude mode which doesn't use the GPS for flight but it will hover in one place with no wind. I think the maximum speed in GPS mode is around 22-30 MPH depending on load. I still don't see how he managed to do a gradual descent down the mountain with both sticks full forward since the motor speed controls the altitude and he seemed to be running wide open.
The csc during flight is an emergency stop.. Say you're about to hit a commercial airliner, it's extremely close to you. You can't go down or up quick enough, the only solution is to cut the motors. They can also be started during a free fall. Educate yourself.
then dji would not make tons of money in damages .. DJI will get a class action lawsuit soon for there csc able to kill your motors while in flight . its dangerous and made so you buy more . a x employe gave some real good info in this case .they could of made it so the gps and alt meeter detects its off the ground more then foot making it so it can not be turned off . there is hack you can add to your speed software so when the unit detects its on the ground no movement it will kill the blades . .my friend already made a hack been testing it out on return hover mode so it does not land completely but hovers as long as possible enabling you to hand catch your unit . if he releases it it will be on torrent websitesBut if you ever damaged your unit from a csc by mistake send it to us will give it to the lawers whom are working on this case.
Uncovering the old Charleston City Wall
ARCHAEOLOGICAL DIG IN CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA. The old city wall built in the 1690's is finally being unearthed in 2015 in downtown Charleston.
Archaeology and the Walled City of Charleston
Prefer audio only? Download podcast here: //www.charlestonmuseum.org/podcasts Charleston is the only walled city in British colonial North America.