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Quick Slants with Coach Steve Johnson - Week 4

Welcome to Quick Slants with Bethel University Football Coach Steve Johnson. Hosted by the Minor League Sports Report, Quick Slants is a weekly program ...

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Obama may sign treaty to end U.S Sovereignty

User Comments

@cyclekarl so who are you referring to? the liberal blair or your new right wing loon prime minister- id say both of them! PS if Obamas such a socialist how come he just okd tax breaks for the rich- not very socialist eh! i thought the socialists wanted to take from the rich to give to the poor- here the middle class is no more and the poor get poorer but ofcourse the rich are laughing all the way to the bank as they have the last 3 decades
They started the "second coming campaign" about 2000 years ago - just waiting to raise enough funds I guess. The writers of the Bible claimed it would be in their lifetime. I just wish that evangilists would spend more time and money on people in prisons. I want every violent criminal to find Jesus.
I agree . . . we can't give in to this tyranny, and believe me, we as Christians will have to suffer before Christ comes back and takes his children away, we will be tried and we will be tested . . . the best thing that we can do now is stay strong in the faith and encourage one another
He claims he is a "lord" but that is not true, he is actually a LIAR and a FRAUD. There are tons of info discrediting him, associating him with the billionaire Koch brothers who have been spending loads of money on the denialism propaganda. Try this for a start: watch?v=fbW-aHvjOgM
This is Satan's world government, as scriptures say...." The dragon gave the Beast his own power, his throne, and his vast authority." Satan will use this government for his own evil desires, do NOT follow this "Beast" government and take the mark, which is the verichip.
@kasplatter23 dont try to convince these loons- theyre already convinced Obamas the antichrist- or planning a third reich - or full fledged communism! I love how one guy on youtube can justify all this paranoia with his opinion- no matter who he is!
Believe in Jesus while we have the chance. The doors are about to open for the worst case of Global suffering the human race has ever encountered.
Obama is on record saying he wants a new world order, the pope wants it also. It has already been decided by the brotherhood.
once this kicks in we have but a few years to the second coming of jesus and the end of time...it is in the bible, read it.
iam not sure about these jesus comments but they sound like they gave up There is always hope

Is the NWO just around the corner?

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Forget the congress,they are compromised by the highest bidder and I think thats the communist. We have one shot left and that to wake up those who are in control of the US military, send letters to the Joint chief of staff and remind him of the oath he took to protect against all enemies foreign and domestic, encourage him to get intel on the intentions, background the birthplace and influences of obama and then to gather intel on all compromised members of congress. Time to clean house.
He's a noted climate change skeptic, despite the visibly thinning ice caps. He's dramatic in his warning. He says he's seen the doc., a cap and trade document? We all need to see it too, for despite what he says, a one-world government does not only rest on the shoulders of the US, but on every country. We can contact our gov reps and media people now on this topic and debate it, to get clarification on it. I for one am not ready to take the word of only one person on this topic.
You too sound like a skeptic, but on the other side of the fence of course. My view is that climate change is cyclical and that nature will take its course and adapt no matter what the manufactured perceived conditions. Other than this treaty there are many other factors that indicate a one world Government. It has in actual fact been requested by the Pope and spoken of in broad terms at the G20. I don't think that you should consider the inevitable as a grey area.
hmm... I sense some cynicism towards the nobility!......me too actually, but notwithstanding this I'm not sure that the forum that he frequents is substantial enough to insight any significant unrest. Some of the Nobility in the UK is in fact very credible and free of corruption, not that I know that to be fact, but indications would suggest that to be the case. Its come to a point now where no one really knows what or whom to believe. It a very sad situation.
`I'm aware of current events. I guess what bothers me about this video is that it seems to be a British nobleman (!!!) really inviting Americans to civil unrest. I'd hate to see people fall into that trap and end up in Fema camps on the word of this guy. Let's hope that this video awakens people to investigate the contents of the dovument first and sct wisely in consequence.
Reject the [climate change / UN-Climate Treaty] scam, sign: [For US] nocapandtrade (dot) com/petition webcommentary (dot) com/php/SignRepudForm (dot) php campaignforliberty (dot) com/campaigns/hr2454petition (dot) php ipetitions (dot) com/petition/stopcaptradetax Contact information of Senators: ourcountrydeservesbetter (dot) com/campaigns/stopcapandtrade
Vel...read that Bible...because it predicts all this that is happening now.....how did it do that ya think? The people causeing all this are Illuminai....satanics...thats what it is dude..and the 'bedrock' of this nation was based solely on Christianity..REad the writting of the founding fathers...Wacky Story? I think not...You are just uninformed...
Good vid 5*****. Saw the printed version of this on SACRAMANIACSmcs Channel a few days ago nice to see the vid version China and India are among the biggest co2 polluters they are responsible for as much as 60% of the global co2 I wonder how they are going to make them sign. Bet they dont
Obama is a spineless NWO puppet. "Fall of the Republic" watch?v=VebOTc-7shU Barack Obama and Gordon Brown's "New World Order" 03-03-09 watch?v=R20PQwtPwEE Mr President, NO power to the Federal Reserve, abolish it! watch?v=wM6rfXof2xQ
There's no such thing as "US sovereignty" so I dont know what everyone is worried about.. the US is a CORPORATION, a 'Legal Fiction', it is incapable of sovereignty
Oh, so the constitution is nothing but corporate guide lines, earthicastar? Just because business runs the world, doesn't mean the U.S. is nothing but a corp.
Having it said knowing the signing is inevitable; there will be no excuse, no coming back, and no blaming to him. How wise. Like the Churchill.
"change the United States' bedrock principles of freedom and democracy" I think this is where your argument disintegrates!
I'm not sure what you're asking me, earthicastar. I just don't agree with you that the U.S. isn't and can't be sovereign.
BTW ...I would prefer to buy a second hand car from Monckton than Gore any day of the week!
do some research.. the US IS a corporation, are you a USian? or an American? or sovereign?
Sure looks like it's coming wheather we want it or not! I am not however in favour!
USA is over it will be a third world cessepit within a few years time.
if it is proficy their may be no way to stop it
Join the New World Order while you still can
Incredible! Thanks for the post...
oops that should be act wisely
Great video

Bethel layoffs part 3

Jehovah's witness layoffs.

