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Tuberous sclerosis books Videos

My Life And Thoughts With Tuberous Sclerosis Complex A story about a woman who has grown up with Tub

Little Hero's

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god bless the children . and rest in peace to the little angels that past on.

Art for a Cure

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Very very nice.... Good luck to Riley and all the very best!

The Super Steeler Cookbook NFL Pittsburgh Steelers Cook Book for the National Multiple Sclerosis Soc

Book's to read about autism

Sarah Palin's Daughter Writes a Book!

//www.britethorn.com The Amazing True Story of how America's Favorite Teen Age Mother Sweetheart overcame vast difficulties to rider her Mother's (Sarah ...

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"its always good to see liberals making fools of themselves" Liberals huh? That's a pretty weak assumption you got there. I suppose you gleaned that from the fact they don't seem to think much of Sarah Palin or her sluty daughter? Funny, but I don't recall any specific political content sufficient for such an accusation. I'm a REAL conservative. See....I even spelled it right. It's a wonderful thing to have beliefs and ideology formed out of knowledge and rational thought. You should try it.
No one buy this book! She is trying to profit from her own wrongs. She claims to have made a mistake getting pregnant but has used it to move ahead to dancing with the stars and to book publishing. It's her whole source of income and fame while she pretends it's an obstacle. She was overpaid by a nonprofit too. She was a privileged kid in the governor's mansion and has not earned anything she got. And she's a liberal puke. Screw that bitch! Unjust enrichment! I hate her!!!
"it amazes me that left wing and useless tits like this spend this much time smearing someone else who does not think like they do... isn't that a little like fascism?" No numbnuts, that isn't "a little like fascism". Fascism is where someone doesn't think the way you do and you blow their brains out. Only a Neocon (False Conservative, i.e. someone who doesn't actually know what conservative means) would characterize the free excercise of the First Amendment as fascism.
@solesurvivor5 "but what did he do for his country?" What are trying to imply? "sent back to the backpages of history," Sorry, saving the economy from the brink of disaster, raising our opinion internationally, signing the first decent health care reform bill we've ever had, are hardly things that will be relegated to the "back pages". "the most positive comments he got was "At least he's not GWB"" Only from the idiots.
@britethorn Palin monkey-bombed McCain's campaign so I doubt she would have much chance in a Whitehouse bid. I agree that she likely won't run because she's making a ton of money right now without all the hassle of a campaign. If she does there might be enough tea party types to get her the nom. ala Christine O'Donnell. Needless to say, next year is going to be very interesting.
@kaysandesses Yes but what did he do for his country? He did some things which will probably be sent back to the backpages of history, and the most positive comments he got was "At least he's not GWB", and unfortunatley the most reconizable aspect about his term is that he was the black dot in the white board
@solesurvivor5 Yes, Bristol Palin has a book contract and is working with a "co-author.". Normally I would say Sarah Palin has no chance of going to the White House, but with the weak GOP candidates running and this horrible economy, anything is possible. But I wouldn't bet on her goIng for it.
@drcracker13 Who we have now is an extremely intelligent, well-rounded, articulate, Statesman, who is respected internationally. It is a welcome change to the functionally illiterate bozo's like GWB, or Palin. Or did you mean "look at the black man..."?
@boyjimmy8 Wow, did you come up that all by yourself? A worshipper huh? LOL! Yeah, it must be hard being an uneducated political drone. Especially at your age! It must hurt pride to be so obviously shown out by someone only half your age! Buck up.
In the book, Brissy claims that she didn't think that wine coolers could get her as drunk as "the hard stuff" could and that Levi "stole" her virginity. Yup, the apple never falls too far.
@solesurvivor5 I wasn't calling you an idiot, but anyone who says the only thing Obama has accomplished is "he's not GWB", is, in my opinion, an idiot.

Seizure boy reads a book

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Raising Generous Children on The Today Show (7/25/14)

Deputy Editor Mary Giles joins the Cunningham family from College Station, Texas - who were honored in Family Fun magazine's 2014 National Volunteer ...
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