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Reaction: Oil prices spike for the summer

Should the U.S. government rein in rising oil and gas prices? Will rising oil prices spur development of alternate energy source for vehicles, such as electricity- ...

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Capitalism provides goods and services at a high price at times, unlike socialism. Hugo Chavez mandated lower meat prices and, low and behold, meat became scarce. You should be thankful for living in a country where we don't have to stand in line for our ration of goods. Also we have quality goods available to us. People who don't know the history of Communist countries don't understand this.
"No. I drive a hybrid". Haha what an ass.

EU Drivers Anxious Over Increasing Oil Prices

For more news and videos visit ☛ //english.ntdtv.com Follow us on Twitter ☛ //twitter.com/NTDTelevision Add us on Facebook ☛ //on.fb.me/s5KV2C ...

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Once again the rich will get richer and poor will get rimmed in the ass hard. $ 5-6 this summer and if US attacks Iran $12

Electric car

Gas prices fall to $53./ barrel.

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Solar will only work if you can get "them" to stop spraying our sky with chemtrails every day.

China raises fuel prices by as much as 18 percent

SHOTLIST 1. Tilt-down of petrol station 2. Close-up of petrol station sign reading 'Sinopec' 3. Various of car tanks being filled 4. Close-up of price meter 5.

Another Obama Bankruptcy! LIBOR FRAUD! GAS Prices Jump!

DEMCAD on Youtube. //www.youtube.com/DEMCAD DEMCAD on Facebook. //www.facebook.com/reginald.kaigler DEMCAD on Twitter.

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Yes, the signs do point to a recovery in the housing market right now. But I do not understand how the housing market is improving if so many people are unemployed. The real unemployment rate is much higher than the government statistic. And besides the high unemployment rate, wages have been stagnant for a long time. So I have no clue where all of these people are finding the money to have new homes built and I have no clue where they are getting the money to buy existing homes. It's a mystery.
there are lots of prohibitions on lots of drugs (of which alcohol is) they do help. your not suggesting we should legalize everything are you? i have no problems with treating military differently, they have to live by different rules and are expected to conduct themselfs according to those standards, i realize my suggestion is impractical but if i were king for a day =P. trusting individuals to act responsibly without law doesnt work. Are you saying injesting drugs (alcohol) is a natural right?
its more than my kid, its a whole generation,you prove my point, there are lots of irresponsible people and they would be MORE enabled to do it if you lowered the age. if laws do nothing why not let anyone buy a gun? vote? administer drugs? The rule of law suppresses the stupid groups (we all know it doesnt stop them, it suppresses them) intellectually your right and so is communism, but reality is lower drinking age will raise drunk driving deaths as sure as communism ruins the economy IMHO.
Then why so many laws that punish people while they didn't harm someone else? A kid drinking a beer did not harm someone else, someone sniffing coke didn't harm someone else, someone smoking pot didn't harm someone else, someone having weed on him didn't harm someone else, Does that bring justice? If they do harm someone else, punish them for the harm they did, that is justice, punishing them for doing something you believe they might harm someone else while they didn't, that's not justice.
What facts, with no defined sources to any research they are just your assumptions. Where are these researches(are they independent or corporation/government sponsored?), the police reports(you really still believe what the police say?). As long you are not backing yourself with credible sources you are only assuming and what you say is worth less than shit.You've not been able to answer any questions, your only argument being they said it so it must be so, doesn't make you a bit credible.
LOL, i officaly feel sorry for you. Here i was thinking you were just some dumbass with backwards views and ideas. Now i know that you are mentaly fcked up i feel kinda bad. Listen mate, next time you wanna advocate for something, advocate for something that actuly helps people. Not something that kills people. Because people like you are whats dragging the rest of us down. You ever here the saying "we are only as strong as our weakest member"? Well that counts for humans as a whole.
The drink age needs to stay at 21. 18 year olds are not mature enough to handle the responsibility, i.e. teens drinking and driving, teen rave parties, teens raiding their parents liquor cabinet,and teens carrying around a flask in school(taking a sip between classes). All of which will drive-up insurance costs and other liability costs for businesses hosting teen events(i.e. a Justin Bieber concert, school dances-proms/homecomings/pep rallies, teen nightclubs, shopping malls, etc.
now that the fed has announced indefinite quanitative easing, wages will HAVE to go up, as price of food and oil goes up. Maybe we are seeing the beginnings of hyperinflation (maybe not, time will tell) Someone said still don't buy a house with a mortgage, because you might be able to afford it now, but when it takes all your money just to buy food and gas you will not be able to maintain the house. Speaking of that, what did you harvest from your gardening project this summer?
I think there shouldn't be any law prohibiting anyone taking anything in their own body. It's the parents job to teach kids to grow up and be responsible. People are too quick to throw responsibility (and especially its consequences) away and think a law forbidding something would do the job. Be responsible for all you actions, someone drinking and causing harm should be dealt with harshly, not a law should be the deterrent, but the consequences of irresponsibility should.
nobel peace prize, barry won it for a secret kill list and drone strikes throughout the middle east and the deaths of thousands. EU wins it for nation destroying and the starvation of thousands paving the way for the bankers to buy entire countries...i think they have lost their way. my son has friends in the military in the middle east right now. they can kill or be killed but cannot buy a beer when they get home, sad how the people are no longer being represented.
you think its a good thing for kids to drink at a younger age because warren pollack said so - warren pollack is an idiot - a over stuffed liberal fat head who's only claim is that he worked for the people who are causing all the problems we have now - he thinks he's a uber intellectual but all he is is a bag of hot air who has little tolerance for those he considers the worker drones in society who should be thanking him for his omnipotence - you can do better

Alternative Fuel To Fight Diesel Fuel Prices 702687

For more information visit: //www.custom-diesel.com/egr-delete-kits.html When diesel was much cheaper than gasoline, everybody went to buy diesel ...
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