User Comments

Sorry brother, I can only try to imagine the "ice bucket" shock that was. What a JOKE, Bethel should be ashamed in sackcloth, those renegades! The more I read Isaiah, Amos, Micah and Hosea, the more they are describing modern Bethel: (Amos 5:6-7) Search for Jehovah, and keep living, that he may not become operative just like fire, O house of Joseph, and it may not actually devour, and Bethel may not be with no one to extinguish [it], 7 O you who are turning justice into mere wormwood, and the ones who have cast righteousness itself to the earth. (Hosea 2:5) For their mother has committed fornication. === What perplexes me is how Bethel can say this: (3) At that time, the lifesaving direction that we receive from Jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint. All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not. (WT 11/15/2013, pg. 20, par. 17, #3) And YET they cannot take care of their own? And yet they want to all of a sudden "take care" of JWs????????? PLEASE!!!!! ""Figuratively speaking, however, God’s people will flee to the refuge that Jehovah provides."" (WT 07/15/2015, pg. 16, par. 7-8) WHAT "REFUGE"???? "Flee to"? When they got their own Bethelites "leaving from" the supposed "refuge"???? (Rev2:2) Bethel cannot even take care of their own workers, some of which put in 30 years into that RACKET of a 20 billion dollar "organization"!!! Bethel has BILLIONS. Thus "mixed signals" is what this all is. Beg like crazy, put out JW TV to beg some more, then throw Bethelites under the bus and halt all construction? That my friend, is called a 500 million dollar one your spike in JW donations, CON!!!! God is the refuge, not apostate UN NGO Bethel—they MUST reap what it is the are actually sowing. I am still Jehovah's witness, it is what I do, not a "religion" I am "in", not in the sense of the apostate-Bethel "organization" which I fled in 2012, so count your blessings you got out now, and in time you will feel great about it! In time (Dan8:14) you will see it IS a blessing from the days coming on apostate Bethel. (Dan8:13-14; Hos6:1-3) STAY FLED! In time you be glad they laid you off, I kid you not: (Matthew 24:15-16) “Therefore, when you catch sight of the (UN NGO; Dan11:31) disgusting thing that causes desolation, as spoken of through Daniel the prophet (modern Dan11:31 1990 UN "disgusting thing that causes desolation" as parallel of Dan8:13 "transgression causing desolation"=UN NGO), standing in a holy place (in the anointed Christian "constant feature" ministry as Bethel UN NGO), (let the reader use discernment,) 16 then let those in Judea begin fleeing to the mountains. (Because the JW Bethel desolation judgment for that UN NGO "transgression causing desolation" is near; 1Pet4:17; Dan8:13-14; Rev8:3-5);
Interesting..... at times I felt the same way while reading the bible in the bethel library.
This show how deep the brain washing goes (from Ex Elder) After 4 years of faithful free service working at the headquarters, with no notice they fire him)He gets back home,makes an attempt to secure worldly employment and the only thing he can think about a job that centers around meeting times and field service.
+mr hoop This is called is called the  "Rodney King Syndrome" (how the police beat him down), asking the people that was rioting for him.  "Can we All Get Alone?" How Sick. Brain-washed. His concern should be finding any type of job and probable going to school and get a trade.
very true
This freaking breaks my heart man, I'm sorry you were so poorly treated. I know that you're not alone. This is how they treat all of their livestock. However I'm also glad it happened to you, because now you're free.
thanks man
Because you devoted your life to Jehovah, maybe Jehovah rewarded you with a second shift job to help you get out of the Borg. Jehovah appreciated your heartfelt service, even if it was with a false organization. Never doubt that God loves you.
+Serena Conn Amen.
+Serena Conn This comment shows deep insight. I can identify the moment I woke up to the orgs lies in 2007 - a pioneer and 50 year old born-in. It took us 5 years to disassociate through the cult mind control. When I consider those 5 years with hindsight, I can clearly see that Jesus was gently and gradually pulling us 'out of deep wt waters'. He was with us from beginning to end. How I love Him now! All those years as a jw, I never even knew Him! He's there for you Marcus, trust Him alone now and let the Holy Spirit teach you. 1 John 2:27 ps. I've joined a great church - fantastic bible teaching, wonderful Christians. How they lied to us about Christendom! wt is the kingdom of darkness.
Thanks for sharing your experience!
I worked at Bethel for 2 years ....
This is tragic, I hope you have family or friends that can help you!
+evie bklyn ty...the best to You in your own journey...hugs back to You :)
+Ann Jueco That is so great to hear Ann! It is a journey! I was raised as a child to be afraid of "Worldly Folks" .They are the ones that looked out for me the most! Big hug to you!  
+evie bklyn ty Evie, Marcus is my heart son...He has me on his side...I am so proud of his healing journey

Unto Me by Steve Green

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West Lafayette Rental Homes 3544 Bethel

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Congrats Desean !! :) - Terrika

John Paul Barnett Cannon Maker and Concussionist, Part 3 wlmp

"Barney" made cannons of all sizes that could be shot, for all kinds of customers. He also performed at over 100 concerts of "The 1812 Overture" as the guest ...
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