Sky Spraying in Asheville and doc review 20, April 8 9, 2015
What is the real purpose of the sky spraying programs going on worldwide and likely costing billions of dollar? It certainly does not seem to be a benevolent ...
Hey Rick..... I agree with most of your observations. But your repeated
comments on coal-ash concern me. I remember when a gentleman made a comment
about how the composition of Chemtrails are similar to coal-ash. He made an
intelligent guess that it may be an answer as to where it comes from and
why. But even he admitted that it was a thought experiment. Dane W, and
most other players In this search for truth, have backed away from his
theory. While there are many who repeat his ideas, I have found NO ONE who
also has come up with this idea, other than those who merely repeat his
original post - an unfortunate occurrence which often happens here on
YouTube. Unless you have some evidence, I encourage you not to further this
echo process. Do some research, and you will see the evidence is close to
zero. Thanks for your good work however. Cheers.
+James Lowry I repeat, they are dumping something!That's the battle! What exactly is the question?Coal ash seems a likely base material which likely has added contents.Coal Ash could be the carrier or also the sun shield.Yes, YOU are right....we can't know for sure!BUT, any fool can see, we are being sprayed!rick miracle, the truth seeker
+James Lowry Coal Ash or what ever? It's blocking the suns rays like sun glasses or sun tan lotion!Yes? I believe I do say, it's been said. I do not say for certain it's coal ash!The point in mute anyway, they are dumping something and is can't be good for humans!Yes?
Sky Spraying and doc review 22, Asheville, NC, April 24, 2015
Who controls our world? Is this an important question to consider and ask? I think so! The USA Georgia Guide Stones erected by apparently the Rosicrucian's ( a ...
Rick, Love you reporting. I agree with your point of view too. However,,,,
If we could stop all government evil in it's tracks right now around the
world it would still be too later. I saw a video stating that the
statistics say, according to top scientists, the earth will become so bad
it will cease to be inhabitable by 2040 worldwide and the Northern
Hemisphere sooner than that. And that just from either Fukushima or the
Methane being released from the warming Arctic Waters. Take your pick they
say. That was from Geowatch dot kom. The owner of the site on an interview.
Who knows if anything will come out of this Jade Helm. It doesn't Matter
anymore. We were all born with a death sentence but I think they just moved
the date up.
Sky Spraying in Asheville, NC on April 18, 20 & 21, 2015
Crazy Weather Day in Northern, VA! April 27, 2011 (Lightning)
This lightning bolt extending at least twenty-six parts is seen from Fairfax, VA at I-66 and the Main St. area. Facing a west-northwest direction the activity seems ...
@lookseekthink Yeah...I hope its not bad...I use to LOVE going outside
during a ever since I moved to VA back in 2006...I wont
go outside if they say a storm is coming....and if there is a tornado
watch..I am sitting at the top of the basement stairs. I cant stand it....I
miss being able to enjoy a good I cant even do that w/o
thinking "A Tornado!"
@GinoVlogs At least you've got a basement. Our best option isn't really a
good one. We've got a uniquely constructed home and the only interior space
we have is at the top of stairs and a short section of wall that we hope
would stay together.
I live in Reston and a small tornado struck down the street from and did
some damage. I don't think anyone was hurt. I prefer snow as well. I'm from
Maine... Snow is alot better than this. Lol. Great video.
@GinoVlogs I hope this isn't a sign of what the summer will be like.
Sky Spraying in Asheville, NC on April 14 & 17, 2015
They continue to sky spray WE THE PEOPLE while they are running some program called Jade Helm 15, military exercises to remove dissidents (people who ...